Originally Posted by TheeCharlieGirl
Neither dames4u nor tata's are good people to share any info with. Neither can be trusted, BOTH have threatened to publicly out others. Don't forget titsfuck & I's last go around where he bragged he could have me set up by LE. I think it's karma dames would call his work. and I believe tata's prolly played his ass like a fiddle and baited him. Playing a martyr seems to be his shtick. I definitely don't think it's cool at all though.
Both are malicious people who would do detriment to anyone they feel wronged them. Little sad man syndrome.lol I personally am glad they chose to do this publicly for all to see. The "truth" always comes out in the wash. 
Charliegirl, first of all, I thought you'd finally fucking hide somewhere and not show up any more as many cannot stand you. Second I hear you are talking shit about ECCIE on indys but come here and use ECCIE. Thirdly, yes, I can set you up with LE. Any "customer" can. If you use your small brain a little bit you will find out how. Will I ever do it? No, and I already told you that a long time ago. If you think indys' square system protects you or some screening that dames4u does protects him, which he probably took from PI how to do that you both are fooling yourselves.
Honestly I am sick of you both. You & dames4u. The less you show and "express" opinions the better. It is time to retire CharlieGirl.