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Old 11-27-2012, 11:54 PM   #421
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OK here is a political quiz that we can ALL get behind!

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Old 11-28-2012, 09:58 AM   #422
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Originally Posted by jackfengshui View Post

The election is over. For the sake of the country, let's stop bickering and root for the collective wisdom of the administration and the divided congress to lead us through this budgetary difficulty - at least until the next mid-term election

Of the 29 pages so far in this thread, this is one of the funniest quotes on here. Collective wisdom of the administration.............OMG that is sooooooooo funny.

First though to drluv1's comments about the 2%. I told people 2 years ago, last year when it was extended and now what a stupid idea it was to defund a program that was headed for insolvency. The point I was making is why is this tax increase any different than the 4% increase if the current rates go back to what they were 10 years ago. The comparison to the Clinton era tax rates make me laugh when they say we need to go back to those rates. Oh wait just for the top 2 or 3 % of taxpayers. The other 97% of taxpayers don't need to go back to that time. That never made any sense to me. If those were great times and the rates were not the issue than raise all rates to that era. All this we can't tax the middle class bs is what is ruining this country. The class warfare talk I believe will continue because it will be reported in a positive light by the media. What a shame for all of us Americans.

Now to Jack's point. When you have the ruling party not even propose a national budget for the last 4 years, never mention any cuts to our massive spending but rather keep harping on the wealthy need to pay their fair share, this country is going nowhere. He may get more revenue agreed to by the Republicans but he will be kicking the can down the road. I am old like you Jack and know I will be ok. But it's the kids, grandkids and future generations that will struggle. They are raised in a gimme gimme I deserve it mentality and when they are told no and have benefits resticted or stopped they will not go gently into the night.

Over the last 6 years I have come to realize all politicians are in it for themselves and not there for the people. And the media covers it up. There are so manty truths out there that I fear we will never learn about because of the media. People are starting to catch on though as paper readership is down, liberal slanted media have lower ratings. To me it is sometimes so easy to see thru the lies I get amazed there is a different point of view. Maybe it's the political bias in me but it is amazing. The reason what you root for Jack will not happen is the administration knows the media is on his side and he won't have to answer the tough questions. So he will keep doing what he is doing with the class warfare dividing this country even further until there is no more money to give. Then lets see how the media covers that time.
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Old 11-28-2012, 10:41 AM   #423
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post

Still paying heed to the truth-tellers who had you convinced that it would be Romney in a landslide, i see.

Not at all doove. I support this President if and when he does the right thing. But you have to be blind not to see him still on the campaign trail. Get in the oval office, propose your spending cut ideas and get a budget passed. Do your job. You are the President. How weak is he when all he can discuss is how 60% of 1/3 of this government shuts it down. Lead this nation man. That is what people are looking for. It's pretty simple to me.
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Old 11-28-2012, 11:12 AM   #424
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Originally Posted by montana1958 View Post
I support this President if and when he does the right thing.
I call bullshit.

But you have to be blind not to see him still on the campaign trail. Get in the oval office, propose your spending cut ideas and get a budget passed. Do your job.
Contrary to what you seem to believe, Presidenting is not done sitting at a cubicle all day long. Rush.

You are the President. How weak is he when all he can discuss is how 60% of 1/3 of this government shuts it down. Lead this nation man. That is what people are looking for. It's pretty simple to me.
Shorter Montana: Waaahhhh! Obama's a jerk! Waaaaahhh!!
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Old 11-28-2012, 11:30 AM   #425
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Montana, why do you even bother trying to have a discussion? It is obvious you would have better luck with a kindergartner providing you with a more intuitive and respectful dialogue.
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Old 11-28-2012, 12:40 PM   #426
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The variety of opinions is fascinating...at least we all agree pussy is best wen paid for cash money yo! Peace
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Old 11-28-2012, 12:45 PM   #427
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Im still with the guy that wants to split the country in two
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Old 11-28-2012, 12:50 PM   #428
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I'd be happy just splitting NY State.
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Old 11-28-2012, 12:56 PM   #429
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I wouldnt barter with a hooker all that much, but you can skirt alot of this shit by working amongst your friends locally who are more like minded and on the same page.

just a constant "adjustment'

the government is going to pull their shit and alls that happens is we have to get more and more creative,
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Old 11-28-2012, 01:11 PM   #430
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Originally Posted by GP View Post
Montana, why do you even bother trying to have a discussion? It is obvious you would have better luck with a kindergartner providing you with a more intuitive and respectful dialogue.
He gets his news from sources that don't aim to inform, but rather, aim to piss him off to generate ratings for themselves. Then he comes here and continually blames the media for all the country's ills.

