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Old 04-27-2014, 09:04 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post

if a pimp says its ok to review, but his/her ho's say no review,
can one review?
good luck proving the pimp told them to say no review.

now how long before

some one stands up.

see one of his lady's and review the pimp.

how much hoeing would a ho hoe if a ho could hoe?
Zero, that's why the lazy bitch got a pimp.
She can't even hook without a work flow manager
I was getting a little confused here. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could? Is this what you're talking about?
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Old 04-27-2014, 09:17 AM   #32
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I am waaay too busy to look for myself. So, how did anyone research the reviews for dames4u???

dames4u is not a provider. dames4u is an agency. Agencies are not reviewed on Eccie. Providers are reviewed on Eccie. Sooo, to collect the reviews from hobbyist who have reviewed providers working thru dames4u, it would be necessary to collect the reviews of each provider and add them together. That is the only way to see those number. If anyone cares.

That may be what was done. I do not know or care.

But, dames4u does not have a no review policy on Eccie. If he did, he could not advertise here.
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Old 04-27-2014, 09:53 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post

Like I said, this thread is AG's obvious and clumsy attempt to hurt my business because I challenged his butt buddy's qualifications to be mod.

Why would you find the methods hobbyists use to screen providers, reviews and men's room info, to be funny? I would thinck just the opposite would be true considering your personal advocacy for screening?
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Old 04-27-2014, 10:16 AM   #34
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Like I said a page or so ago, it's all about Him, and to fill the cup so to speck, he doesn't conduct himself in a pro business way. May I suggest enrolling at the Katzs School of Business (U of Pgh) for your MBA in HOing.....
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Old 04-27-2014, 12:21 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
This thread is a ham handed attempt by AG et al to slander me and hurt my business because I challenged his butt buddy's qualifications to be mod. Just another example of how they operate.

Yes AG and his little friends are correct, I forbid clients to write reviews because if any of them did then everyone would know that I run a bait-and-switch service. I use pictures of what look like the hottest girls in Pittsburgh but in reality we only employ trannies (think of the big black tranny that Joel's friend calls for him in Risky Business). Now my secret is out. If I only hadn't spoken up about B'ser I wouldn't be in this pickle. Oh AG you are a smart and worthy adversary. I will never cross the butt pack again.

NOTE: because some of you, notably members of the butt pack, aren't too bright let me say that the above paragraph is SARCASM. Reviews are not forbidden. Also we've been tranny free for several years now. And AG is far from smart.

Yeah Dames, tell them the rest of the truth, I did reviews, and posted commentary in the the guys room, and, you had access, AGAINST THE RULES OF THE SITE, and banned me from seeing your girls again, in a most childish and rude manner.

So, why don't you tell us again about your review conundrum, you allow them to remain here, but, ban future visits from anyone who does one.

To paraphrase what you told me, " I want guys who spend lots of money, and keep their mouths shut"

Sounds a damn lot like your reviews allowed policy, ISN'T.

Edit to ad this:

Hey Dames, you give me permission, and I post the emails from beginning to end.........
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Old 04-27-2014, 01:07 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
Not a single review? Really? Check your facts, dumb dumb. Use a site called www.google.com.

Moving on, could you enlighten as to how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Originally Posted by bambino View Post
I was getting a little confused here. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could? Is this what you're talking about?
well he did ask
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Old 04-27-2014, 01:12 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post
Yeah Dames, tell them the rest of the truth, I did reviews, and posted commentary in the the guys room, and, you had access, AGAINST THE RULES OF THE SITE, and banned me from seeing your girls again, in a most childish and rude manner.

So, why don't you tell us again about your review conundrum, you allow them to remain here, but, ban future visits from anyone who does one.

To paraphrase what you told me, " I want guys who spend lots of money, and keep their mouths shut"

Sounds a damn lot like your reviews allowed policy, ISN'T.

