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Old 07-09-2016, 02:58 PM   #361
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Originally Posted by SNL9933 View Post
There are a ton of other ethnic groups: Latin, Mexican, Asian etc..that all could be saying the same bullshit but you don't see them doing that. I've had these conversations with all of my black friends and colleagues and I have a lot of them...again stop saying it's about being "black" because it's not - it's about people actions.
I respect your view point, but you're not understanding the severity of what blacks have faced in America. No disrespect, but your "black" friends are just going along to get along if they even exist.

The ethnic groups listed have not been systemically oppressed in the US. I'm talking economically, politically, and socially. I respect our Latin and Asian brothers and sisters but our plight is not the same.

They didn't get ran out of Sundown Towns, They didn't get water-hosed, They didn't get German Shepherds turned on them, They didn't get separate washrooms, They didn't get separate water fountains, They didn't get funneled into impoverished neighborhoods because of unequal and racist mortgage tactics, their kids have not been purposefully miseducated, they have not been purposefully funneled into the private prison industrial system for profit....I could go on and on and on.

Though our plights are not the same these same ethic groups didn't mind benefiting from the work black people put in during the Civil Rights Movement.

The dominate society has to acknowledge and correct these things in order for there to be a change.
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Old 07-09-2016, 03:09 PM   #362
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double post.
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Old 07-09-2016, 04:05 PM   #363
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Originally Posted by SNL9933 View Post
For every video you show of some white person not being killed by LE, I could show you 10 videos of black men shooting or attempting to shoot, fight, take an officers gun etc....Everyone has their own out look and opinion based on the color of their skin, experiences etc...

The fact that his gun was still in his pants doesn't mean anything...you can still be shot if someone even reaches for their pistol outside of their pants...it doesn't take much to pull a trigger and a trigger can be pulled without even reaching "in" to your pocket to shoot...

Also, everyone has a right to due process. Police don't automatically give up those rights because they are LE or because of a cel phone video. Just like people arrested don't want to be convicted of a crime purely based on a few minutes of some fuzzy store video surveillance camera. I'm not saying what these cops did was right or wrong and I DO NOT CONDONE OR AGREE WITH ANY TYPE OF PREJUDICE by anyone included LE...what I am trying to convey is that EVERYONE must be allowed due process. There will be an investigation and there will be an outcome. People i.e. BLM need to chill the fuck out and let the legal system work through the process. If the end result is a "not guilty" or no charges" outcome then...go on and protest etc...but rushing to judgement ahead of time does nothing.

And saying "America is not for Black People" is fucking stupid. There are a lot of black people in corporate America, LE, and Government - or did everyone over look the fact there is a black President? (a fucking pathetic one but that's another conversation). Hiding behind and making excuses such as "It's because I'm black isn't it?" are old...they don't work any longer. Nothing pisses me off more than any ethnic groups fucking whining about "America is not for ..."

There are a ton of other ethnic groups: Latin, Mexican, Asian etc..that all could be saying the same bullshit but you don't see them doing that. I've had these conversations with all of my black friends and colleagues and I have a lot of them...again stop saying it's about being "black" because it's not - it's about people actions.

And again...no I am not a "white boy"....
Is this directed at anyone specific, or a general proclamation to all Negroes?
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Old 07-09-2016, 04:51 PM   #364
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Originally Posted by ognob View Post
I respect your view point, but you're not understanding the severity of what blacks have faced in America.
The dominate society has to acknowledge and correct these things in order for there to be a change.
The only people that can make a positive change are the oppressed themselves. This country is full of opportunity. No matter how you start, you get what you work for. Whether you're born rich and die in the gutter or born in the Ward and work your way out.

For Negros to improve as a whole, they all have to improve individually. Set a higher bar. Wear a shirt with sleeves and pull your fuckin pants up. Spend your paycheck on family time and not lowering an 80's Cadillac and buying fake gold GM keys off ebay.

Yeah I'm stereotyping but perception becomes reality. Negros choose their own outcome. Same as the white trash and gangster Chicanos. Same as everyone.

And Yes, I chose my fuckin destination just the same.
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Old 07-09-2016, 06:21 PM   #365
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you've missed the point completely and you're getting silly.

oh well, carry on folks.
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Old 07-09-2016, 06:27 PM   #366
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Silly is best and it's not worth my time to help.

History is proving Negros as a whole are doomed.

But the world is doomed so enjoy the day.
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Old 07-09-2016, 06:53 PM   #367
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Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter View Post
The only people that can make a positive change are the oppressed themselves. This country is full of opportunity. No matter how you start, you get what you work for. Whether you're born rich and die in the gutter or born in the Ward and work your way out.

