Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Why not post locally??
Maybe the mods will move this to the "Who Gives a Shit Forum" with the others...seems to be a busy forum lately.
Actually you were right. It does belong in the "Who gives a shit forum".
Jemma, why are you being all defensive? Let the man post. Hell it's free advertisement for you. However, for someone that is new to the hooker board.. his first post was about a hooker that moved next door? Isn't that a bit weird? Why was this posted in national? You are a Houston provider. He should have posted it in Houston. You said "This thread is for welcoming him".. really? Well this is not the appropriate section for that. There is an area for new members and he could have posted and paraded you there.
If this is in fact "legit" then "welcome OP!" Glad to that you're happy with your find. I'd like to read the review though I can only read the clean version

@ Chica Chaser: You might want to move this to the welcome section/new members or provider ad section.