Looks like Doove may be getting ever closer to the point where he detaches from reality either temporarily or god forbid permanently.
I could even picture him performing in this video, minus the requisite sarcasm, if only our Doove weren't so ever-triggered:
Most of you have probably seen this already, I just think this is a place where it may add some value.
I think Allie Stuckey goes overboard most of the time but this is a good acting performance by ABS. Lauren Chen does a nice job hamming it up as well.
Oddly enough although Matt Walsh is almost always excellent, I think his acting is a little weak here other than shuffling the script around for a few seconds in his first appearance in the video.
You people should watch Matt when you can if you don't already. He's right up there with Mark Steyn in terms of being an effective conservative opinion personality. Moronic democrats will of course hate both of them as they as painful for the communists to have to sit there and endure.
Of course no one can ever meet the standard set by the great Tucker Carlson.
Some of these folks even make a better case than lilylivered with his masterful TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP ingenuity.
Among all the broads in the video I would most like to fuck Lauren Chen by the way. I would even take the risk of contracting Kung-flu in the process, but unfortunately I don't think Lauren's a whore, unlike Nicolle Wallace.