For Negros to improve as a whole, they all have to improve individually. Set a higher bar. Wear a shirt with sleeves and pull your fuckin pants up. Spend your paycheck on family time and not lowering an 80's Cadillac and buying fake gold GM keys off ebay.

Yeah I'm stereotyping but perception becomes reality. Negros choose their own outcome. Same as the white trash and gangster Chicanos. Same as everyone.

And Yes, I chose my fuckin destination just the same.
I find it ironic when people who aren't black try to give lessons to others about being black..

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Old 07-09-2016, 07:13 PM   #368
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I heard a BBC interview about this the night of the Dallas attack. It was some Activist/Educator who basically made it sounds like half the AA in the US were gunned down by cops last week. The host referenced the Washington Post story w/ numbers without giving any numbers, so searched it myself.

In 2015, of the 948 people shot by police, 494 were white and 258 were black. 782 were armed with a deadly weapon, while 93 were unarmed. 18 were under the age of 18. Oddly enough 2 of the shot include the San Bernadino terrorist couple.

But go with the Guardian, which includes people hit by police cars, or killed in custody via means other than gun. Of 1146, 581 (35 F) were white, 306 (12 F) were black. 860 were armed with any weapon (708 with gun or knife). 129 unarmed.

In 2010, AA population in US was 37.685 million, so at this rate, it will take the cops 123,000 years to kill off all the AA if there are no new births (I know that doesn't account for lose of life by others, suicide, etc). For perspective, in that same time frame there were 490 homicides in Chicago itself (no racial break down). The argument that well the justice system will take care of those folks peeves me off. They are no less dead and half a percent of them are "fortunate" enough to be killed by someone with money and get any type of financial compensation.

It isn't to say that there are no problems and there shouldn't be improvements in the criminal justice system, but it isn't a genocidal pandemic either. It is also not an easy narrative as some would like. Cops are neither divine angels on Earth, nor Satan incarnate gunning down 12 year old AA kids everyday.
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Old 07-09-2016, 08:29 PM   #369
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
I find it ironic when people who aren't black try to give lessons to others about being black..


Walk in the oppressed shoes b4 u give them survival instructions....all races are oppressed to some extent because of the monetary system. U have Cambodians in the hood with skinny jeans saying wassup my ni$$a Most popo are just trying to get home safe but some have this psychological stigma they were taught that certain races have a certain disposition....the only way it's gonna change is if we teach our children to make decisions based on an individual's character and not race

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Old 07-09-2016, 10:00 PM   #370
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
I find it ironic when people who aren't black try to give lessons to others about being black..
Originally Posted by maineblame View Post

Walk in the oppressed shoes b4 u give them survival instructions....
Béla Károlyi is:

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Old 07-10-2016, 12:19 AM   #371
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Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter View Post
Béla Károlyi is:

not American
not a gymnast

That's such a dumb answer, I'm at a loss for words.
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Old 07-10-2016, 05:17 AM   #372
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OGNOB I respect all that you are saying, and it is true. But there is still something puzzling. Almost every one of the bad things you describe happening to blacks today happen mostly in our large Urban areas, but not just any large Urban area, they happen nearly always to the cities which have been run for decades upon decades by one party. And yet I wonder why black people still give nearly 100% of their support to this party ? It really does not make any sense at all.

Sure I understand all the problems with the other party. But by giving your allegiance to just one party you have no way of influencing that other party. It is really a recipe for political impotence because the one party takes you for granted and the other one is forced to ignore you because they know they cannot get your vote no matter what they do.
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Old 07-10-2016, 10:11 AM   #373
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Originally Posted by ognob View Post
don't let your privilege blind you.

the same argument can be flipped onto you. how does a pervert/sexual deviant (yes, today's society views YOU as a pervert) that participates in and promotes prostitution have to same rights as a police officer?
Sir.....participating in prostitution is illegal in this country. I only pay for "companionship".....and to answer your question, YES the police officers absolutely deserve more rights than me. I earn much more than a police officer just sitting on my fat ass in an office making corporate America more wealthy.
I don't take the risks or sacrifices that a police officer does and I do nothing to improve the community.
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Old 07-10-2016, 11:39 AM   #374
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None of this talk matters...wait a couple weeks, they'll all have gotten tired of protesting and talking about it and we'll be back to normal. Not even black people care enough to make it last longer than that...
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Old 07-10-2016, 12:58 PM   #375
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
That's such a dumb answer, I'm at a loss for words.
It wasn't an answer, and I don't believe you actually posted a question.

But my comment was quite analogous to yours. So if you're thinking mine was dumb,....my point was made.

Negros come of with every excuse they can to escape their own faults.
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