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Old 01-15-2014, 08:11 AM   #31
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Actually, what I said was if the serviceman or woman is in the army, the secretary of the army decides. We weren't talking about the Navy or the Air Force since none of the folks that were wounded or killed at Fort Hood were in the Navy, the Air Force or the Marines. Does that clear it up for you Admiral? By the way, I would have thought someone who claims to have served in the Navy and who claims to be better informed about military matters than the Secretary of Defense of the United States would know that the Secretary of the Navy decides which sailors and marines get the Purple Heart. And, I haven't checked but....I bet the Secretary of the Air Force decides for Air Force personnel. Seeing a trend here?

Now, where does it say in your cut and paste that President Obama or the FBI decides who gets a Purple Heart? Or, does it say exactly what I have been posting for the past two days you brain-dead moron?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I've waited until your done. You say the army makes the determination. What do the navy, air force, and marines do? I guess they don't award Purple Hearts according to Timmie. Only the army can do it because they are the deciders.

FDR, Truman, Kennedy, and Reagan all issued executive orders regulating who was eligible for a Purple Heart. (wait! I thought the army did all of that and not presidents)

Anyway, this should stop the conversation but I know it won't.

Eligibility criteria for the Purple Heart Medal is as follows:

a. The Purple Heart is awarded in the name of the President of the United States to any member of an Armed Force or any civilian national of the United States who, while serving under competent authority in any capacity with one of the U.S. Armed Services after 5 April 1917, has been wounded or killed, or who has died or may hereafter die after being wounded

(1) In any action against an enemy of the United States. Hasan declared himself an enemy of the US and a soldier of Allah.

(2) In any action with an opposing armed force of a foreign country in which the Armed Forces of the United States are or have been engaged.

(3) While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.

(4) As a result of an act of any such enemy of opposing armed forces.

(5) As the result of an act of any hostile foreign force.

(6) After 28 March 1973, as a result of an international terrorist attack against the United States or a foreign nation friendly to the United States, recognized as such an attack by the Secretary of the Army, or jointly by the Secretaries of the separate armed Services concerned if persons from more than one service are wounded in the attack.

(7) After 28 March 1973, as a result of military operations while serving outside the territory of the United States as part of a peacekeeping force.

b. While clearly an individual decoration, the Purple Heart differs from all other decorations in that an individual is not "recommended" for the decoration; rather he or she is entitled to it upon meeting specific criteria.

(1) A Purple Heart is authorized for the first wound suffered under conditions indicated above, but for each subsequent award an Oak Leaf Cluster will be awarded to be worn on the medal or ribbon. Not more than one award will be made for more than one wound or injury received at the same instant or from the same missile, force, explosion, or agent.

(2) A wound is defined as an injury to any part of the body from an outside force or agent sustained under one or more of the conditions listed above. A physical lesion is not required, however, the wound for which the award is made must have required treatment by a medical officer and records of medical treatment for wounds or injuries received in action must have been made a matter of official record.

(3) When contemplating an award of this decoration, the key issue that commanders must take into consideration is the degree to which the enemy caused the injury. The fact that the proposed recipient was participating in direct or indirect combat operations is a necessary prerequisite, but is not sole justification for award.

(4) Examples of enemy-related injuries which clearly justify award of the Purple Heart are as follows:

(a) Injury caused by enemy bullet, shrapnel, or other projectile created by enemy action.

(b) Injury caused by enemy placed mine or trap.

(c) Injury caused by enemy released chemical, biological or nuclear agent.

(d) Injury caused by vehicle or aircraft accident resulting from enemy fire.

(e) Concussion injuries caused as a result of enemy generated explosions.

(5) Examples of injuries or wounds which clearly do not qualify for award of the Purple Heart are as follows:

(a) Frostbite or trench foot injuries.

(b) Heat stroke.

(c) Food poisoning not caused by enemy agents.

