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Old 07-22-2016, 01:01 PM   #391
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Originally Posted by bigbadbill969 View Post
Such laws already exist. That is why I have to tolerate a worthless coworker. HR won't get rid of her because she is a double minority.
What laws are you referring to?
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Old 07-22-2016, 01:21 PM   #392
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I read the OP and skimmed through a lot of the posts generally speaking I would say America is for anyone willing to work hard for whatever it is they want. You have to have perspective in terms of having lived elsewhere to really understand this.

The cop shootings are a different dynamic. Cops are often times uneducated lower middle class to poor people who join the force. (Hence the very low pay they recieve) Often times as uneducated as many of the people in the communities they serve. In many cases their basic academy training is simply not enough and there probably isn't a ton of budget left over to pay for intermediate to advanced training. As a result they panick when real action occurs and in many cases there's no need to. Cops should be trained to have the good judgement and poise when going into a situation. They don't seem to have that when policing blacks in black communities. I do think their thinking changes just a tad bit when they cross blacks that live in predominately white neighborhoods.

Cop culture of the blue shield of protection at all costs needs to change. They want the power that no other member of our society has... including judges, lawyers, or politicians. Cops are the only group sworn to uphold the law that can kill you without a trail by judge or jury and so more should be expected and demanded of them. I also think those poor guys need higher pay much like our military vets. As a society we always give lip service of praise to cops and soldiers but pay them like shit.

In summary I'd say America is for blacks and anyone else willing to work for it but there are a lot of issues that still need a ton of work and blacks tend to bear more burdens than others due to the historical context of their genesis in America and lingering institutional biases that plague our society.
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Old 07-25-2016, 10:26 AM   #393
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It's a tough situation, right? We want police to make all sorts of difficult decisions, but we also don't want to spend the money to pay them better to attract more quality people.

Also interestingly, police recruiters apparently reject applicants for being too intelligent - the reasoning being that they don't want people who will get bored and move on.

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Old 07-25-2016, 10:36 AM   #394
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
You have to have perspective in terms of having lived elsewhere to really understand this.
This is a good point. I've traveled to many places but only lived in zip codes that started with 7.

In what countries have you lived?
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Old 07-25-2016, 01:09 PM   #395
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Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter View Post
This is a good point. I've traveled to many places but only lived in zip codes that started with 7.

In what countries have you lived?

Maybe one day I will share. ;-)
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Old 07-25-2016, 01:10 PM   #396
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Originally Posted by jbravo_123 View Post
It's a tough situation, right? We want police to make all sorts of difficult decisions, but we also don't want to spend the money to pay them better to attract more quality people.

Also interestingly, police recruiters apparently reject applicants for being too intelligent - the reasoning being that they don't want people who will get bored and move on.


I agree with you and yeah it appears they want their cake and eat it too.
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Old 07-25-2016, 03:00 PM   #397
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I have no issue with the police. When I get stopped I am polite and respectful and say yes sir or no sir and yes ma'am and no ma'am.
Then after I get my ticket and leave the area, I call them all sorts of mother fucker and such.

I do remember a time or two that a buddy of mine would get all indignant with them and it never turned out well. May he rest in peace.
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Old 07-25-2016, 03:09 PM   #398
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
I have no issue with the police. When I get stopped I am polite and respectful and say yes sir or no sir and yes ma'am and no ma'am.
Then after I get my ticket and leave the area, I call them all sorts of mother fucker and such.

I do remember a time or two that a buddy of mine would get all indignant with them and it never turned out well. May he rest in peace.

Yeah I would never disrespect or talk shit to a cop. I see them as licensed to kill. They pull me over and I'm yelling fuck black lives matter

I want to go home not to jail or the morgue. I will be as respectful and polite as needed and after they let me go then I will talk my shit to myself. lol
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Old 07-25-2016, 08:52 PM   #399
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Old 11-19-2016, 01:20 PM   #400
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Just shoes man....

Edit: the government should add a new entitlement for new shoes twice per year. Maybe that would prevent such deadly shoe envy. Next year,....spinners and LEDs.


Rep. Danny Davis' grandson shot dead over shoes in Chicago

Published November 19, 2016

Associated Press

A dispute over shoes led to the fatal shooting of the grandson of Illinois U.S. Rep. Danny Davis, Chicago police said Saturday.

At least two attackers went to the home of 15-year-old Jovan Wilson in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago on Friday night and shot him in the head after an argument, police said.

"This stems from a dispute over shoes, basketball shoes," police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

Guglielmi said Wilson knew his attackers and they may have been friends at some point. The shooting was not, as previously reported, a home invasion.

"Young people are using guns to settle petty disputes over clothes," Guglielmi said.

Chicago has seen a dramatic rise in the number of shootings and homicides, with August being the deadliest month in the city in two decades. There have been 673 homicides so far this year, including the fatal shootings of the cousin of Chicago Bull Dwyane Wade, a Chicago police officer's son and the son of a famed percussionist.

Davis said in a statement that Wilson's mother was not at home, but Wilson's uncle and three siblings were.

"I grieve for my family. I grieve for the young man who pulled the trigger," Davis said in a statement. "I grieve for his family, his parents, his friends."

Police have not arrested anyone or named any suspects, but Guglielmi said investigators have good leads.

Davis, who was re-elected this month to his 11th term in the 7th Congressional District and is a former Chicago alderman, was in Chicago on Friday and spoke with reporters after talking to police. He wondered how the shooter obtained the gun and said he'd continue to try to combat gun violence.

Davis described his grandson to the newspaper as a "typical 15-year-old" who liked music and basketball, someone who "knew all about ... the stats of different players." But Davis also said he recognized that Chicago's violence problem could affect his family.

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Old 11-21-2016, 06:26 PM   #401
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I know one black person that needs to get the fuck out.
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Old 11-21-2016, 07:20 PM   #402
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Originally Posted by distraught housewife 713 View Post
I know one black person that needs to get the fuck out.
Just one?
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