Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
You have been the only psycho who has ever brought up LE, ICE and fucking CPS to a fucking bs argument?
Can you say vindictive and psychotic ??
I can say informative and insightful.
You do not see any other ladies from other countrirs bringing up their kids in posts while Trumps ICE is rounding up folks to deportleft and right.
You are an example of how not to post in this atmosphere of steeped up enforcement by LE.
You are making enmies left in right in a thread about people that out others.
Do you think LE does not read these forums. Do you not think you would be a plumb target? Yet you run around like you own a Mickey D's franchise.
I have no interest in turning you in to ICE or any other agency but any lady in this business in this day and age, it is stupid to be posting as you do. I have been telling you this for a while and that was bfore TRUMP was elected. It will get worse before it gets better , yet you think it smart to try and piss as many strangers off on the internet as humanly possible. That makes no sense to me.