(d) Chemical, biological, or nuclear agents not released by the enemy.

(e) Battle fatigue.

(f) Disease not directly caused by enemy agents.

(g) Accidents, to include explosive, aircraft, vehicular, and other accidental wounding not related to or caused by enemy action.

(h) Self-inflicted wounds, except when in the heat of battle, and not involving gross negligence.

(i) Post traumatic stress disorders.

(j) Jump injuries not caused by enemy action.

(6) It is not intended that such a strict interpretation of the requirement for the wound or injury to be caused by direct result of hostile action be taken that it would preclude the award being made to deserving personnel. Commanders must also take into consideration, the circumstances surrounding an injury, even if it appears to meet the criteria. Note the following examples:

(a) In case such as an individual injured while making a parachute landing from an aircraft that had been brought down enemy fire; or, an individual injured as a result of a vehicle accident caused by enemy fire, the decision will be made in favor of the individual and the award will be made.

(b) Individuals wounded or killed as a result of "friendly fire" in the "heat of battle" will be awarded the Purple Heart as long as the "friendly" projectile or agent was released with the full intent of inflicting damage or destroying enemy troops or equipment.

(c) Individuals injured as a result of their own negligence; for example, driving or walking through an unauthorized area known to have been mined or placed off limits or searching for or picking up unexploded munitions as war souvenirs, will not be awarded the Purple Heart as they clearly were not injured as a result of enemy action, but rather by their own negligence.

c. A Purple Heart will be issued to the next of kin of each person entitled to a posthumous award. Issue will be made automatically by the Commanding General, PERSCOM, upon receiving a report of death indicating entitlement.

d. Upon written application to Commander, ARPERCEN, ATIN.- DAR-P-VSEA, 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63132-5200, award may be made to any member of the Army, who during World War 1, was awarded a Meritorious Service Citation Certificate signed by the Commander in Chief, American Expeditionary Forces, or who was authorized to wear wound chevrons. Posthumous awards to personnel who were killed or died of wounds after 5 April 1917 will be made to the appropriate next of kin upon application to the Commanding General, PERSCOM.

e. Any member of the Army who was awarded the Purple Heart for meritorious achievement or service, as opposed to wounds received in action, between 7 December 1941 and 22 September 1943, may apply for award of an appropriate decoration instead of the Purple Heart.

f. For those who became Prisoners of War after 25 April 1962, the Purple Heart will be awarded to individuals wounded while prisoners of foreign forces, upon submission by the individual to the Department of the U.S. Army of an affidavit that is supported by a statement from a witness, if this is possible. Documentation and inquiries Should be directed to Commander, PERSCOM, ATTN: TAPCPDA, Alexandria, VA 22332-0471.

g. Any member of the U.S. Army who believes that he or she is eligible for the Purple Heart, but through unusual circumstances no award was made, may submit an application through military channels, to Commander, PERSCOM, ATTN: TAPC-PDA, Alexandria, VA 22332-0471. Application will include complete documentation, to include evidence of medical treatment, pertaining to the wound.

The text has been cut and pasted for ease of reading & applicability. To see the text in full from AR 600-8-22, 25 February 1995 and Public Law 104-106 - Feb. 10, 1996 visit http://www.usmcvta.org/pheart/phcriteria.htm
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Old 01-15-2014, 08:22 AM   #32
JD Barleycorn
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??? I thought this was simple. I highlighted the sections that show the survivors and victims of Fort Hood should recieve Purple Hearts for what happened. We have also had a couple of recruiters killed or wounded by self described "soldiers of Allah". The rot begins at the head. The Army (and Navy, Marines, and Air Force) have to accomodate the wishes of the White House. Remember, up until yesterday the White House was putting out the story that the four men in Benghazi were killed in a demonstration and not by terrorists. Now that has changed. They may or may not be eligible depending on their official status but their deaths were due to "enemy" action.
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Old 01-15-2014, 08:31 AM   #33
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It is simple but apparently not for you Admiral.

