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Old 03-22-2022, 11:35 PM   #31
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Anyone using Ledger devices or other hardware wallets to secure your crypto? Recently moved all out of Coinbase to one after seeing that the gurus suggest them. I don't have a ton in crypto yet but enough to be pissed to wake up and find out I've been wiped out by a hack. Nothing is 100% but seems that its a technology and market primed for new age crooks.
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Old 03-23-2022, 07:54 PM   #32
Chung Tran
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Crypto is a get rich easy scheme that will implode just as it did in 2018.

If you want to pay for pussy in Pattaya, you have one more week.


Governments will not allow crpto to upstage their Central Bank currency. Cash in while you still have theoretical value.
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Old 03-24-2022, 06:35 AM   #33
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I’ve also been thinking about making a crypto investment. My main concern about it before was that it’s too distances from real life. I mean, I was afraid that I would not be able to use virtual currency to buy real items. Now, however, I see multiple possibilities to turn your cryptos into something that you can touch. It is even possible to buy real estate for cryptocurrency using a financial intermediary like Xerof. So this might be a reasonable investment in the future. I hope to make some money with cryptos and then invest them in real estate I can rent and get passive income.
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Old 03-24-2022, 09:54 PM   #34
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There are a few things you can buy using crpto. But it's typically clumsy. Cash and credit/debit cards is much easier and accepted.

Why is crpto valuable to you? Because you think someone will pay more for your crpto than you did, and you can profit?

Why did it implode 4 years ago?

What intrinsic value does it have? Besides being able to transact in private?
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Old 03-25-2022, 02:31 AM   #35
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listen to this man. if only he could be my stock broker. no homo.
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Old 03-26-2022, 08:39 PM   #36
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Big fan of terra lately - been doing me well
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Old 04-18-2022, 06:39 AM   #37
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Cryptocurrency is a great way to earn quite a lot of money through investments. But it is important to think about each of your actions and analyze the situation. Therefore, only those who have studied everything concerning basic knowledge about its features can enrich themselves thanks to the cryptocurrency. It is important to understand how it works and why it is necessary to perform certain actions. Therefore, before investing in crypto, it is worth studying the basic concepts on the crypto knowledge website and understanding exactly how close this topic is to you.
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Old 04-23-2022, 02:02 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Thatguymike View Post
Big fan of terra lately - been doing me well
LUNA will be worth $10k in the next decade, Do Kwon is one of the smartest people on the planet. The tokenomics of Terra Luna is the best in crypto, as UST gets minted as the number 1 stablecoin LUNA will sky rocket like we have never seen before.

Buy Luna and stake it and forget about it, you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams in 10 years.
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Old 04-23-2022, 04:16 PM   #39
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On a Macro Level I have seen first hand a guy in Ghana trade 6 eggs for 12 MTN minutes on his CP. Go to another stall and buy a head scarf using those 12 ETN minutes. Witnessed the exact same transaction in Baguio City trading Globe minutes on a CP for chicken at a food stall.

Is trading CP minutes a form of Crypto.....NO but they prefer it versus toting around cash and banks/ATM cards are not realistic for a majority of folks in third world countries.

Is a banking collapse possible in the USA? Powell is on record as saying printing money does not cause inflation. WOW that should scare people shirtless when the Fed Chairman makes a comment like that.


M2 chart shows double digit monthly increases and it will not stop in the near future. What does Bitcoin represent intrinsically is debatable but thinking Michael Saylor and his 6 Billion investment in Bitcoin is flawed by saying crypto it is a scam lacks knowledge of crypto and that not everyone in this world has a stable currency or banking system.

Even Warren Buffet's group invested in a Brazilian Bank heavily into digital after he called Bitcoin a nothing asset.


Stock Markets are extremely volatile right now with allot of profit taking so lets see where that cash flows as letting it sit in cash regardless of interest rates or bond yields with monthly increases in M2 is not going to end well for investors.
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Old 05-07-2022, 10:52 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by ahab11 View Post

Is trading CP minutes a form of Crypto.....NO but they prefer it versus toting around cash and banks/ATM cards are not realistic for a majority of folks in third world countries.

