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Old 05-09-2012, 10:07 PM   #31
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nowweknow how long does it generaly take for just the private area and the butt crack?.....BTW thanks for the very useful information...
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Old 05-10-2012, 05:18 AM   #32
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I hate having my nose tickled while my mouth is full...it makes it hard to breathe.
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Old 05-10-2012, 06:37 AM   #33
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Too Funny, Dallas Rain...lol!
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Old 05-10-2012, 07:42 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by cumalot View Post
nowweknow how long does it generaly take for just the private area and the butt crack?.....BTW thanks for the very useful information...
20-30 minutes, depending on how experienced the waxer is. I've had waxers who are efficient and put more wax on while the previous wax cools. Then I've had waxers who do one bit at a time. I can't think of it ever taking more than 30 minutes.

Also, some waxers recommend not having sex for 12-24 hours after waxing. I have never followed this rule on purpose (sometimes I don't HAVE anyone to have sex with). I've never had a problem... nor do I know what problem one might have.
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Old 05-10-2012, 08:38 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by nowweknow View Post
20-30 minutes, depending on how experienced the waxer is. I've had waxers who are efficient and put more wax on while the previous wax cools. Then I've had waxers who do one bit at a time. I can't think of it ever taking more than 30 minutes.

Also, some waxers recommend not having sex for 12-24 hours after waxing. I have never followed this rule on purpose (sometimes I don't HAVE anyone to have sex with). I've never had a problem... nor do I know what problem one might have.
Thanks for the info.

I have a question, not sure if you can answer. I know they say the hair must be at least 1/4" for waxing to be beneficial, do they trim the guy up if he's slacked off at maintaining?
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Old 05-10-2012, 08:47 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Diomidis View Post
Thanks for the info.

I have a question, not sure if you can answer. I know they say the hair must be at least 1/4" for waxing to be beneficial, do they trim the guy up if he's slacked off at maintaining?
No, they don't trim it up... there is no need to do this. I've heard this before, but as far as i know it's not necessary. I've had long hair before and they wax it the same as if I have 1/4" hair. I've never had anyone trim my hair before I've been waxed.

I think if your waxer weren't experienced, they might not apply the wax right and actually PULL your hair. That would hurt. The wax is applied to your skin and it grabs the hair at the base. The key is to pull out the follicle thereby causing new follicles to form and new hair to grow. That's why the hair that grows back is much finer.

I'm going to say this again, because I can't overemphasize it... the pain is minimal. It's going to sting, yes, but only for a second. When you see the results, it will be worth it for you.
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Old 05-10-2012, 08:56 PM   #37
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YUM YUM I cant wait to lick all these shinny clean balls............Line em up boys............
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Old 05-10-2012, 08:58 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Ms. Athena View Post
YUM YUM I cant wait to lick all these shinny clean balls............Line em up boys............

Nothing turns me on more than a totally sloppy BJ right after I've been waxed smooth. Just the thought....
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Old 05-10-2012, 09:33 PM   #39
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I have been getting Manzilians for a little more than a year ... started with waxing (there are plenty of places around DFW) butt about six months ago went to sugaring. My times have generally run about an hour, and prices are similar to what has been noted already but ... sugaring costs a little more. To me the biggest difference is ... there area is smoother, with much less irritation, after a sugaring ... also, the more often you go (recommended every 3-5 weeks, just depends on how fast the hair grows), the less painful ... and I absolutely agree, once you go bald you won't want it any other way!
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Old 05-10-2012, 09:36 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by 1Curiousguy View Post
Another question that I forgot to ask, has anyone tried depillatories for men on this area? Do any of them work? Any downsides to them?
Have tried them. Work OK for me but I am used to them now, first time or two not as good. You do have to be careful on the time, a little to long then your in for a unpleasant treat.

I will ask has anyone tried any home waxing/sugaring. Any success or just too much??
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Old 05-11-2012, 05:56 AM   #41
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Ms. Athena I googled waxing for men in Houston with little success. The few possibles that I saw are all pretty far away from where I live.