How am i supposed to take him seriously?
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Old 11-28-2012, 01:48 PM   #431
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post

He gets his news from sources that don't aim to inform, but rather, aim to piss him off to generate ratings for themselves. Then he comes here and continually blames the media for all the country's ills.

How am i supposed to take him seriously?

Just listen to the news or Limbaugh, Hannity or Dana Perono and be objective. Just ONCE. You will see the light. For the record I haven't seen or heard these guys in a few weeks but catch the national news a bit and it truely astounds me just how misleading stories are.Doove watch the NBC's, ABC's and CBS JUST ONCE with the mindset they are lying or pushing a Liberal agenda and you will be set free. But I don't think you can be objective. Another side of me thinks you listen to Rush and believe most of what he says and you are on here just to be a ballbuster.Either way you make me laugh.

Your right GP about not being able to have a discussion with Doove. His responses always fall back to "thats what Rush said". But that makes me believe he may be a closet Conservative. But there is one thing we can all agree with. As in the words a wiseman said in this thread:

"at least we all agree pussy is best wen paid for cash money yo! Peace"

Peace out.
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Old 11-28-2012, 02:18 PM   #432
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Originally Posted by montana1958 View Post
Just listen to the news or Limbaugh, Hannity or Dana Perono and be objective. Just ONCE. You will see the light.

Doove watch the NBC's, ABC's and CBS JUST ONCE with the mindset they are lying or pushing a Liberal agenda and you will be set free.
Liberal "agenda"? You mean, like, telling us that Obama was leading in the swing state and electoral vote polling tallies?

That liberal agenda?

But I don't think you can be objective. Another side of me thinks you listen to Rush and believe most of what he says and you are on here just to be a ballbuster.
Frankly, listening to the likes of Rush Limbaugh probably did more to turn me into a liberal than anything. Kind of like how the misogynists in here turned me into a white-knight.

Your right GP about not being able to have a discussion with Doove. His responses always fall back to "thats what Rush said".
Because your issues are always the Conservative Radio issue du jour.

Did you see the Thomas Ricks interview on FOX?

RICKS: I think that Benghazi generally was hyped, by this network especially, and that now that the campaign is over, I think he's backing off a little bit. They're not going to stop Susan Rice from being secretary of state.

JON SCOTT (FOX Host): When you have four people dead, including the first dead U.N. ambassador -- U.S. ambassador in more than 30 years, how do you call that hype?

RICKS: How many security contractors died in Iraq, do you know?

SCOTT: I don't.

RICKS: No. Nobody does, because nobody cared. (emphasis mine) We know that several hundred died, but there was never an official count done of security contractors dead in Iraq. So when I see this focus on what was essentially a small firefight, I think, number one, I've covered a lot of firefights. It's impossible to figure out what happens in them sometimes. And second, I think that the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political, partly because Fox was operating as a wing of Republican Party.

SCOTT: All right. Tom Ricks, thanks very much for joining us today.

RICKS: You're welcome.


Nobody cared....until FOX News and Rush Limbaugh told you that you needed to care.

You conservatives are little more than a bunch of sheep for the Sean Hannitys and Rush Limbaughs of the world.
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Old 11-28-2012, 02:48 PM   #433
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there should have been security contractors protecting our ambassader.

the anology doesnt make any sense but then again ..nice spin though

edit...no , actually not even a good spin..rediculous
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Old 11-28-2012, 06:43 PM   #434
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Originally Posted by montana1958 View Post
Of the 29 pages so far in this thread, this is one of the funniest quotes on here. Collective wisdom of the administration.............OMG that is sooooooooo funny.
I am glad my post is amusing to some. I actually said, with some sincerity, "the collective wisdom of the administration and the divided congress ..."

In many elections, the person who wins is not the person I voted for. When that happens, I don't moan and groan for the next 2, 4 or 6 years (depending on the office). That would be miserable. I don't watch his every move and criticize him at every turn. I might try to vote him out the next time, but I do not wish him ill while he is in office. Instead, since his actions do affect my well-being, I do hope that he has enough "wisdom" to do some good things some of the time.
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Old 11-28-2012, 07:34 PM   #435
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Originally Posted by jackfengshui View Post
This forum is a microcosm of the country. I certainly hope (probably in vain) that the whole country will also do the same.

Unfortunately that may never happen. There are too many outside factors influencing the minds of many on both sides of the political spectrum.
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