Stock Markets are extremely volatile right now with allot of profit taking so lets see where that cash flows as letting it sit in cash regardless of interest rates or bond yields with monthly increases in M2 is not going to end well for investors.
I get the idea that crpto is something of an alternative currency. A clumsy proxy, but currency nevertheless. What I don't get is why that makes crpto investable as an asset with profit potential. Crpto doesn't produce goods or services, doesn't pay interest or dividends from accretive earnings. And it is subject to major legislation that could squash the pereceived value it has.

Remember when Elon Musk posted that pic of a Doge Coin, and the next day its value sky rocketed? That simple post and buying frenzy made Gamestop's moves look lethargic.

Bitcoin is down 24% this year? Why is that?

Because it's a risk asset. People see the NASDAQ tanking, and realize their Bitcoin has no intrinsic value, just like the high multiple Tech stocks, where the underlying company was selling at 100 times sales, but had never earned any money.

Even some analysts are shocked that Bitcoin is collapsing. They think Bitcoin is a hedge against inflation, for some reason. They can't explain why they think it, but it is just assumed to be.

I hope someone in this thread will offer a coherent reason why Bitcoin (or other crypto) is a solid investment. And will tell us why Bitcoin collapsed a few years ago, when it was then touted as the great new investment theme. Why is it different in 2022, after the near total collapse in 2018?
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Old 05-07-2022, 09:53 PM   #41
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Default Crypto == Tulips

Anyone ever read about the tulip craze that basically was the first bubble and crash ever?


The Dutch invented modern banking and the stock market...

well I'm glad they got the red light district right. Germany one-upped them with the FKKs...
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Old 05-07-2022, 10:20 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by bimforc2cfun View Post
Anyone ever read about the tulip craze that basically was the first bubble and crash ever?
I know this song about Tulips temporarily crashed Rock and Roll


Yeah, Humans have been looking for easy get rich quick opportunities, since Eve tricked Adam into eating her Apple-shaped Bottom. Or something like that.
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Old 05-08-2022, 04:35 PM   #43
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Everyone is all BSC over the question of crypto’s legitimacy. Some will pan out as lucrative investments, some will attain mediocrity, while many will flame out. Their value will be determined by efficiency and usage. What is undeniable that few seem to wrap their head around is that blockchain is the future of finance. Now back to what I logged on for.
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Old 05-09-2022, 07:21 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
I hope someone in this thread will offer a coherent reason why Bitcoin (or other crypto) is a solid investment.
It's not like investing in a company. It's like investing in VIX or any other currency. It's just gambling.

Personally, I think BTC will continue to rise in value over time until/unless another cryptocurrency begins to dominate. I think electronic currency is the future and BTC has quite the head start on all the others in terms of being accepted by legit businesses.
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Old 05-09-2022, 11:12 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Crock View Post

Personally, I think BTC will continue to rise in value over time until/unless another cryptocurrency begins to dominate. I think electronic currency is the future and BTC has quite the head start on all the others in terms of being accepted by legit businesses.
Continue to rise?

It is in free fall as I type. All crypto is faltering. Why is Bitcoin unraveling again, after collapsing to near zero in 2018?

Could it be because it never had any economic reason to go higher? How does one value bitcoin? Nobody can tell me. All I ever hear is ''it will go up LATER, when people figure out that Bitcoin is becoming a new currency''. even if it does, why would it be an investment that goes up in value? How long are we supposed to wait until crypto returns yield? Why does it go down in concert with the NASDAQ stocks that were similarly bid up in price, despite a zero history of earnings?

I'm still waiting on a convincing argument. Just because the technology is relatively new, doesn't make it a worthy investment. Look ar Space Travel companies, for example. New, exciting technology.. Virgin Galactic is down 500% in a year.
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