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Old 06-26-2010, 12:53 AM   #31
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I was in Independence at 4 AM when Dole wrapped up his campaign. Would you believe that there were about five protesters. Considering that Dole had done nothing wrong to anyone, why the protesters? Yes, they were dirty looking, and sloppy, and just a little bit dumb.

Today I was talking to someone at work and suddenly it hit me; a few people have complained (or charged) that the Republicans have very few good candidates for 2012, who besides Obama or Hillary could the democrats run in a pinch? The democratic party is truly bankrupt when it comes to candidates.
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Old 06-26-2010, 01:16 AM   #32
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John Galt,
Good point, and I won't argue about the Dems being bankrupt when it comes to candidates, so who do we (Republicans) have to unseat Obama(or Hillary)? Jindal will have to wait until 2016 IMHO. Schwartznegger (spelling?) can'[t run because he wasn't born in America, McCain is too old to think about another try. Palin? There are some who want her to run, I don't. Mitch McConnell? John Boehner? Dick Armey? Anyone of them might win in 2012, but only if Obama didn't run for reelection and Hillary nominated Nancy Pelosi at the Democratic Convention. Pelosi? If you think Al Smith (in 1928), Alf Landon (1936) and George McGovern (1972) took shelackings, I'd have to say she wouldn't win any state. LOL.

Sorry, John. I just don't have a clue right now about November 2012.

Back to my original question, John. Who do we have that isn't a sacraficial lamb?
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Old 06-26-2010, 01:48 AM   #33
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bill Oriley
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Old 06-26-2010, 08:04 AM   #34
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You have got to run people who are not senators or congressman or if they are they must have run a large state as a governor or large city as a mayor. The person has got to be someone who has experiance at running something in my opinion. I think the GOP choice is going to be someone from out of the blue, a governor or mayor who like B. Clinton and Carter will catch the publics eye and come out of no where. I am not familar with a lot of the Governors, but I have been hearing a lot of good things about the new Govenor in Jersey.
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Old 06-26-2010, 08:53 AM   #35
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Does anyone think Jeb Bush would stand a chance if he ran in 2012? Also what about Lou Dobbs?
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Old 06-26-2010, 10:14 AM   #36
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No Bush would not stand a chance in a presidential election, the only way would be if things came to light that discredited the attacks on his brother, such as the discovery of a nuclear weapons cashe in Iraq to justify the invasion. Other than that the name has been destroyed in national american politics. Dobbs for president, seriously now your kidding right.
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Old 06-26-2010, 01:18 PM   #37
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I don't think Jeb Bush has a chance...not because of his brother...just because he himself would be a terrible candidate.

I saw the Jindal rebuttal...I don't think the majority of the electorate saw it, would remember it, or would care. If he runs, he would have a clean slate. I really don't know alot about him, but I like what I see. Same for Christie of NJ.

Now for the Democrats. I really don't think Hillary would split her party in a primary challenge. Didn't Teddy do this to Carter, resulting in a Carter loss. Obama just has too much control of the party money right now. Her safest bet...and it would almost be a sure thing:

Biden 'retires', Hillary joins the ticket as VP candidate.

I think they would surely win. Her only concern: after 8 years of Obama, and mess that is accumulating, would anybody be in the mood to elect a democrat?
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Old 06-26-2010, 03:07 PM   #38
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I won't blame Carter's loss on Teddy, blame it on Carter and Iran.
The difference between Carter/Kennedy, Ford/Reagan, and Taft/Roosevelt is that the party pretty much supported the incumbent whether he was loved or not. I'm certain that Hillary would make sure that all the balls are in play before she announced. Read the book "Game Change". Harry Reid approached Obama in 2007 with the proposal that he run for President. Many other democrats made the same approach because they were afraid of Hillary. Reid is gone, Pelosi will be out of power, Teddy is gone, McCaskill will be running scared, and other Obamacons will be looking for work. Obama will be a head without a solid body.
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Old 06-26-2010, 03:31 PM   #39
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Jeb was supposed to be the smart Bush son who would be in the White House after his father, but I don't think America is ready for a third Bush family member as president.
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