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Old 12-14-2021, 01:26 PM   #31
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I want to mention first I really love your new pictures! Until you decide what you would like to sorry different styles of lingerie! Maybe some that push them up or tighter in the top! You are gorgeous! Lingerie can be hard until you find the style that makes you feel sexy and confident! I would love to help! Lingerie is kind of my addiction lol. I’ll pm you! ♥️
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Old 12-14-2021, 03:53 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Once upon a time, I had a friend (never dated) who married a guy with enough money to buy her anything she wanted. So, she thought she would getf implants. But, she got a pair that were so big, and they hurt her back. She happened to visit me when I was with three MD friends. When she was out of the room, all three stated that they could not be real and they looked like basketballs.

Big mistake! So she got smaller boobs - two more times. After three times she seemed to be happy with the results.

She never did tell us what all of this medical work cost her, and her husband didn't tell us either.

Growing up this girl had absolutely no breasts at all, just tiny nipples. I understand the desire to have something up front for appearances.

I also have a friend that does the special tattoo work for women who have had new breasts due to cancer. He has special equipment for that work. He is the best at this in many states. Having nice breasts again after removal for cancer is a big deal. Having beasts that are too big can be a different problem.

Totally get that. Used to really enjoy Sandra Dee very much when she used to visit. GREAT provider. But, I always thought her breast job was WAY too big for her frame and not pliable. They looked like volleyballs on her chest and way too round. A mutual friend told me that she had lost almost all sensation in them and basically didn't feel anything for sensation. Great gal, but just didn't think they were sized right for her very petite, (and lovely frame).
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Old 12-15-2021, 04:53 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by KCFalcon77 View Post
Totally get that. Used to really enjoy Sandra Dee very much when she used to visit. GREAT provider. But, I always thought her breast job was WAY too big for her frame and not pliable. They looked like volleyballs on her chest and way too round. A mutual friend told me that she had lost almost all sensation in them and basically didn't feel anything for sensation. Great gal, but just didn't think they were sized right for her very petite, (and lovely frame).
I have heard that the price has been around $20K per operation x 3 because insurance doesn't cover it. If so, that is ridiculous, It has always seemed like a waste of time, money and pain for a woman to go through that nonsense. Besides that, most guys have thoughts of a lower level.
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Old 12-15-2021, 07:48 PM   #34
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I am more of a great set of legs guy than worry about breast size. If a person does get a boob job get to a really good Doctor, and they will seem close to natural.

