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Old 04-10-2019, 02:14 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
At the present moment, it's Chucky and Nancy that are blocking trump. Ryan, McCain, and Flake are gone. One 9th Circus hold versus how many obstructionists stays is laughable.
Fine. Ignore the Republican negatives. Emphasize the Democratic negatives. So be it.
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Old 04-10-2019, 02:18 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Fine. Ignore the Republican negatives. Emphasize the Democratic negatives. So be it.
It's Chucky and Nancy that are blocking Trump.
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Old 04-10-2019, 03:27 PM   #33
Austin Ellen
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Mayor Pete in from South Bend,Indiana. If you get a chance check out his interview with Bill Mahr. He made ole Bill a little pissy. It was good. He knows that dems have to win over middle Americans.

Let me tell you the knowledge that I had of the 2016 elections - I told everyone Trump was going to win - and he did. Mic drop.

P.S. - And Trump will win in 2020 too.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Again you are showing little knowledge of the 2016 election. Clinton did not carry the south. Clinton did not carry "middle America". Whoever the Democratic candidate for POTUS is in 2020 will not carry "middle America". He/she will not carry the south, other than possibly winning Florida and a long shot in Georgia.

The latest poll on the Democratic contenders, out today, still has Biden well ahead, although he has dropped a little. Sanders dropped more. Harris in 3rd place is far behind.


Trump is still the betting favorite in betting parlors.

But this tidbit from vox.com is so true:

"Regardless, the messy picture here is probably an appropriate one. Trump is unpopular and consumer confidence is iffy, but the underlying economic data is sound. The president is probably looking at better odds of reelection than his poor approval ratings or the unending stream of bad headlines would suggest. But he’s got weaker odds than he probably should, considering the state of the economy and incumbency advantages.

Let us end by remembering — and I cannot emphasize this enough — how long we have to go. Not only in news cycles and Twitter rants, but for the economy. We are just entering the period that will likely prove decisive in how American voters evaluate Trump at the end of his term. The 2020 campaign is, in every meaningful sense, only just beginning."
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Old 04-10-2019, 04:06 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Mayor Pete in from South Bend,Indiana. If you get a chance check out his interview with Bill Mahr. He made ole Bill a little pissy. It was good. He knows that dems have to win over middle Americans.

Let me tell you the knowledge that I had of the 2016 elections - I told everyone Trump was going to win - and he did. Mic drop.

P.S. - And Trump will win in 2020 too.

They will accept your money in Vegas if you want to bet.
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Old 04-10-2019, 04:21 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Even if a 70% tax on the VERY rich passed, it would affect a tiny handful of people in this country. And not many of the potential Democratic candidates are proposing it. Open borders? Again, no Democratic candidate is proposing open borders. What to do about the problem at our southern border is a complex problem, one that Trump is having trouble solving.

The Green New Deal? Mostly pie-in-the-sky.

"Whatever the future of the Green New Deal as originally envisioned; it has already accomplished what was unthinkable a short six months ago—a charged national climate conversation. The past week’s events on Capitol Hill evidence the change that has come over the nation largely at the insistence of young voters and progressive politicians."


What would be on the agenda for Democrats in the 2020 election? Here is a nice summary on the various candidates views:


To be honest, the Democratic presidential candidate, whoever that turns out to be, has the potential to be able to sit back and have to do little to instill voter confidence.

"President Trump will be the least popular president to run for reelection in the history of polling,” said the poll analysis that put Trump at 37% and a generic Democrat at 48%."


From the same article:

“From the vantage point of today, if the economy stays strong, unemployment low, fewer Americans are dying in war overseas, and a couple of high-profile agreements with China and North Korea — that all could be molded into a winning campaign as the Democrats are shooting at each other. I am not ready to bet on his reelection, but I am also not ready to bet on his defeat,” Zogby said.'

