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Old 07-30-2014, 03:51 PM   #31
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Old 07-30-2014, 03:54 PM   #32
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Joe is ok, quit fucking with him
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Old 07-30-2014, 04:09 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
First let me say that tatasddd is a liar. He's obviously butt hurt (probably from his last cam show) because I won't accept him as a client.

Second, why would any provider accept tatasddd as a client? All he does is go on the boards and throw feces like a disturbed AIDS monkey. He has no respect for literally anyone and has no idea of the definition of the word "discretion" in English or any other language. How thirsty for money would a provider have to be to actually take his business? I'm guessing with every little tantrum he throws he's going to have a harder and harder time finding dates.

Third, I'm thinking I'm close to done with this board. While I do appreciate 2dogs moderation efforts here, the fact is this place is a hostile environment for providers and it's only getting worse Most of the threads exist solely to attack providers. To call the moderation philosophy "laissez faire" is an understatement. If this board was properly moderated tatasddd would've been banned weeks ago. Just read his posts and then read the guidelines and explain to me how he's still allowed to run around here throwing feces?

I run a respectable shop. No bait and switch. No rip offs. No time wasting. Best girls in town. But I do screen and I don't let clients get away with bullshit. I do have a right to run my thing how I want. You all have a right to either patronize us or withhold your business. But that's not good enough for some of you. If you're bitter about the screening, or if you've been banned for rules violations, you have to get online and attack me. I come on here and post super hot pics of super hot girls and the response is a thread about a dirty baseboard. What the fuck is that? And since I run a respectable shop you all have to lie and exaggerate. I'm threatening. I yelled at someone because they were a "minute" over. What a joke!! Just sour grapes served with a side of bullshit dipping sauce.

Feel free everyone to hold your breath waiting for team members to go indy or for a discount because tatasddd threw some feces. Seriously just hold your breath.

You call me a liar? I still have your crazy text messages and will gladly take a picture of them with my webcam as they appear on my phone and will post them on here for everybody to see them and then we will see who the liar is. The liar is you.
Dames, when you said I am "perma blacklisted" on your list I was fine up to that point and had no problem with you. I was about to let all go. However when you sent me unsolicited text that "something will happen if I keep posting about you" is when I do have a problem.

Secondly Dames,

Your texts came from staff edit. Isn't that your number on your ROOTYPOOP shit mister "honesty"? Yeah same number on staff edit
When I do take pictures of those texts I still have , I will show everyone on this board who the liar is.

Thirdaly Dames, while we scuffled and you refused to let me spend some time with one of your working-girls, upon me asking WHY along with your response I got the threat of "Keep posting about us and see what happens" Will you deny that Dames?
I have it on my phone. I will show it to everyone.

Fourthly Dames,

I will definitely PM T2D and explain how and why you have a no review policy so they can kick your fucking ass off of here.
FYI T2D : unless you are "screened" through dames you really cannot see his no review policy hidden in his little website.


Dames, understand one thing. You are one complete moron and you don't scare me any man. I can fold you in my pocket before you can say jack robinson.


Who would see me provider-wise? Dames as soon as you turned me down within 2 minutes I had an appointment set up with Harloe Monroe. She is one of I want to say at least 50 or 60 I have a choice of who would see me at the drop of a hat and none of them ever screened me. I even reviewed her and it is your loss mister "honesty" She travelled over an hour to see me and didn't ask for $40 on top of her rate.


I have been webcamming for over 10 years and going strong my man. People pay crazy money to watch me because there is something to watch unlike your stupid pornography movie with your lame and small dick available on the internet to anyone.


I want to apologize to T2D and promise not to stir any more spirits unless provoked.

Dames, I don't know about others but I am not going to put up with your lies and stupid shit man.

And trust me, I am NOT desperate at all to see your girls. I simply decided to give it a try. And yes guys do hope one day they will go independent. If they don't God bless. The world isn't going to end. And yes you can run your thing any way you like but when you collect personal info and threaten to do shit with it I seriously have a big problem with you. Not only because of me. As I said already you can do no damage to me whatsoever, but because of others. I wouldn't be surprised if you also really take down license plate numbers of guys when they come to your pigsty as Devo mentioned.

Dames , you really take me for a fool eh? Would I have ever given you personal info if I thought for a moment you could do anything to me?

Also, who taught you your screening? The indys people you can't stop talking shit about eh?

And you run a respectable shop? Ha ha ha , what a joke! Dames what are those clock-visibility rules on your website? I don't doubt for a second that if that guy who went over his time a minute had to hear about it to this very day.

Again, I am NOT going to put up with your shit Dames and your screening is a bunch of shit.

You made a fool and sight of yourself by writing all this today. When you have nothing else to say you come here and say stuff everyone already knows that I webcam. I do so what? Stick to the point Dames.
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Old 07-30-2014, 04:48 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
Everyone be sure to thank AG now that I'm no longer posting any photos on ECCIE. His "wit" is a lot better than pics of naked hot girls. Everyone be sure to thank him.

I literally don't know what Rebus is talking about. He's another one who I've refused to do business with (he's well know among providers as a total creep).

And finally Devdev...we don't take clients who are poor/cheap enough to so much as use the word "discount." That's what it's worth.

Now I would be worried if I had ever seen one of Dames girls. This just crossed into a whole new world of WTF. Really? Its well known you are a dirtbag but really? really? SMDH
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Old 07-30-2014, 05:35 PM   #35
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From what I hear tatasddd is very handy with his webcam so I'm sure he can do all kinds of neat tricks. Fact is he's still a liar. Fact is he's the one on here threatening and outing. I'm not posting his number nor am I threatening to. I'm not posting his name or address nor am I threatening to.

