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Security Matters Personal security is of the utmost priority. Discussions regarding every aspect of personal security within the hobby can be found here.

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Old 07-23-2024, 05:18 PM   #31
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Topic of this thread:

Is anybody using the website verifyhim.com? I always thought it was a great tool for providers to help stay safe out here!
Does anyone know of any similar websites?

You do not use that particular site.

You did not offer up any other site in the post you were cited for.

If you make any further posts in this thread, trying to argue this point, you're going to get cited again because it's off topic.

We went through this argument via p m with multiple moderators telling you you were wrong.

You may choose to stay on topic. Or you may choose to post off topic and receive points. A warning was posted for all and you are the only one who refuses to get it.

And the guidelines are right in my signature line for anyone to read.
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Old 07-27-2024, 06:21 PM   #32
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I'm very appreciative that we have any resources where we can report clients and their behavior.
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Old 07-28-2024, 08:30 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by yourdesire View Post
This time I have to agree with Wiley, when I first started in the hobby I found a bad reference on a gentleman who turned out to be a very good regular. I agree ladies do use those sites for vendetta reasons. It's not right that they do it but it is true they do it. I have learned since then to really watch how things are worded on these sites, there is something about the wording on that warning that didn't seem right to me and I'm glad I went with my gut. So ladies those of you who are mis using these sites please stop. I use spyfly and it's been pretty good also. There are several sites I use as cross references that are free sites but again I only use those as cross references

This is the human way, and much similar behavior is found outside the world of sex work. One reason why I don't have a plethora of negative reviews for girls using photos a decade out of date and providing horrible service, because they can use whatever info they do have on me, and post it on sites such as that one, regardless of the legitimacy of the info. What is to stop someone from doing this? Then I'd be stuck with a terrible reputation, unjustly, with less people being willing to see me. Do you think businesses let people get on Yelp and bash them without taking covert, vindictive action? Or at best, trying to remove the review?
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Old 07-29-2024, 08:21 AM   #34
Grace Preston
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Originally Posted by yourdesire View Post
This time I have to agree with Wiley, when I first started in the hobby I found a bad reference on a gentleman who turned out to be a very good regular. I agree ladies do use those sites for vendetta reasons. It's not right that they do it but it is true they do it. I have learned since then to really watch how things are worded on these sites, there is something about the wording on that warning that didn't seem right to me and I'm glad I went with my gut. So ladies those of you who are mis using these sites please stop. I use spyfly and it's been pretty good also. There are several sites I use as cross references that are free sites but again I only use those as cross references
Its not necessarily vendetta based. I had a gent who was sweet as pie with me. 100% non-problematic, just an overall good guy.

Once upon a time, he scheduled with a lady that I am good friends with. He was verbally and physically abusive to her to the point where she kicked him out. She then proceeded to receive threats from him for quite some time. It was a bad situation.

Some of these guys can turn on a dime depending on who is in the room with them.

The important thing is to look at the sum total of alerts and see if they paint a picture of habitual bad behavior.
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Old 10-04-2024, 09:23 AM   #35
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The verify issued is easy for humans to reduce our Data
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