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Old 08-04-2018, 03:40 PM   #331
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Umm, excuse me l'il mongrel... what was the topic again?

Immigration policy?

Bull shit, my op was about the children who are still being held in government contracted shelters, while their parents are way back in their home countries. What is your answer for that. You don't have one, so keep shifting & trying to change the argument. Why? because you hate being wrong

Methinks MS-13 has EVERYTHING to do with the failure of our immigration policy.

These words are written by a woman who immigrated to this country LEGALLY from India 26 years ago.

Read and learn, l'il mongrel:

"Listening to Democratic Party leaders and their media supporters talk about immigration gives me massive cognitive dissonance.

Their argument has a strange up-is-down, black-is-white quality to it:

Uncontrolled illegal immigration is no problem!

Border protection is racist and offensive!

Arresting and deporting criminal aliens, even those that are violent, is immoral!

Enforcing our immigration laws is racist!

And now, of course, it has amped up — several Democratic leaders are openly talking about abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ICE...

...overall the GOP articulates what feels intuitive to most of us who deal in rationality and common sense: That America, even though it welcomes legal immigrants, is a sovereign country that has the right to determine the number, composition and skill level of the immigrants it allows in to suit the current needs of its economy, and for optimal social cohesion.

The Democratic Party needs to lose election after election until it learns these vital points. And here’s a newsflash to party leaders: It’s only the far-left that favors these radical ideas on immigration; the rest of the party has been cowed into silence because voicing thoughts on any immigration restriction in today’s Democratic Party will get you labeled a racist, nativist or worse — Hitler.

Simply put, today’s Democratic Party and its media supporters has gone stark raving mad on immigration and have to be brought to heel through more electoral losses."

Good for her, she followed the rules like everyone should. Please point out at least one of my posts where I said we should have open borders. Just one. You can't

What does this Indian lady's story have to do with the 600+ children who are still separated from their parents. NOTHING.
You just continue to shift argument, rather than admitting that Asshole was wrong for what he did. Not going to work.

You sir are not very good at this at all, but keep trying to shift away from the original point and I will continue to shut your ass down.
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Old 08-04-2018, 03:42 PM   #332
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
No, LeBron s not running for office but he is a sports icon and a role model. Calling the President a bum - I mean, what message does that send to millions of kids? It's not good.
Trump criticized James for a single statement he made in the interview. Trump ignored the rest of the interview which centered on all the good James is doing in various communities.

Here is a short article on some of the fallout from Trump's comments. You criticize the press for reporting "fake news". I criticize Trump for focusing on issues that he should ignore. In my opinion, this will be Trump's undoing. I think he is trying as POTUS, although I don't agree with much of what he is doing. However, I would never vote for anyone with a personality like his. And I think that most people who give him unfavorable ratings do so for the same reason.

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Old 08-04-2018, 05:57 PM   #333
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ok sugar,we will see in November. However, I love Trump's personality. To me, it's refreshing. I cannot stand stuffy, political correct politicians and that's why I love my Donald. He's different. He's a wild card and I love wild card people. Now I don't agree with everything he says, ok.
But my money is on the Donald. I truely believe in his heart, he has the best interest of all Americans.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Trump criticized James for a single statement he made in the interview. Trump ignored the rest of the interview which centered on all the good James is doing in various communities.

Here is a short article on some of the fallout from Trump's comments. You criticize the press for reporting "fake news". I criticize Trump for focusing on issues that he should ignore. In my opinion, this will be Trump's undoing. I think he is trying as POTUS, although I don't agree with much of what he is doing. However, I would never vote for anyone with a personality like his. And I think that most people who give him unfavorable ratings do so for the same reason.

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Old 08-04-2018, 06:02 PM   #334
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L.M. Nobody wants families separated. Nobody. Trump has to deal with an immigration system that has not been working in years. So, please, tell me -- what is the Democratic solution to this problem?

Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
Good for her, she followed the rules like everyone should. Please point out at least one of my posts where I said we should have open borders. Just one. You can't

What does this Indian lady's story have to do with the 600+ children who are still separated from their parents. NOTHING.
You just continue to shift argument, rather than admitting that Asshole was wrong for what he did. Not going to work.

You sir are not very good at this at all, but keep trying to shift away from the original point and I will continue to shut your ass down.
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Old 08-05-2018, 08:05 AM   #335
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
I truely believe in his heart, he has the best interest of all Americans.
His actions thus far say that he has the interest of RICH Americans in mind.

Trumpcare would have destroyed health interests of the poor.

His merit-based immigration policy which will favor the rich immigrants over the poor.

"When the Trump administration says it wants “merit-based immigration” it’s not talking about admitting 1 million scientists and engineers, or even any additional immigrants with college degrees. In fact, in the past year, the Trump administration has not taken a single action to make it easier for U.S. employers to hire or retain high-skilled foreign nationals. No, “merit-based” is a code phrase for reducing legal immigration by up to 50% and eliminating almost all family immigration categories and the Diversity Visa lottery."