Benghazi has jack to do with this....try to focus.

1. You don't get to decide who gets a Purple Heart.

2. President Obama doesn't get to decide who gets a Purple Heart.

3. The FBI doesn't decide who gets a Purple Heart.

4. The military, through its specific award prerequisites, its investigation process and ultimately, through the secretary of whichever branch of the military is involved, are the folks who get to decide.

5. Your fantasy scandal about what may or may not have happened in Benghazi has no relevance to the issue at hand. I understand that you can't help yourself and that since you've been getting your ass handed to you throughout this thread and are too stupid to just shut up or admit you're wrong, you want to talk about something that you think you have the upper hand on. But, it just makes you look even more ridiculous than you look already. Quite a feat.

Raise the white flag Admiral. You're wrong on this, you know your wrong or, if you don't know your wrong, you're fucking retarded.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
??? I thought this was simple. I highlighted the sections that show the survivors and victims of Fort Hood should recieve Purple Hearts for what happened. We have also had a couple of recruiters killed or wounded by self described "soldiers of Allah". The rot begins at the head. The Army (and Navy, Marines, and Air Force) have to accomodate the wishes of the White House. Remember, up until yesterday the White House was putting out the story that the four men in Benghazi were killed in a demonstration and not by terrorists. Now that has changed. They may or may not be eligible depending on their official status but their deaths were due to "enemy" action.
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Old 01-15-2014, 10:09 AM   #34
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The next President will be American, then it will be made right...

ACLJ to President Obama: Time to Award Purple Hearts

A memorial for the victims of the shootings at Fort Hood Army base stands outside of Central Christian Church in Killeen
Skip Ash

3:58 PM
Aug. 23, 2013

Today at Fort Hood, Texas, justice was finally served. Army Major Nidal Hasan was unanimously convicted on all 45 counts of killing 13 fellow soldiers and wounding 32 others at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009. Major Hasan had been in contact with a radical al-Qaeda cleric in Yemen. That cleric convinced Major Hasan to attack his fellow soldiers. In so doing, Major Hasan betrayed the oath he took to become an officer in the United States Army and, instead, sided with the enemies of the United States.

Based on the encouragement he received from the al-Qaeda cleric, Major Hasan “single-handedly turned a part of Fort Hood into a battlefield in the ongoing war on terrorism.” Unfortunately, the Obama Administration refused to recognize that what Major Hasan did was an act of war—instead, incredibly, the Administration characterized the massacre at Fort Hood as a case of “workplace violence.”

By calling the attack “workplace violence,” the Administration denied the dead and wounded the right to receive Purple Heart medals as well as other military and veterans benefits. The ACLJ believes that what the Administration has done is reprehensible and prolongs the pain of the loved ones of those killed as well as of those who survived but were grievously wounded. As such, the ACLJ has sent letters to both President Obama and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel demanding “that the United States Government right this serious wrong and that it do so quickly” since “[t]here are no legal or logical grounds to delay such a decision.” Our letter demanded the following:

First, [that the President and Defense Secretary] recognize the attack at Fort Hood for what it truly was—an actual battlefield in the ongoing war against al-Qaeda. Second, [that they] acknowledge that the dead and wounded were engaged in an actual battle in that war . . . . Finally, [that they] order the Secretary of the Army to ensure that the dead and wounded at Fort Hood be awarded Purple Heart medals immediately.

Although Major Hasan will undergo the penalty phase of his court martial beginning on Monday (that phase will determine Major Hasan’s sentence), his guilt has been established beyond all reasonable doubt. It is high time for the Administration to do the right thing, recognize the Fort Hood massacre for what it was, and award Purple Hearts to the soldiers killed and wounded. Our brave men and women in uniform deserve no less!

ACLJ will continue to monitor and keep you informed.
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Old 01-15-2014, 10:19 AM   #35
Jackie S
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Well, when you start handing out medals to anybody, for anything, all it does is cheapen the Proccess.

