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Old 10-23-2024, 05:48 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
You’ve got a short memory. Bush v Gore, look into it.
I remember that.

I got your chads hangin!

Gore took it like a man. Even though it was rigged in Florida.

In a perfect world losers congratulate winners and pledge to support the country.

Look into it.
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Old 10-23-2024, 06:44 PM   #32
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We all remember how Trump behaved at the swearing in ceremony for President Biden.....right ?
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Old 10-24-2024, 09:09 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Any TDS mentioned does not come close to being a TCM (Trump cult member).

Available for you: Bibles, sneakers, NFT cards.....just for you to become closer to the man
Don't forget you can buy a piece of one of his suits that was chopped up (without him in it) and being sold.

Oh yeah- And the ULTRA MAGA experience. Includes a yellow legal tablet and some large tipped sharpies- capable of changing weather patterns and to practice writing BIGLY!

The bigger the signature- the bigger the bigly-ness and hence the power!! It's Uber ULTRA MAGA-nificent

Do those items indicate any immunity to this TDS which was spoken about?

I'd love to become immune to TDS if the gold sneakers and Red Hat isn't enough- I mean to avoid becoming a Project 2025 Zombie Boogaloo camper who adorns themselves in a Trumpie Flag to deflect off the space lasers and other Bad Dem stuff.
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Old 10-24-2024, 10:12 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
On the internet there some people who have hatred for one man is so bad they come off as being mentally unbalanced.
The divisiveness has been caused by the narcissism of one person, and those who have fed into that need. Imagine finding enough people who will blindly follow a person (pied piper comes to mind) and those people would literally want to create anger, and resentment not only within a political party, but within families and communities: Stoked by the media on the right- and vilified against those on the Left who don't share a similar view point.

Raising the ante- through the use of labels.
  • Radicals
  • Marxists
  • Communists
  • Loonie Left
  • Poisoning the Blood
  • Threats to Democracy
  • Fascists
  • Commies
  • Socialists
  • Tyrants
  • Kabals
  • Baby Eaters,
  • Pizza Parlor Ped**s
  • Groomers

and on..

Was it because Hillary was so mean with the word "deplorable"?

Was it due to the Evil ACA or Obamas' snub to Trump at the Press dinner or some other actions.

I mean if TDS is due to name calling- perhaps the ownership is from those who are casting all the infinites of names at the left and expecting 'no reply'?

Really- the old saying by many a farmer- is this.

If you plant Potatoes you get Potatoes.

Owning the libs and name calling is just a hallmark for supporting Trump and his failures. I'd imagine it gets frustrating to team Red Hat when the losses just keep racking up. When you watch your guy shouting all the names in the lists above and more- the hatred spewing out of his mouth, and then not have it seep into the mindset of a party- isn't all that surprising.

I'm actually more shocked that more hate motivated crimes against anyone involved in politics hasn't happened. But I digess, poor Paul Pelosi got a taste of it.

If you're out there spewing names and have a network that supports that with EVERY SHOW it airs, is it really surprising that people hate a man who is at the center of it?

I don't recall any of the great leaders in the past using those divisive rhetoric and being great leaders! And I hope post Nov the temperature turns down on those from both parties.
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Old 10-24-2024, 10:55 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
So you hate Trump so much you want more of these Direction of Country polls. Our nation is failing miserably and the whole world is laughing at the coup against biden, our lack of borders, our kangaroo courts, among other things. By electing harris you are electing a POS who could've changed the direction of our country, but is willing to carry on with the status quo. Like you see Trump, we see harris, however Trump has 4 years of experience and I have faith he and his cabinet can turn this crap around and make us respected again, instead of being a joke of a country at some beer garden in Moscow or a board room in Tehran..


As someone who spent a great deal of time outside the US - none of what you said is true. In fact, the world laughed at us under Trump and nearly everyone I encountered believed that we returned to sanity with Biden. No one has cared about Biden being replaced by Harris.

By what metric is our country failing? That's silly nonsense that Trump says because it doesn't mean anything.
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Old 10-24-2024, 11:10 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
As someone who spent a great deal of time outside the US - none of what you said is true. In fact, the world laughed at us under Trump and nearly everyone I encountered believed that we returned to sanity with Biden. No one has cared about Biden being replaced by Harris.

By what metric is our country failing? That's silly nonsense that Trump says because it doesn't mean anything.
Yet the closer we get to the end of this craziness, the MAGA bile rises at a higher rate than ever. Anybody who doesn't agree with Trump should have their heads examined. Gee! Wonder where they come up with THAT brilliant line? Only an idiot listens to the news media. Holy moly, Trump is right!

MAGAs know more than doctors. MAGAs know more than historians. MAGAs know more than scientists. MAGAs know more than members of Twitler's cabinet. And naturally, that means that MAGAs are mental health experts, endowed with acutely focused diagnostic talents. Just ask them!


They don't listen to anything other than Twitler's bullshit machine, so that's where they get their marching orders.

Just hope for the sake of America (and the world) they march to the polls and then march home and that's it. We don't need any more MAGA chaos.

Aren't they tired of this shit yet?
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Old 10-24-2024, 07:02 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
Wanting Donald Trump to pay for his crimes is not a symptom of a mental illness. Why does opposition to Trump have to be Deranged?
True Dat!

Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
Which has nothing to do with my post. By electing Donald Trump to President you are effectively dismissing both federal cases against him. The classified documents case including his obstruction and the attempted overthrow of a legitimate election.

Wanting a full and fair investigation and trial for these crimes is not Deranged.

Those Trump supporters who are willing to give him a pass on this perplexes me.
Don't forget that they will be opening the doors to welcome an autocrat/dictatorship.

Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
Four years of a Trump presidency: No Korean missile tests, no Russian invasion of Ukraine, no Taliban attacks in Afghanistan.

Three + years of as Biden/Harris presidency: All of that and more.
Really? No missles? I think these were the xoxo to the parchment he got.

He was too much of a pussy to stand up to putin.

And he was too busy orchestrating the withdraw plan from Afganistan without having all parties present and made sure to get out of Dodge before getting any egg on his face.

What y'all should be asking is: What did he do to fix things instead of not make the big decisions he blames his predecessor for not doing.

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
“They” can only stomach so much peace and prosperity. Haters gonna hate.
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Old 10-24-2024, 07:54 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
As someone who spent a great deal of time outside the US - none of what you said is true. In fact, the world laughed at us under Trump and nearly everyone I encountered believed that we returned to sanity with Biden. No one has cared about Biden being replaced by Harris.

Can you quote any credible sources, besides you're own which may be skewed.
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