So now it's ok to post people's private numbers on here? And if you complain all the mods do is tell you to stop hitting the RTM button and ask you if you know how great the economy in Texas is doing.

Seriously WTF?
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Old 07-30-2014, 05:40 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
From what I hear tatasddd is very handy with his webcam so I'm sure he can do all kinds of neat tricks. Fact is he's still a liar. Fact is he's the one on here threatening and outing. I'm not posting his number nor am I threatening to. I'm not posting his name or address nor am I threatening to.

So now it's ok to post people's private numbers on here? And if you complain all the mods do is tell you to stop hitting the RTM button and ask you if you know how great the economy in Texas is doing.

Seriously WTF?
Dames I will take pictures of your text messages and you just said it is your agency's number. You confessed to it. So who is the liar? You are a big liar Dames. You and only you.
Dames, you can feel free and post my name and number. Like I already said nothing will come of it go ahead. Show everybody you are a man! Everybody after that will learn your name also.
Yes you threatened me to out me via text messages that I have coming from your number. So do not tell us you're not threatening.
Also, if people don't know your number how are they supposed to contact you? They don't know it because you have a no-review and no-writing-about-us policy hidden in your shitty rootypoop site, Am I lying again? You are pitiful Dames.

I do hope the guys in TX finally kick your fucking ass off of here.
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Old 07-30-2014, 05:45 PM   #37
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#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
on 2nd thought, lets see how this plays out.
as I did vote I want the pimp to point out first
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Old 07-30-2014, 05:47 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by tatasddd View Post
Dames I will take pictures of your text messages and you just said it is your agency's number. You confessed to it. so who is the liar? You are a big liar Dames. You and only you.
Dames, you can feel free and post my name and number. Like I already said nothing will come of it go ahead. Show everybody you are a man!
You are a liar. So what if I screened you? So what if you have my number?

If this site was moderated you'd actually be banned for shit like that. But I guess it's cool because of the thriving Texas economy.
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Old 07-30-2014, 05:52 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
You are a liar. So what if I screened you? So what if you have my number?

If this site was moderated you'd actually be banned for shit like that. But I guess it's cool because of the thriving Texas economy.
Dames, I see you are pitiful as fuck and trying to justify yourself and look innocent. Understand one thing. You are fucking with the wrong person friend, and yes I do take you as a friend and would like to be friends and not be at war like this. But with your super high ego and thinking you are always right and thinking you can manipulate everybody this will not work down with me man. I offer you peace. You stop writing stupid shit under this thread and keep cool and I will abstain from further revealing who you actually are and your business practices.
I am offering you peace. Things are in your hands. Had you never sent me those threats of doing shit with my personal info, this would have never happened now.

And if this was moderated you would have been kicked a long time ago duo to no-review, no -writing about us policy. This is exactly why PI kicked your ass off TOS.

I hope you learn your lesson this time. The less you talk, the less I will talk.

Put a sock in it !
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Old 07-30-2014, 05:58 PM   #40
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#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
come on dames, I know you can win that #4 vacation first.
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Old 07-30-2014, 06:01 PM   #41
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I think it's pretty clear who the problem is on here. And it's pretty clear that the mods aren't available to do jack shit.

What if it was me posting info about clients? I mean I'm not doing that nor am I threatening to do that. How would you people like it if all of a sudden your actual phone number was posted on here and it sat for hours while the mods lectured you on not using the RTM button?

Just because it's me today doesn't mean it won't be one of you tomorrow.
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Old 07-30-2014, 06:02 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post

If this site was moderated you'd actually be banned for shit like that. But I guess it's cool because of the thriving Texas economy.

Google the following:

Pay per click
Cost per impression

The Texas economy is indeed thriving.
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Old 07-30-2014, 06:06 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by tatasddd View Post
I hope you learn your lesson this time. The less you talk, the less I will talk.

Put a sock in it !

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Old 07-30-2014, 06:09 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
I think it's pretty clear who the problem is on here. And it's pretty clear that the mods aren't available to do jack shit.

What if it was me posting info about clients? I mean I'm not doing that nor am I threatening to do that. How would you people like it if all of a sudden your actual phone number was posted on here and it sat for hours while the mods lectured you on not using the RTM button?

Just because it's me today doesn't mean it won't be one of you tomorrow.

Quit trying to justify yourself and what you and I communicated off of here. You know you are guilty. And for your information....if you put on my name here and number 1. Nothing will happen. 2. You will get kicked off of here 3. I will quickly furnish you with a lawsuit for defamation of character and will have you pay me a considerable sum. You may not use private info for any other purpose than the purpose you asked for it. So go ahead and show everybody the balls you have and put my info on here come on! I have nothing to hide moron!
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Old 07-30-2014, 06:15 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
I think it's pretty clear who the problem is on here. And it's pretty clear that the mods aren't available to do jack shit.

What if it was me posting info about clients? I mean I'm not doing that nor am I threatening to do that. How would you people like it if all of a sudden your actual phone number was posted on here and it sat for hours while the mods lectured you on not using the RTM button?

Just because it's me today doesn't mean it won't be one of you tomorrow.
well I was thinking BOTH of ya
but my bet was you dames to point out first
please help me win that bet
as the op is more likeable
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