Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Under the current system, what else would you expect a economically rational actor to do?
Exactly....PJ only bitches about companies that support the so called left. All others fall ino this Tea Party made up phrase "Job creators".
Originally Posted by pjorourke
Except Halliburton didnt lobby to start the Iraq war.
They didn't have to , their former CEO was VP. He was all for it, been wanting to invade since before 9/11.
Originally Posted by pjorourke
Lets hear it for crony capitalism.
Wow PJ, Sounds like you might be coming around to campaign finance reform. That is at the jest of what you are bitching about.
Furthermore....when people bitch about GE not paying their fair share of Federal Income tax but turn around and proclaim how many other taxes they do pay....well that is what many of us have been saying about people that do not pay Federal income taxes because they make so little. Yes they do not pay Federal taxes but they pay a shit pile of other taxes and those taxes are going up. In the state of Texas almost all fee's from student to driver licenses to parking tickets are going up. This hurts the poor and middle class the worst. Yet some on here still continue to argue that a company making 5 billion dollars should not pay taxes. What it amounts to is the job creators wanting to cut their taxes and let the middle class and poor pay for teachers salary and the like......