Originally Posted by Mako113
The reason I hate USA so much is its utter lack of organization. You can't click on a profile of a provider and read or link to her reviews. The only option you have is to do a search on her name and hope that anybody who offered info on her spelled it exactly the same way, not to mention that many of the gals change names often. And it is all in one long thread that runs forever. And god-forbid you ask a question on there when your search fails, if it doesn't say 'senior' under your name you will either get no answer or bitched at for asking. And even if someone does offer info they will do so in a PM so nobody else can benefit from it.
At least on this site if you review a girl that doesn't have a profile it is under the correct type (massage, escort, etc), but is it's own thread so others can add to it and keep the info together for easy research.
And I agree, NR's best feature was their forums. If they brought that back their other changes would become almost negligible...key word - almost.
I have a ton of complaints about USA as well. It is definitely a harder to use site in the beginning. Once you get senior status others are more friendly with info and even providers. The search has finally improved and is usable. Like NR there is pretty much no standard for reviews so you could very well get the Pile of feces I quoted from there. Only most will chew you out so it is a self policing community.
There in lies the strength of USA. Its very vibrant and massive community with some quality contributors. If any other site such as EECIE had this it would easily be number 1. I do like EECIE's site layout and review structure. It just lacks the aforementioned community.
We could go on about each site's positive's and negative's. For me NR was the greatest site. Then the changes came and now I am loathed to talk about it other than my utter contempt for what is now a hollow husk of its former self. I can't see that site going on much longer as is.
You can try and polish that turd all you want. It will shine a little more. Once anyone gets up close and personal the will see they corn you had for breakfast.