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Old 07-05-2011, 12:39 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Many police departments (including Houston) are trying to acquire and employ this technology. This article indicates Arlington has the go ahead, but they are not supposed to be using it over populated areas at this time.

Police want unmanned aircraft to take to the skies over Arlington
May 10, 2011

ARLINGTON – A remote control aircraft that was on display during Super Bowl week as a tool to watch for terrorist activity could become a permanent crime-fighting tool for Arlington police – providing them a bird’s eye view of hostage situations, car wrecks and other emergencies.

Read more: http://startelegram.typepad.com/honk...#ixzz1RFrxkiXu

I could see how UAVs could be useful, but a raven would be more appropriate. They have about a 4' wingspan, can be launched like throwing a football, and are just for surveillance. A predator is huge by comparison, needs a runway and is designed to take mofos out.
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Old 07-05-2011, 12:52 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by lilred_robin View Post
I could see how UAVs could be useful, but a raven would be more appropriate. They have about a 4' wingspan, can be launched like throwing a football, and are just for surveillance. A predator is huge by comparison, needs a runway and is designed to take mofos out.
I've seen them. I spent time at BAF in 2002-2003 (and at Huachuca some time ago). I know you're happy to back in the U.S. Thank you for your service.
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Old 07-05-2011, 01:10 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by lilred_robin View Post

Sorry, I would much rather send air raids into Somolia than commit more troops. Asscrackistan was enough of a hellhole. I don't want to think about Libya or Somolia.
Yes, civilians die. Civilians die in Somolia every day because of the ongoing wars there. 10 toddlers died of starvation in their capital city yesterday. Militants have taken over all but a small dwindling sector around the capital.
Civilians die in our air strikes when they are harboring a known terrorist that we are targeting. So are they really 'innocent' civilians, or are the accomplices?
I'd say hiding a rebel leader, or pirate leader, or whatever, makes you guilty by association.

But you know what?
I'm also one who doesn't think a tax INCREASE is a bad idea. Tax cuts aren't fixing shit apparently. What's a little 1% hike to me? Especially when such a small contribution individually can help the most awesome fucking superpower on this little rocky planet regain the spark we need to get the fuck out of this recession.

Think this was a rant? Wait til I have a few shots!
CG declared tomorrow a DONSA.
Holy shit. You gave me wood.

and to this...
If intentional flights are being flown over a metro area, and you, having applied for a DOJ job once, should know about OPSEC.. then why are you talking about it?
...they probably found out he's an extremist (they're all whack jobs) and denied him the job. That's too funny, an anti-government extremist working for it.
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:00 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by lilred_robin View Post
Tests are not flown that low.
Could have been a malfunction.
Operators trained at Huachuca where I did my AIT as well. We got wasted 7 nights a week. I've seen them do some stupid shit for fun and accidentally.

We're paying 18 yr olds to play with million $ aircraft. Hell, you should see pics of MRAPs and other wheeled vehicles we fuck up every day. 0.o

Predators are pretty damn big, would have scared the crap out of a LOT of civilians. Would be VERY difficult to go unnoticed. Especially considering the payload on a predator? Nothing in the news about it.
If we were doing recon in our own cities, don't you think we would go for something less obvious? We have shit that you'd never see.


If intentional flights are being flown over a metro area, and you, having applied for a DOJ job once, should know about OPSEC.. then why are you talking about it?

OPSEC? you do realize that job descriptions are given on USAJOBS.com and it's open to the general public.

The United States Army is not used as a police force against its own citizens.

It wasn't, but there is the USNORTHCOM and this link. from the Army Times. There is now an active Army unit assigned to NORTHCOM to be used for rapid response where the definition of their mission is extremely broad in scope.

The national guard can be called up at the sponsoring state governor's request in times of emergency to keep the peace, but they wouldn't just be randomly flying drones around.

As an intel analyst, I can tell you that we do not monitor the activities or communications from US citizens unless we have approval from the AG and the person(s) has been identified as a serious threat.
It's really NOT easy to get that authorization. ... If you didn't have the need to know, you didn't have the clearance. You should know that being intel analyst.
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:41 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Sa_artman View Post
...they probably found out he's an extremist (they're all whack jobs) and denied him the job. That's too funny, an anti-government extremist working for it.
This coming from you when it's obvious decrying from someone conservative of the misuse of power that started during the Patriot Act and a prez you hate? All I heard from the left is the foul ball--- ikky---constitutionality, etc...



The Defense Department document is the first inside look at how the U.S. military has stepped up intelligence collection inside this country since 9/11...
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:00 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler View Post
OPSEC? you do realize that job descriptions are given on USAJOBS.com and it's open to the general public.

I wasn't talking about the job description. re-read my post. I was talking about flying missions over a conus location. But obviously you don't have a clearance and have no idea what OPSEC is.

If you didn't have the need to know, you didn't have the clearance. You should know that being intel analyst.

Now you just have no clue what you're talking about.
We have the clearance because of the scope of our jobs. If we don't have the need to know, a little red flag pops up in some distant computer questioning why we're accessing the information.
With the systems I have access to, I *could* access all kinds of shit I don't need to see. But if it wasn't related to my tasks, then yes, I would be questioned as to why the fuck i was nosing around.