Edit to ad this:

Hey Dames, you give me permission, and I post the emails from beginning to end......
All that have been told in anyway no review
RTM post #14, dump your info into the RTM hit submit
then all of madtardville, even admin's can see
then for added fun
PM all local mods and a admin or two that you need a reply by post in this thread or PM of your RTM of that post with a copy of the link {( #14 ) btw that is a link}
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Old 04-27-2014, 03:34 PM   #38
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Here's an explanation for the lack of reviews of dames4u's girls. I recall a few reviews on eraps but they were lost when the site merged into eccie. That's why you can't find them anymore. Indys has a bunch of reviews but they're all very old (2008). The reason there are no recent reviews on indys is because dames got himself banned from the site.

Dames says "reviews are not forbidden" so we should see a few crop up here before long. It would help if he came out and said reviews are encouraged (instead of not discouraged) and I won't throw a hissy fit or ban you from future visits if they contain anything negative.
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Old 04-27-2014, 05:29 PM   #39
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My ECCIE Reviews

I haven't been to Dames for a couple years, but I stay in touch and am looking forward to returning soon. I saw one of the absolute hottest ladies ever there, and she taught me a few things! I haven't seen many ladies around town that interest me, but if Joe's ladies are anything like they were a while back, you can't go wrong with any of them.
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Old 04-27-2014, 05:47 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post

Edit to ad this:

Hey Dames, you give me permission, and I post the emails from beginning to end.........
Any one giving you permission to post private communication can not give you permission to go against the guidelines. In simple terms: he gives permission, you post , YOU pay.

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
All that have been told in anyway no review
RTM post #14, dump your info into the RTM hit submit
then all of madtardville, even admin's can see
then for added fun
PM all local mods and a admin or two that you need a reply by post in this thread or PM of your RTM of that post with a copy of the link {( #14 ) btw that is a link}
And exactly what the fuck will all this accomplish? Answer: nothing.

There is nothing wrong or against guidelines in post 14. And if you think PMing staff that you require an answer in the thread will work, you are welcome to try.

Trying to stir up drama in a calm forum is not an attractive trait in a krill.
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Old 04-27-2014, 11:19 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
I was curious about certain ones also........... always wanted to see some of the hotties at dames but never see any damn reviews, why is that?
Dames, I normally don't get into pot stirring , but AG wasn't , didn't call you out but in response, a few other members mearly asked why your gals aren't getting reviews. I honestly don't understand the hostilities when these guys post the good, bad and the ugly at their own personal ridicule at times. For you to take a personal affront to a general posting about lack of info seems a bit overly sensitive. That said, I don't use your service and know nothing of what has been described as a arduous screening process. Whatever you do to keep you and your gals safe is cool, as ho's slipping in back windows or any surprise like that would freak me out. I like safe and sane and maybe that isn't a realistic expectation in this hobby. My question to you is why hit the immediate defense protocol? I think you supply a good service from what I hear but it would be refreshing to hear from you as a contributor vs a defender. Just saying.
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Old 04-28-2014, 05:08 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by dames4u View Post
This thread is a ham handed attempt by AG et al to slander me and hurt my business because I challenged his butt buddy's qualifications to be mod. Just another example of how they operate.

Yes AG and his little friends are correct, I forbid clients to write reviews because if any of them did then everyone would know that I run a bait-and-switch service. I use pictures of what look like the hottest girls in Pittsburgh but in reality we only employ trannies (think of the big black tranny that Joel's friend calls for him in Risky Business). Now my secret is out. If I only hadn't spoken up about B'ser I wouldn't be in this pickle. Oh AG you are a smart and worthy adversary. I will never cross the butt pack again.

NOTE: because some of you, notably members of the butt pack, aren't too bright let me say that the above paragraph is SARCASM. Reviews are not forbidden. Also we've been tranny free for several years now. And AG is far from smart.