Too many months to go before the election to cast anything in stone. The one thing we know WON'T change is Trump, and just like many people voted against Hillary Clinton because she was Hillary Clinton, many people will vote against Trump because he is Trump. Enough to cause him to lose the 2020 election? Your guess is as good as mine.
What I said is correct...the candidates are trying to out do each other on their race to see who can go further left.
Heartland America isn't crazy about BIG Gumment...and all the ridiculousness of the daily attack on Trump for anything IMAGINABLE is getting old.
Now it is his taxes...and wanting the Mulehead report and trying to link a conspiracy to obstruction...when HE WAS NEVER INDICTED!!
These fuckers in Gumment are doubling down went the need to move on...they are only hurting themselves.
The TDS you and the left have is only hurting your cause.
If the FISA warrant shit is investigated thoroughly, you and your buddies on the left got some serious splainin to do...IT STARTED WITH YOUR MAN OBUMMER!!
This kind behavior doesn't sit well with independent voters.
Good luck with ALL your scenarios...about Trumps chances.
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Old 04-10-2019, 09:15 PM   #36
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
What I said is correct...the candidates are trying to out do each other on their race to see who can go further left.
Heartland America isn't crazy about BIG Gumment...and all the ridiculousness of the daily attack on Trump for anything IMAGINABLE is getting old.
Now it is his taxes...and wanting the Mulehead report and trying to link a conspiracy to obstruction...when HE WAS NEVER INDICTED!!
These fuckers in Gumment are doubling down went the need to move on...they are only hurting themselves.
The TDS you and the left have is only hurting your cause.
If the FISA warrant shit is investigated thoroughly, you and your buddies on the left got some serious splainin to do...IT STARTED WITH YOUR MAN OBUMMER!!
This kind behavior doesn't sit well with independent voters.
Good luck with ALL your scenarios...about Trumps chances.
big question is (too early really to say) will they run to the center after getting nominated? or will they take a page from trump's playbook or more precisely from McGovern's playbook and run from the left?

the thing with trump, he didn't run to the center after being nominated. that was new!
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Old 04-11-2019, 12:10 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
If the FISA warrant shit is investigated thoroughly, you and your buddies on the left got some serious splainin to do...IT STARTED WITH YOUR MAN OBUMMER!!
This kind behavior doesn't sit well with independent voters.
Yes, I want to hear them explain why it was ok to take a system (FISA) set up to allow law enforcement to track terrorists and potential terrorists in this country and subvert it to throw a sheen of legality over the wiretapping of a political opponent's Presidential campaign?

This is so insidiously destructive to our democracy that I seethe in anger everytime I think about what happened.

If the FBI was genuinely concerned about Russian attempts to penetrate our Presidential campaigns they should have briefed both Trump and hildebeest on what they knew. But they didn't. They snooped on one campaign and justified it with a phony dossier paid for by the other campaign. How fucked up is that?

I want to know everything. Who submitted all those unmasking requests. Brennan, Rice, Power? What was in the transcripts. Who read them. Which ones did obama see? By the book, my ass. Let it all come out!
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Old 04-11-2019, 06:48 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Mayor Pete in from South Bend,Indiana. If you get a chance check out his interview with Bill Mahr. He made ole Bill a little pissy. It was good. He knows that dems have to win over middle Americans.

Let me tell you the knowledge that I had of the 2016 elections - I told everyone Trump was going to win - and he did. Mic drop.

P.S. - And Trump will win in 2020 too.
Again you are incorrect. The Democrats do NOT have to win over middle America in order to win the 2020 election. Middle America, depending on one's definition, usually does not include Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Those are the 3 states Democrats must probably win in order to win back the presidency in 2020.

