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Old 01-05-2013, 05:24 PM   #31
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
the stupidity of the right will keep us from ever working together.Their philosophy is "my way or the highway"
The Soviet Union didn't have a right wing to deal with. They had a completely left wing country. Look how well that worked out. Every time the voice of conservatism is silenced, disaster follows, China, Cuba, Cambodia, USSR, Eastern Europe, etc.
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Old 01-05-2013, 05:35 PM   #32
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There is a fudemental difference between various factions in this Country as to what it means to be an "American".

Untill these differences are resolved, the country will be split right down the middle, and what we have now will pretty well be the norm.

I would hope that if a major World Conflict such as WW-2 ever did occur again, we would unite in victory.

But then again, we might be just as apt to unite in compitulation.
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Old 01-05-2013, 05:58 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
The idiot has chimed in and offered zero...as usual. Anybody else?

I only quoted this only to show you why none of us can agree often. You ask for honesty as then bitch slap him when he offers it.

I've tried reaching across the aisle and got my head snapped off for the trouble.

I will admit I've not gone I the trouble of actually reading this thread. I apologize in advance if this was covered. You democrats that don't believe in Obama are not traitors and the republicans the do believe in him ARE traitors. Hes about to take our guns and has raised taxes on everyone across the board. If you've not been affected yet, wait till the end of march (no particular reason, it just sounded like the right time.)

I think the question might be, what must this guy do to make y'all believe he is dangerously bad news. Where's your line? It's been crossed for us and we won't back down on the fact he is a cancer in OUR whitehouse. The left and right get along mostly well. It's the extremes on each end that pulls us one way or the other, when most of us are pretty middle of the road.
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Old 01-05-2013, 05:59 PM   #34
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How are we ever going to come together if half the folks think it is ok to regulate a woman's vagina but not guns and the other half vice versa?

And let me throw in this nugget, our Tea Nuts are to ignorant to see that hypocrisy. I mean they just do not get it.

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Old 01-05-2013, 06:13 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
. The left and right get along mostly well. It's the extremes on each end that pulls us one way or the other, when most of us are pretty middle of the road.
Seriously if you think you are anywhere near the middle of the road, you and JD's farm must be near Auschwitz. You are an extreme, extreme nutcase. Tim McViegh like. You are cult like, kinda like the Manson family....

99% of the time I'm joking around in this forum but not this time. You are brainwashed, just like the folks that owned slaves and thought of them as property. It was just a way of life to them. That is you towards Muslims and liberals. Anyway, sorry for the rant, just do not try and lump yourself with folks in the middle.
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:23 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
I was going to say an invasion by extraterrestrials might make us come together to fight a common enemy. But, I'm not sure even that would be enough. The liberals would just say we should try to understand their culture and why they intend to kill us and eat us. I mean after all, who are we to judge?
And dipshits like you will be shooting at them with your AKs!
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:28 PM   #37
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You admit to not having read this thread but figures you had something to add to a conversation of which you have no knowledge.

Makes perfect sense.
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:29 PM   #38
joe bloe
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Seriously if you think you are anywhere near the middle of the road, you and JD's farm must be near Auschwitz. You are an extreme, extreme nutcase. Tim McViegh like. You are cult like, kinda like the Manson family....

99% of the time I'm joking around in this forum but not this time. You are brainwashed, just like the folks that owned slaves and thought of them as property. It was just a way of life to them. That is you towards Muslims and liberals. Anyway, sorry for the rant, just do not try and lump yourself with folks in the middle.
Since you made the Nazi reference, don't forget the Nazis were the National Socialist German Workers Party, they were not conservatives.
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:30 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
I was going to say an invasion by extraterrestrials might make us come together to fight a common enemy. ?
Now we know Zimmerman defense. Martin was a Martian.
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:34 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Now we know Zimmerman defense. Martin was a Martian.
I'm going to be charitable and assume you only post when you're extremely drunk.
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:47 PM   #41
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Lettuce Read the Replie as Idiot #2 Chimes in From Behind Door #3:

Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
I only quoted this only to show you why none of us can agree often. You ask for honesty as then bitch slap him when he offers it. I guess honesty is in the eye of the beholder - I saw chickenshit, piles of it.

I've tried reaching across the aisle and got my head snapped off for the trouble. You may want to refine your technique.

I will admit I've not gone I the trouble of actually reading this thread. Where's the surprise in that, then you'd have to actually absorb and understand what was typed. I apologize in advance if this was covered. You democrats that don't believe in Obama are not traitors and the republicans the do believe in him ARE traitors. Huh? Hes about to take our guns and has raised taxes on everyone across the board. Wrong on both counts, but who's counting? I doubt you qualify on the $400K earnings side and I'd love to see a W-2 where you're on a payroll. The Faux talking point of "raising" taxes by allowing the 2% SS deduction reduction to lapse doesn't amount to raising taxes - especially, since it was The President for Four More Years who instituted the deduction reduction in the first place. If you've not been affected yet, wait till the end of march (no particular reason, it just sounded like the right time.) Like almost all of what you "think" or say, there's no particular reason for it - or reasoning, for that matter.

