Originally Posted by bambino
Since Diddys arrest we have seen dozens of CEOs step down. Usher, Megan Foxx, Steve Harvey, Patrick Mahomes and the singer PINK have all apparently deleted tweets. Clive Davis appeared to have a sudden onset of memory loss when questioned about Diddy. Sheer panic. I believe this will continue.
I honestly find the timing of this arrest very interesting. Kamala Harris was Attorney General during the times those "parties" were taking place. How is it possible that she didnt know? All of that evil and illegal activity and she didint even hear about it? This would be an incredible time for any info to come out regarding her and any possible connection. It would be brilliant. Trump would be free and clear of any character ass-assina-tion. That will happen without a doubt. Absolutely Brilliant.
... Let's NOT forget that the OBamas are/were good mates
of the P-Diddy bloke! ...


#### Salty