There is a Brazilian place not far from me and I might just walk in and ask.

I apologize for being ignorant, but what is sugaring?

And someone mentioned that the hair that comes up after waxing is finer than what was there previously, does it continue to get ever finer until the wax will no longer grab it? One lady at a pharmacy told me that was the case when I was looking at home waxing kits.
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Old 05-11-2012, 10:07 AM   #42
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Default On Waxing

I have been getting waxed for several years. I started with my back at the suggestion of my SO. I migrated to manzillian and butt when I got really tired of shaving and the grow back.

I found that waxing gets a better result, lasts longer, and has the benefit of permanently thinning the forest over time. For example, I rarely have to do my back anymore because it seems that a bunch of the hair follicles just gave up. Also, I have found that I feel much cooler in the summer when I am free of fur.

As to the SO, she thought I was a little crazy untl she realized that I seemed much cleaner and fresher without all the hair to capture my man stink. There is also the not so inconsequential benefit that sensitivity seems to be heightened, especially during intimate activity.

To answer a few questions:

On cost: It varies depending on how much you want to do. A full body runs about 200. Just a brazilian runs about 60 to 90. Most good salons have a readily available price list that is both ala carte and multiple areas. Just ask.

On comparison to depilatores. Depilatories are terrible. They burn like crazy and stink. Using them on sensitive areas is strongly discouraged. Some people have a terrible reaction to them, which can include chemical burns. I have tried it and I will never put a chemical on me to melt hair again.

Post waxing considerations. Most people in the know recommend that you abstain from sex and working out for 24 hours. This is especially true for your first few times. Your skin will be in shock somewhat. Getting really sweaty or exposing yourself to lots of friction may cause you to get rash like bumps. The same is true for hot baths, hot tubs, etc. The bumps will go away, but it is unsightly and somewhat painful. If you get it bad, your skin looks like chicken skin.

You may also experience some ingrown hairs, especially your first few times. There are a couple of products that are great at knocking those out. PFB Vanish is a great one. But there are others. Some estheticians will use a treatment immediately after that retards hair growth and discourages ingrown hairs. I recommend that if it is available.

On grow back. It lasts much longer than shaving. And the grow back is not as uncomfortable since the hairs are new and pointed rather than blunt. See above regarding ingrown hairs. They say that your hair comes back finer. I think that depends on your hair type. Mine seems to be just as course as before, but over time there are significanly fewer of them.

On selecting an Esthetician. Someone mentioned that you should find someone that uses the hard wax. I agree. I would not go to just anyone for my nether reagions. I have had bad results before using someone that did not really know what they were doing. Also, not every place that waxes will wax men. I definatey would not try to do it to myself with a home kit. I always go to a specialist. And I have a preference for good looking estheticians since they handle my junk and inspect the star fish. That works for me. There are four places that I can recommend in Houston. All of them are in town. I do not have any experience with any in the burbs. PM me if you want the info.

On pain. Don't be such a pussy. lol. It really is not that bad. But then again, I am a little freaky like that. Just take some anti-inflamatories. Some estheticians say you should not drink alcohol before or for some time after because alcohol thins your blood. Personally, I like to drink a couple of beers while I am getting it done.

In my opininion, waxing is significantly better than shaving and other methods of hair removal. Some of my guy friends think it is strange and a little too metrosexual. And it does take some confidence to be hairless if you shower at a gym. If anyone says anything, I tell them they truth --that in my experience my waxed balls are much more likely to end up in my partner's mouth. That usually ends any discussion.
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Old 05-11-2012, 12:55 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by 1Curiousguy View Post
Ms. Athena I googled waxing for men in Houston with little success. The few possibles that I saw are all pretty far away from where I live.

There is a Brazilian place not far from me and I might just walk in and ask.

I apologize for being ignorant, but what is sugaring?

And someone mentioned that the hair that comes up after waxing is finer than what was there previously, does it continue to get ever finer until the wax will no longer grab it? One lady at a pharmacy told me that was the case when I was looking at home waxing kits.




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