This is just a waste of space.

If we all advertised and vented the things we think or feel a X did wrong on here.. Lol.. I couldnt even begin to explain the level of shit we would see. Point being, Using the co-ed to slander someone you had a personal relationship with....Is just FAKE NEWS ! Keep the coins on the dresser. Nsa. Along with the personal claims.

Being that you moved on in dec and now this post. As a female it makes me question your motives. Not what happened. I say that because Its not for me or anyone else to call you out or say it didnt happen. But, you cant start a thread that someone cant defend themselfs on and make serious accusations like these. Its not right.
At the end of the day you are responsible for the alcohol you consume. You have to own your shit. Period. This is also why alot of providers dont drink on the clock. To stay aware of their surroundings.
But then again you are posting about your personal experience. Someone you resided with. Nothing to do with the hobby.