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Meanwhile, Toyz Is Busy Scheduling His Next BCD...
Coed Discussions - AustinBoth male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!
Do they turn you over now and again to alleviate the bed sores?
When I ran my campaign for Grand Pubar of eccie I promised a chicken in every pot and a cock in every Ho. At that time I provided autographed copies of "Toyz Sammich recipe and Small Engine repair guide". Did you lose yours?
When I ran my campaign for Grand Pubar of eccie I promised a chicken in every pot and a cock in every Ho. At that time I provided autographed copies of "Toyz Sammich recipe and Small Engine repair guide". Did you lose yours?
So your "limp and rubbery" cawk grows back, much like the severed shark Fins ???
Don't touch Shark Fin Soup, don't touch Troll Soup, and whatever you do stay away from EFN's Homemade Bat-Shit Chowder. Each will give you the rocket propelled hot orange squirts.