As for Northcom, the US is not the only country in north America. You don't think we watch the areas closest to us? Look at the shit happening in Mexico, those lunatic drug and human traffickers are definitely a concern because of the potential for exploitation of their 'services' by those who might do us harm.
Canada's border isn't exactly the Berlin wall either.
And yes, when we look within our borders, it is not army intel we are using. We get the info from agencies who do have the authority to target and collect information within the US. (FBI, CIA, DIA, DEA, SS, etc) We (military) can't do the groundwork here. THEY (all the other agencies) can. All we do is monitor these situations.
I have been doing my job for a few years now. With a deployment I just got back from which gave me some amazing and exciting experiences (well, as far as information we collected and assholes we identified to send the "target collection" teams to deal with. It's a nerdy thrill for us)
I seriously doubt YOU can tell me something about MY job that I don't know.

And your little link?
Not only was that from 2008, but it specifies the types of activities the soldiers would be used for. Same shit the guard does when they're called up for disaster relief.
Why are you trying to make a conspiracy theory out of nothing?

My point again, is it is VERY unlikely that predators are being flown around any metro area and you were the only person to see it. I searched the Dallas area papers and found no mention of it.
If you did see a drone, like mentioned above, it was MUCH more likely to be a police dept's drone, and probably a raven.

Also, fuck Somalia and their terrorists and sympathizers.

~edit to add~~

and your newest links..
We use information gathered from the other agencies to determine if there is a threat against soldiers.
the Taliban loves to kill Afghans who work for the ANA and ANP, so we're just being cautious in case someone is trying to come after us on our own bases.
Bomb threats, protests etc.. the only reason anyone cares about any names is if the name is connected to a terrorist organization.
Again, we don't collect that data.
I work in the G2, and we do not do that.
We only analyze data collected by other agencies to determine if maybe we need to raise our alert levels to Delta and restrict access to the base until the threat passes.
Before the deployment, my AOR was northcom and the PAK border provinces. I was the junior analyst writing the daily briefs on both, complete with dazzling power point slides to put everyone to sleep. My NCO would look it over, validate my analysis with his own quick research, and hand it up to our OIC to brief the G2 who would then brief the CG.
Sometimes boring, always tedious, high risk of papercuts.
I know my fucking job, and you don't. You're just making yourself look like a paranoid imbecile.
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:21 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by lilred_robin View Post
Say whatever you want, I won't argue with someone who clearly doesn't understand what's occurring around him. It wouldn't be fair with my 133 GT score.

My point again, is it is VERY unlikely that predators are being flown around any metro area and you were the only person to see it. I searched the Dallas area papers and found no mention of it.
If you did see a drone, like mentioned above, it was MUCH more likely to be a police dept's drone, and probably a raven.

Also, fuck Somalia and their terrorists and sympathizers.
You sound like some others on this site, making general observartions of a personal nature that you have no knowledge. Unless you got 120+ on the DLAB, which you can't even take without a high GT (in the MC), you need to stop questioning my intelligence.

In my current job and MOS in the Marine Corps, you do not qualify for a security clearance until you have the NEED TO KNOW, first. You DON'T get the clearance and then get read in, you have to have the need to know before you qualify for the Background Investigation. Only after you get the clearance do you get read in to gain access.

In the civilian world, alone, (FBI Web site) "State and local officials who require access to classified material must apply for a security clearance through their local FBI Field Office. The candidate should obtain from their local FBI Field Office a Standard Form 86 (SF 86), Questionnaire for National Security Positions; and two FD-258 (FBI applicant fingerprint cards). One of two levels of security clearance, Secret or Top Secret, may be appropriate."

In laymans terms, A NEED TO KNOW, first.

Predator or Raven?
I'm a SWA vet, there is a distinct difference and my job required aircraft recognition. Thanks for playing, have a great day!
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:52 PM   #38
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Damn . . . fucktards getting in a "my dick is bigger than yours" with LLR.

This is going to get good.
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:55 PM   #39
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The DLAB is for languages! It's a made up gibberish language with made up grammatical rules. I'm not a terp or an interrogator, so I had no need to take the DLAB or go to the DLI in Cali. Even people who have scored high on the DLAB have failed at the DLI.
And I just said my GT was 133. My lowest score on the asvab was a 131.

My JOB is intel. So I have a TS Because at any time, I could be assigned a new area of interest and have to make myself the SME by whatever time the CG needs a report on it.

So now that I've proven you don't know shit about what drone you hallucinated, and pointed out that we do NOT as a military, collect intel on USPERs, and that Somalia is a shithole, you're just bringing up whatever you can to make yourself look superior?

Ok, you can win this portashitter.
It's yours, take it. I'll throw in a BK crown.
You are the king of shit.
Here's a can of JP8, have fun stirring.

And funny... I was married to a Marine. All of the bases I remember were on the east and west coasts. Mostly California and the Carolinas. Unless your a reservist or a recruiter (aka lying scum. recruiters are worse than defense lawyers LOL)
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Old 07-06-2011, 12:36 PM   #40
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Go to Craigslist Rants and Raves to post your verbal diarhea. FO!!!!!!!!!!!
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