Originally Posted by lustylad
Dagnabbit berry, can't you think outside the box?
Let's send Brinton and his kinky doggy army over to Ukraine and station them all along the border! The Rooskis will take one look and say - yikes! On second thought, we don't want anything to do with these freaks! Then they'll throw down their weapons and go home.
Crisis averted!
Is that what you really think?
In my unit there was an E7 that liked dick!
He had been in the Army since about the middle of the Vietnam War, I think he said 67 or 68, and did two tours, he told us in barracks party one time!
He was in one of the spec ops units there, several confirmed kills and the silver star!
Third highest award for Valor!
Not a party favor decoration.
And I saw it with my own eyes when he was in greens!
As long as he wasn't trying to sneak off with one of the young guys to a perimeter bunkers, we didn't give a shit what he did!
And thier were others that didn't have his bonafides!
We didnt care as long as our back was covered and I had no reason to think that would not be!
He was, and they were, true patriots!
Not you keyboard worriors that question other people's resolve in the face of real combat!