Yes, you did predict a Trump victory in 2016. And you predicted Republicans would hold the House in 2018. Mic drop.
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Old 04-11-2019, 06:54 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
What I said is correct...the candidates are trying to out do each other on their race to see who can go further left.
Heartland America isn't crazy about BIG Gumment...and all the ridiculousness of the daily attack on Trump for anything IMAGINABLE is getting old.
Now it is his taxes...and wanting the Mulehead report and trying to link a conspiracy to obstruction...when HE WAS NEVER INDICTED!!
These fuckers in Gumment are doubling down went the need to move on...they are only hurting themselves.
The TDS you and the left have is only hurting your cause.
If the FISA warrant shit is investigated thoroughly, you and your buddies on the left got some serious splainin to do...IT STARTED WITH YOUR MAN OBUMMER!!
This kind behavior doesn't sit well with independent voters.
Good luck with ALL your scenarios...about Trumps chances.
I think you are wrong that the Democratic nominee will be far to the left. We won't know for quite a while which one of us is correct.

Like I said to AE, Heartland America, again depending of one's definition, is solid Republican and not going to move in 2020.

All I have laid out is the most obvious route to a Democratic victory in 2020. I doubt many would disagree with it. It may happen and it may not.
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Old 04-11-2019, 07:45 AM   #40
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That's true and when I'm out there I'll check it out. I love to gamble in Vegas. I'll let you know how much I won

Originally Posted by bamscram View Post
They will accept your money in Vegas if you want to bet.
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Old 04-11-2019, 07:56 AM   #41
Austin Ellen
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I was trying to explain which candidate in the democratic party is trying to incorporate themselves into middle America versus the candidates that are too far left
to win over voters in middle America. Since Mayor Pete is from South Bend,Indiana he knows the challenges of working class Americans. Out of all the candidates in the Democratic party I like him the most.

Do I think he can beat Trump? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo.

But I do think he's interesting versus the other folks that are trying to run for President.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Again you are incorrect. The Democrats do NOT have to win over middle America in order to win the 2020 election. Middle America, depending on one's definition, usually does not include Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Those are the 3 states Democrats must probably win in order to win back the presidency in 2020.

Yes, you did predict a Trump victory in 2016. And you predicted Republicans would hold the House in 2018. Mic drop.
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Old 04-11-2019, 01:12 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
I was trying to explain which candidate in the democratic party is trying to incorporate themselves into middle America versus the candidates that are too far left
to win over voters in middle America. Since Mayor Pete is from South Bend,Indiana he knows the challenges of working class Americans. Out of all the candidates in the Democratic party I like him the most.

Do I think he can beat Trump? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo.

But I do think he's interesting versus the other folks that are trying to run for President.
Just for fun, here is a u-tube video in which the person making the video is giving his opinion on how a Trump - Buttigieg matchup in 2020 would turn out. It is 14 minutes long. It points out what I've said all along and continue to say -- a very few states will determine the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, primarily Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

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Old 04-11-2019, 01:39 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
I like Pete Buttigieg for the Dems. He's highly intelligent
plus the guy has common sense. I love folks with common sense.

I've got a real good feeling about him... he's a good guy.
^^^ See here, mystic - Ellen has a weak spot for the gay guy!

So why doesn't she like you?
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Old 04-11-2019, 01:46 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Middle America, depending on one's definition, usually does not include Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Are you nuts? Of course middle America, aka "flyover country", aka the "rust belt", includes MI, WI and PA! By anyone's definition.

You sure pick dumb things to argue about.
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Old 04-11-2019, 01:49 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Just for fun, here is a u-tube video in which the person making the video is giving his opinion on how a Trump - Buttigieg matchup in 2020 would turn out. It is 14 minutes long. It points out what I've said all along and continue to say -- a very few states will determine the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, primarily Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

You continue to list a few states that will determine the 2020 election...then you say it's anyone's guess??
You can't bring yourself to say that the DEMS are doing MANY thing right now that are not going to go over well with the independent votes.
This FISA warrant shit and the possible investigation has the DEMS and their shills...AKA the media going apoplectic over this...Hummmmm I wonder why??
That investigation would sink your party!!
Indictments are coming in the Obummer's white house and their ties to this fiasco.
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