Read this from 15 years ago:
20/20's thorough investigation lent further credibility to calls for further investigation of how body parts of aborted infants are obtained from abortion clinics. Questions surround the issues of profit, consent, and the modification of abortion techniques when fetal body parts are sought.
For example, in a hidden-camera interview with Jones, a Missouri pathologist, Jones asserts that his company, Opening Lines, routinely makes large profits. Under relevant federal law, only "reasonable payments" are to be allowed.
That same interview revealed that Jones believes that by using legal "mumbo jumbo" it is easy to get women to "consent" to having their aborted babies used in medical experimentation.
In addition, in a
20/20 interview with James Bardsley of the Maryland-based Anatomic Gift Foundation, there is a strong suggestion that a different abortion technique than usual is used when there is an attempt to harvest tissues and whole organs.
Or, as
20/20 put it on its web site, "[T]here is evidence that companies may be violating the law, by openly trafficking fetal body parts, influencing consent to donate and modifying abortion procedures."