Kind of like guys with beards, some women really like beards and some really hate them, and some don't care. I can understand some women with A cups might want something a little bigger, but nice looking C's often more appealing than DDD's
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Old 12-16-2021, 08:58 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
It has always seemed like a waste of time, money and pain for a woman to go through that nonsense. Besides that, most guys have thoughts of a lower level.
Yeah it's a woman thing for sure. Us guys cannot understand why they would want to do it unless there was a medical need. But this is totally up to the woman. If she wants to get implants to make her feel better about herself, despite the support from others that she is just perfect the way she is, then we need to get out of the way and let her do what makes her feel good about herself and support her decision. Not ridicule it or make fun of it.
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Old 12-17-2021, 08:04 AM   #36
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Please keep them natural!! As other have said - get implants if YOU want them - but for me, natural is best. Stretch marks, small boob, saggy boobs, a little extra weight here and there - who cares! It’s all about the attitude and the fun time together! I’m just excited to see a woman naked, I don’t care about flaws!
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Old 12-18-2021, 11:39 PM   #37
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Judging from your picture, I wouldn't change anything.
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Old 12-26-2021, 04:10 PM   #38
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All about natural for me. In fact, I probably prefer some sag as then I know they're natural. Size is pretty much irrelevant.
When I search P411 I always check natural only. Then if I see an obviously enhanced lady in the search I mark her excluded.
Same with ladies that obviously give a false weight. Eg 5'8" 110# & not rail thin? Wtfe... excluded.
Lastly, I see absolutely no reason to enhance based on your picture. Btw my fav lady is a small B & I've told her I think she's perfect.
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Old 12-26-2021, 06:10 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by vegasbaby7 View Post
All about natural for me. In fact, I probably prefer some sag as then I know they're natural. Size is pretty much irrelevant.
When I search P411 I always check natural only. Then if I see an obviously enhanced lady in the search I mark her excluded.
Same with ladies that obviously give a false weight. Eg 5'8" 110# & not rail thin? Wtfe... excluded.
Lastly, I see absolutely no reason to enhance based on your picture. Btw my fav lady is a small B & I've told her I think she's perfect.
My man, I totally respect your thoughts on the matter, BUT I'd have to say you missed out on some FABULOUS ladies if you automatically eliminate anyone with enhancements. Some jobs are poorly done and don't feel real, while others are perfection. My old ATF since retired was enhanced after four children in her real life, and whomever did her surgery was a god damn genius. or Michaelangelo, or you name it. They looked fantastic, felt fantastic, and were perfection on her frame. Thats not to even mention she , (like some of these ladies) was a wonderful provider, and a great deal of fun to be with on many levels. These being my own thoughts, as I said respect to you my friend...
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Old 12-26-2021, 06:18 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by KCFalcon77 View Post
My man, I totally respect your thoughts on the matter, BUT I'd have to say you missed out on some FABULOUS ladies if you automatically eliminate anyone with enhancements. Some jobs are poorly done and don't feel real, while others are perfection. My old ATF since retired was enhanced after four children in her real life, and whomever did her surgery was a god damn genius. or Michaelangelo, or you name it. They looked fantastic, felt fantastic, and were perfection on her frame. Thats not to even mention she , (like some of these ladies) was a wonderful provider, and a great deal of fun to be with on many levels. These being my own thoughts, as I said respect to you my friend...
My point was these ladies I've excluded were obviously enhanced yet didn't indicate on P411 that they were enhanced.
I have ZERO desire to see any lady that is dishonest in how she presents herself.
I do query enhanced ladies occasionally, variety is the spice of life as they say.
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Old 12-26-2021, 08:29 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Sonara View Post
Do guys really like girls that have fake breast? I’m just curious because I’m tired of hearing about it ! So like my breast aren’t horrible but I have had kids. I am a mother & I breastfed several years ago. Has anyone here ever been with a girl w implants, saline bags? Or whatever else is used? I personally never have met anyone with fake breast. Wondering what they feel like ? Surely not natural right or has someone met a girl or guy with natural feeling fake breast lol any info helps

Uploading a pic of myself take a Poll? Who thinks I really even need them ?
Given all the comments in reviews it sounds like you could use some. Just don't over do it. Think restoration procedure and not DDDs. Ok maybe go up a cup size since it probably doesn't cost much more. Probably could do a tummy tuck at the same time.
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Old 12-27-2021, 09:17 AM   #42
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The most important requirements from the provider I would have an appointment with are not about implants, all natural, etc. but how they treat me. What flows from their mind can be such a turn on. Body movements and sexy talk work as a good start to the whole experience.
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Old 01-03-2022, 01:21 PM   #43
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Personally, I love a pair that has been enhanced well and I’ll seek them out when given the option… like many have already said though, it’s all about what you personally want for yourself.
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Old 01-03-2022, 03:36 PM   #44
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Natural all th way!
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Old 01-04-2022, 09:12 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by CryptKicker View Post
What it boils down to is what makes you feel beautiful.

This is the best advice on the matter. To me, a working girl who feels confident and beautiful is better than one who isn't. The confidence can be felt throughout the whole experience, from TCB to meeting up, to after. The gals who aren't confident tend to bring the most baggage to the situation - they've got a habit, an entourage, money problems, car problems, etc ect. And those things get in the way of a good session.
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