I think the question might be, what must this guy do to make y'all believe he is dangerously bad news. Mmmmm, maybe actually DO something that is "dangerously bad news" somewhere other than in the crevices of your "mind." Where's your line? Beats the fu*k out of me - here's your SIGN (hee hee, I made a rhyme). It's been crossed for us and we won't back down on the fact he is a cancer in OUR whitehouse. Sorry, Tom Petty already has the copyright for that phrase. The left and right get along mostly well. It's the extremes on each end that pulls us one way or the other, when most of us are pretty middle of the road. HA HA HA HA HA - what a load of horse pucky, "WE?" Nothing you say is in the middle of any road, well, maybe some backwoods dirt road headed towards a still someplace.
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:50 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
Since you made the Nazi reference, don't forget the Nazis were the National Socialist German Workers Party, they were not conservatives.
Again you show your ignorance....

The Nazis most resoundingly were NOT socialists by the only valid definition extant, and the verifiable evidence is absolutely unanimous and overwhelming.

William L. Shirer in THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH noted that there was little or no socialism in "National Socialism".

Thyssen (I PAID HITLER and many others) pointed out that the "marriage" of business and the National Socialist Party, despite Hitler's contempt for aristocracy and business in general, guaranteed high profits for businesses. Ironically, his steel company was seized over what amounted to a personal hassle with the hierarchy, and handed over for administration and profit to Krupp/von Bohlen, rather than being "nationalized" in the pure sense, which is what would've happened in a left wing state.

Albert Speer, the Third Reich's last Armaments Minister, in INSIDE THE THIRD REICH makes clear that he had great difficulty controlling fiefdoms and bailiwicks of various private firms well into 1944, when the war was already going to pieces. He also notes the privatization of all the formerly state-owned arsenals, even the huge ones at Suhl, Spandau, and Amberg (13 in all!).

Public education, of course, had been one of the key features of all organized states since Roman times. And National Public Health in Germany was enacted 1871-83, before Hitler was BORN, by the Bismarck government.

Hitler's state enacted NO new welfare programs, and eliminated many, sending former "loafers" to the death or work camps. Almost none qualified for military service, as the Weimar Republic had always claimed.

Hitler, of course, much like today's conservatives, attacked the Weimar government as "intrusive" and "socialist", and he HATED "Bolshevism" and "social democrats" (socialists), and proclaimed it loudly on almost every page of MEIN KAMPF.

Bullock, Toland, Heisler, and hundreds of others verify that there was no nationalization in Nazi Germany, and indeed, the general trend was in the other direction. Railroads were amalgamated and standardized for military purposes, but this had been a plan for at least 80 years!

Himmler, well before the Wannsee Conference, and after the "Night of the Long Knives", which eventuated the disposal of any and all left-sympathizing party members, including Ernst Roehm, about 1938, enunciated to a mass meeting of the SchutzStaffel (S.S.): "We are of the right and of order. We shall sweep away Jews, Bolsheviks, and liberal democracies as one sweeps away flies."

Here's the deal: You can hear LOTS of things, especially if listening to clowns. But every scholar clearly identifies the Nazis with the right wing, and no one serious does NOT identify them with the reactionary right wing. All the historians agree.

The inclusion of the "s" word was a clumsy but sometimes convenient leftover from a merger well described in the literature. They even used it, short term, through tracts written by the Strasser brothers, to con working men into acquiescing to the movement. For their leftist-sounding pamphlets, the Strassers were murdered. And anyone who suggested in Germany, once they took power, that Nazis were "progressive" or "leftists" would've been killed for his statement.

It's the scholarship that counts. Drunks in bars and idiots spewing madness in chat rooms are not sources of ANY kind! And the same applied to uncredentialed and unportfolioed so-called "pundits" who claim Nazis were "progressive" or "liberal", which is a huge, undocumented, insidious, and criminal lie.

No, Hitler and the Nazis were about as far from "socialists" as it is possible
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:56 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by joe bloe View Post
I'm going to be charitable and assume you only post when you're extremely drunk.
You were the one talking about being invaded by aliens! I was only making fun of you. I will say that for me to ever believe half your posts, I'd have to be drunk drunk and that don't happen anymore.
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Old 01-05-2013, 06:56 PM   #44
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BTW, Thyssen/Krupp Steel is still in operaton today.
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Old 01-05-2013, 07:00 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You were the one talking about being invaded by aliens! I was only making fun of you. I will say that for me to ever believe half your posts, I'd have to be drunk drunk and that don't happen anymore.
If this is you sober, maybe you should get drunk.
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