Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
I have recently noticed, that you’re not banging on DJT stock anymore tho.
Wrong much?

Yeah...ummm...you sure schooled me there, Mr. Sowell...
Cuz...SONOFABITCH!...it was up over 2 percent today!...16 percent in the past 5 days! It closed over $16!
And I missed the fuggin boat.
I coulda cashed in and made enough to pay for poor ol' Meemaw's fecal transplant. Fuck.
(of course...that's down
juuuuust a smidge from the $66.12 it posted on the second day of trading. But HEY!! Ya don't become the most expensive stock to "short" by offerin security! I'm changing my forecast to BUY! BUY! BUY!)
YOU do this week, btw? Make some more cash on this? Didja get in on more MAGAt fuckin?)
A truer ThreAd was never created. You really CAN'T make this shit up!