Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Trumps remarks were directed at the people in those countries, he was implying that the people their are not worthy because of where they live.
Since you are a racist, you, like WhatTheFuckDoIKnow, call everyone else a "racist" to deflect from your own flawed thoughts.
Speaking of your "flawed thoughts" ... exactly how would you know:
1. to where Trump's "remarks were directed"? and
2. what Trump "was implying" and
3. for what reason he was doing all this "directing" and "implying"?
Were you in the room?
Did you ask Trump what he meant?
Can you read minds through news media announcements?
Have your students gotten back from Christmas Break?
Oh, and you've had your wish for years: You ARE A SHIT-HOLE! But the real question is:
Do you LOVE being a CUM-BUCKET?