If trannys look like your girls, i am going gay.
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Old 04-28-2014, 07:14 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by joejoe View Post
I haven't been to Dames for a couple years, but I stay in touch and am looking forward to returning soon. I saw one of the absolute hottest ladies ever there, and she taught me a few things! I haven't seen many ladies around town that interest me, but if Joe's ladies are anything like they were a while back, you can't go wrong with any of them.
This is interesting...an indepentent provider seeing providers with a pimp? Did you do a review? Linck please
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Old 04-28-2014, 08:08 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post
Yeah Dames, tell them the rest of the truth, I did reviews, and posted commentary in the the guys room, and, you had access, AGAINST THE RULES OF THE SITE, and banned me from seeing your girls again, in a most childish and rude manner.

So, why don't you tell us again about your review conundrum, you allow them to remain here, but, ban future visits from anyone who does one.

To paraphrase what you told me, " I want guys who spend lots of money, and keep their mouths shut"

Sounds a damn lot like your reviews allowed policy, ISN'T.

Edit to ad this:

Hey Dames, you give me permission, and I post the emails from beginning to end.........

You have to actually hobby to write a review. We screened you about a decade ago and you showed up here exactly once. And it was like 8 years ago. So I'm not sure wtf you're even talking about.

Now about 5 months ago someone sent me some postings from the Men's room about us that included Devo's garbled postings. Yes Devo did run down our incall, not that he has any idea of the current incall because it's been 8 years since his last appointment. But that's not why he lost his client status. That happened because he stupidly blurted out more info about our location than I prefer to have shared online. Discretion and intelligence are requirements for client status here. Devo has neither neither hence his ban. Not that it matters because Devo only types. He doesn't really hobby.

So to sum up, Devo hasn't been here for 8 years so I'm not sure how he can claim I won't allow him to write a review. But I think his descent into dementia/madness is really accelerating.

As far as Indys, it's not my fault that site has zero security. People send me posts. Plus there's all the vouched LE. Don't know how that's my concern or problem. I was banned from there in 2007 and haven't looked back.

As far as reviews, don't know and don't care. I don't encourage them but I don't forbid them. The only thing I ask is that if you write one that you not include the phone number and are circumspect about the location. Common sense rules.

Again, this is much ado about nothing but AG's clumsy attempt to punish me because I threw cold water on his butt buddy's attempt to become a mod. And once again all he's accomplishing is highlighting how they operate on here, piling on anyone who disagrees with them. In the end it's a vivid illustration of how they would use the site to attack their foes if anyone was dumb/crazy enough to give B'ser the keys.

subir gif
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Old 04-28-2014, 09:04 AM   #45
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Joe, just to be 100% clear...

If ANYTHING, you objecting to BSer becoming a mod, INCREASED his chances of becoming one.

Just for fun this morning I read all 200 something of your posts here...
80% are complaints or attacks
10% are redundant ads
10% are random and of no value to the community

Not one single post of yours at any point on this site has attempted to HELP anyone or to provide ANY info for the community. Exactly ZERO.

Your one and only contribution to ECCIE was in 2010 asking for PA to be divided into regional forums. I guess we should all hurry and get you a cookie for that...

So to summarize:

The butt buddies have recruited both male and Female members to join, you have not.
The butt buddies help others here, you do not.
The butt buddies have increased site traffic, you have not.

So who gives a fuck what you thinck again?

Everyone knows you have a no review policy and everyone also knows you won't admit it here because doing so would revoke your showcase and ability to post ads. What you have done by making this thread all about you is to highlight your disregard for the guidelines here that you go out of your way to demand mods uphold only when they benefit you. It's also pretty clear why you object to BSer or Devo being a mod, they both know the truth.

If either were to become mods you would have to change your policies or consider a career in floral arranging or figure skating...

If anyone here can point out a value that Joe adds to the community other than hiring allegedly hot girls who nobody is allowed to discuss without being banned from future meetings with them, please stand and be heard.
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