Some girls post rates on backpage. I see hourly rates on Backpage. I don't see any rates or specials on Eccie. And the P411 rates have always been much higher than what the girls were really charging.
I even see Eccie moderators advertising on Backpage, like Elizabeth Whispers
It's much quicker to just go out to Backpage and see rates and pictures of every girl in one standard format. Pictures on the right, links to the girl's other ads, and her age. I can just go down a list looking for the age I want. With Eccie I go down the Provider ads and they have pictures all over the place IF they even do have a picture. Then they may not have a phone number and they are PM only. Today I took the time to send a new Eccie girl a PM and only after I tried to send it did the system tell me that her PM box was full. Frustrating.
Backpage is so much more structured and consistent. Can we make Eccie more like backpage and easier to use?