I don't see that much of a difference. There was always drama, except there were different people involved. The change has come from more of the members just acting like shit heads all the fucking time, instead of just once in a while. Guess everyone's true colors just had to come out at some point. I've seen some posts from people I have met and I am sorta shocked. It's stuff I don't think I ever thought I would hear (or see in posts) coming from certain people. Other than that, a lot of newbies just joining in on the disrespectful/hateful/entitled trend. I assume newbies cause I don't recognize some of the names and I've been in and out for a bit. Anyway, so no, u can't take all the credit dude! Lol I do think you're a post whore, which is funny considering how much bitching there is about threADs. What u sellin Whispers? Lol