Originally Posted by carkido45
Yeah that WakeUp contributes nothing but crap and luvs to Hijack to get attention he is obviously stalking
Brooke Wilde'
Wakeup and his buddy WayWard stalk me in the other place also so I let it slide no biggie.
It's always so amusing when the self appointed "Origional ASPD Bad Boy" tries to get up on his hind legs and post like someone with balls. It's a lot like when boi bander Ricky Martin Comes Out of the Closet, sane folks wonder who ever thought he was straight? Nothing wrong with being Carkiddo, but who exactly does he think he is fooling?
Trying to help you isn't stalking OASPDBB, just as many have explained to you publicly and privately how many different kinds of posters contribute to the message boards, but no matter how many times he gets spanked, always coming back for more. Someone seems to have a little man crush on me and it's kinda cute.
Carkiddo sorry that the back channels aren't open to you and the whole concept is so confusing, sucks to be you and I don't mean that as another gay reference, but the back channel thing kind of was. But I'll keep trying to help you and you will keep crushing on me, then some day you will come out of the closet. Carkiddo you should come out with us sometime, it would be fun for you to see us in the wild. Don't be skeered.
Of course some threads should be locked and some threads should be allowed to play out, it's always knowing which ones are which that becomes difficult.
Brook can't wait for your other hobby husband to Wakeup, he has been missing you while you've been getting your post on in the powder room, this is going to be an excellent day! Why do you hate Houston hobbyist's again?