I'm sorry. These people were sitting down eating breakfast in a totally secure stateside environment. There was no more expectation of harm than if it had been a restaurant or community center outside the Fort.

They were victims of a crime. Your Politicol view might say otherwise, but that does not change the facts.

Now, if after the event started, and one of the soldiers returned fire and was wounded during that action, then it would be different. But since none were armed, that was not going to happen. The soldiers that attempted to stop him but were wounded had now entered the atmosphere of harm, and yes, they should receive commendations, I see acts in this that at least are at the Bronze Star level, perhaps even higher.

For those of us who have been in hostile enviroments, you wake up every morning with the expectation that harm could befall you. That is why you are there to begin with.
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Old 01-15-2014, 10:25 AM   #36
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Old 01-15-2014, 11:16 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Well, when you start handing out medals to anybody, for anything, all it does is cheapen the Proccess.

I'm sorry. These people were sitting down eating breakfast in a totally secure stateside environment. There was no more expectation of harm than if it had been a restaurant or community center outside the Fort.

They were victims of a crime. Your Politicol view might say otherwise, but that does not change the facts.

Now, if after the event started, and one of the soldiers returned fire and was wounded during that action, then it would be different. But since none were armed, that was not going to happen. The soldiers that attempted to stop him but were wounded had now entered the atmosphere of harm, and yes, they should receive commendations, I see acts in this that at least are at the Bronze Star level, perhaps even higher.

For those of us who have been in hostile enviroments, you wake up every morning with the expectation that harm could befall you. That is why you are there to begin with.
Great post that actually made sense without all the political clatter.
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Old 01-15-2014, 12:19 PM   #38
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I posted the requirements and it is very obvious that the victims of Fort Hood qualify for the Purple Heart but you continue to carry Obama's water (he says it is a work place violence action). Timmie, you should really be ashamed of yourself. Maybe you used to be an American but you sold your soul to Obama. Why do you accuse people of racism (not this thread but others) if they disagree with the mixed race man who sits in the White House. After five years it is obvious that very little that Obama (black, white, yellow, or green) believes in is working. He had everything the first two years and he is not shy about executive orders. Why do you still deny what your eyes tell you? You're not blind are you?

I have not lost anything here. Not a thing. I served, I know the truth and I found the documents that prove it. Eva has lost his mind, Timmie has lost his soul, and CJ has lost his dignity.
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Old 01-15-2014, 12:23 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I posted the requirements and it is very obvious that the victims of Fort Hood qualify for the Purple Heart but you continue to carry Obama's water (he says it is a work place violence action). Timmie, you should really be ashamed of yourself. Maybe you used to be an American but you sold your soul to Obama. Why do you accuse people of racism (not this thread but others) if they disagree with the mixed race man who sits in the White House. After five years it is obvious that very little that Obama (black, white, yellow, or green) believes in is working. He had everything the first two years and he is not shy about executive orders. Why do you still deny what your eyes tell you? You're not blind are you?

I have not lost anything here. Not a thing. I served, I know the truth and I found the documents that prove it. Eva has lost his mind, Timmie has lost his soul, and CJ has lost his dignity.
you can't lose something you never had, starting with credibility on this board
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Old 01-15-2014, 12:26 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I posted the requirements and it is very obvious that the victims of Fort Hood qualify for the Purple Heart but you continue to carry Obama's water (he says it is a work place violence action). Timmie, you should really be ashamed of yourself. Maybe you used to be an American but you sold your soul to Obama. Why do you accuse people of racism (not this thread but others) if they disagree with the mixed race man who sits in the White House. After five years it is obvious that very little that Obama (black, white, yellow, or green) believes in is working. He had everything the first two years and he is not shy about executive orders. Why do you still deny what your eyes tell you? You're not blind are you?

I have not lost anything here. Not a thing. I served, I know the truth and I found the documents that prove it. Eva has lost his mind, Timmie has lost his soul, and CJ has lost his dignity.
Yes, simply by posting it, all facts and evidence to the contrary, you have willed it to be true. At least in your pea-brain.

Go sit in the corner dumbass.
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Old 01-15-2014, 01:14 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I posted the requirements and it is very obvious that the victims of Fort Hood qualify for the Purple Heart but you continue to carry Obama's water (he says it is a work place violence action). Timmie, you should really be ashamed of yourself. Maybe you used to be an American but you sold your soul to Obama. Why do you accuse people of racism (not this thread but others) if they disagree with the mixed race man who sits in the White House. After five years it is obvious that very little that Obama (black, white, yellow, or green) believes in is working. He had everything the first two years and he is not shy about executive orders. Why do you still deny what your eyes tell you? You're not blind are you?

I have not lost anything here. Not a thing. I served, I know the truth and I found the documents that prove it. Eva has lost his mind, Timmie has lost his soul, and CJ has lost his dignity.
Notice you had left out Jackie who told it like it is you babbling fuck.
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Old 01-15-2014, 01:48 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Well, when you start handing out medals to anybody, for anything, all it does is cheapen the Proccess.

I'm sorry. These people were sitting down eating breakfast in a totally secure stateside environment. There was no more expectation of harm than if it had been a restaurant or community center outside the Fort.

They were victims of a crime. Your Politicol view might say otherwise, but that does not change the facts.

Now, if after the event started, and one of the soldiers returned fire and was wounded during that action, then it would be different. But since none were armed, that was not going to happen. The soldiers that attempted to stop him but were wounded had now entered the atmosphere of harm, and yes, they should receive commendations, I see acts in this that at least are at the Bronze Star level, perhaps even higher.

For those of us who have been in hostile enviroments, you wake up every morning with the expectation that harm could befall you. That is why you are there to begin with.

Thanks for serving Jackie... Our fighting men and women protect our right to disagree.
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Old 01-15-2014, 02:18 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Thanks for serving Jackie... Our fighting men and women protect our right to disagree.
+1 on that.
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Old 01-15-2014, 04:04 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
you can't lose something you never had, starting with credibility on this board
Gotta agree with CBJ7 on this one. He has never had any dignity to lose.
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Old 01-15-2014, 07:01 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Well, when you start handing out medals to anybody, for anything, all it does is cheapen the Proccess.

I'm sorry. These people were sitting down eating breakfast in a totally secure stateside environment. There was no more expectation of harm than if it had been a restaurant or community center outside the Fort.

They were victims of a crime. Your Politicol view might say otherwise, but that does not change the facts.

Now, if after the event started, and one of the soldiers returned fire and was wounded during that action, then it would be different. But since none were armed, that was not going to happen. The soldiers that attempted to stop him but were wounded had now entered the atmosphere of harm, and yes, they should receive commendations, I see acts in this that at least are at the Bronze Star level, perhaps even higher.

For those of us who have been in hostile enviroments, you wake up every morning with the expectation that harm could befall you. That is why you are there to begin with.
Sorry, the Ft Hood victims are the result of an attack by an enemy soldier operating under approval of an al Qaeda commander. I think that the reasonable assumption of safety is a weak argument when you are dealing with a terrorist organisation. What if Hasan had been wearing a suicide vest, how would that affect your reasoning?

In a earlier post on this thread I asked if any of the soldiers of the grenade attack in Iraq by a US Sargent had received a Purple Heart. All indications is no, nobody has. My guess is that no US soldier has received a Purple Heart from an injury that was knowingly and purposefully committed by another US soldier. At least in the last 60 years.

I don't believe the Boston Marathon Bombing has been officially labeled an act of terrorism by the Feds either. The country is reverting to pre-9/11 thinking when dealing with terrorists and their Jihad.

Thanks for your service Jackie S.
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