The tax reform package which definitely favors the rich.

BTW, even Melanie has come out in support of LeBron James. I keep telling you that there is absolutely NO upside to these ridiculous tweets from Trump. Only solid Trump supporters like you think they are helpful.
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Old 08-05-2018, 12:28 PM   #336
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That's not true Speedracer. These folks are not fuckin rich. And this is just one of many examples.

Pastor praises Trump as 'pro-black' at prison reform event https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-tal...wer&soc_trk=ma

And yes, I know what Melania tweeted. Guess what - in Trumps America ---EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion but in your America we can only have an opinion if you agree with it. If it fits neatly in your little liberal world.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
His actions thus far say that he has the interest of RICH Americans in mind.

Trumpcare would have destroyed health interests of the poor.

His merit-based immigration policy which will favor the rich immigrants over the poor.

"When the Trump administration says it wants “merit-based immigration” it’s not talking about admitting 1 million scientists and engineers, or even any additional immigrants with college degrees. In fact, in the past year, the Trump administration has not taken a single action to make it easier for U.S. employers to hire or retain high-skilled foreign nationals. No, “merit-based” is a code phrase for reducing legal immigration by up to 50% and eliminating almost all family immigration categories and the Diversity Visa lottery."

The tax reform package which definitely favors the rich.

BTW, even Melanie has come out in support of LeBron James. I keep telling you that there is absolutely NO upside to these ridiculous tweets from Trump. Only solid Trump supporters like you think they are helpful.
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Old 08-05-2018, 01:31 PM   #337
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
That's not true Speedracer. These folks are not fuckin rich. And this is just one of many examples.

Pastor praises Trump as 'pro-black' at prison reform event https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-tal...wer&soc_trk=ma

And yes, I know what Melania tweeted. Guess what - in Trumps America ---EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion but in your America we can only have an opinion if you agree with it. If it fits neatly in your little liberal world.
So exactly which of my statements do you consider to be untrue? I made 3.

In case you don't understand it well, having ONE black person come out in support of Donald Trump is meaningless. His approval rating among blacks, although showing marked improvement, is at a whopping 29%.

And you are SO wrong in stating that liberals rather than conservatives do not accept the opinions of others. Trump fires anyone who disagrees with him. Trump campaigns against other Republican politicians who do not totally support him. He can't take criticism of any kind. You put him on a pedestal and are blind to his many faults. He is your man yet he epitomizes everything you just accused liberals of being. I have seen nothing but hatred shown by Republicans towards Obama. I don't hate Trump. I do not like his personality and I don't think he is doing a good job of running this country.

Unfortunately most of your posts do not have an ounce of fact behind them, strictly pure opinion. Nothing based on FACT. Sort of what one would call "fake news". But I most certainly accept your opinion that Trump is wonderful POTUS, even if you can't tell anyone why.
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Old 08-06-2018, 04:40 AM   #338
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
L.M. Nobody wants families separated. Nobody. Trump has to deal with an immigration system that has not been working in years. So, please, tell me -- what is the Democratic solution to this problem?
Miss Ellen, while I honestly do believe that YOU yourself don't want children to be incarcerated from their parents (you're too nice of a person for that), obviously someone did or else it would not have happened. I know you hate to hear this, but the responsibility lies solely on your leader. It was his policy that did this, ad it is he who will have to answer to this.

Once again I'm not going to let this turn into an immigration debate, I am going to stick to my guns and continue to keep this about the children who were wrongfully taken from their parents and are now freaked out of their minds thanks to Trump's "Zero Tolerance" policy.

But just to answer your question I think this pretty much sums it up.

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Old 08-06-2018, 08:18 AM   #339
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Fact: You said that Trump actions are just for the rich. I posted a link to counter that - the folks in the link ARE NOT RICH. You are wrong. That's the bottom line.

And watch "The View" for example - that should widen your world view on tolerance. Or any late night show for that matter.

I have said in the past and I'll say it one more time because you just don't get it. I do NOT agree with everything Trump says and does. But yes, I do support him. I also personally like him. I think he is doing a much better job then Hillary ever could.

This is pointless. We shall see in November and in 2020.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
So exactly which of my statements do you consider to be untrue? I made 3.

In case you don't understand it well, having ONE black person come out in support of Donald Trump is meaningless. His approval rating among blacks, although showing marked improvement, is at a whopping 29%.

And you are SO wrong in stating that liberals rather than conservatives do not accept the opinions of others. Trump fires anyone who disagrees with him. Trump campaigns against other Republican politicians who do not totally support him. He can't take criticism of any kind. You put him on a pedestal and are blind to his many faults. He is your man yet he epitomizes everything you just accused liberals of being. I have seen nothing but hatred shown by Republicans towards Obama. I don't hate Trump. I do not like his personality and I don't think he is doing a good job of running this country.

Unfortunately most of your posts do not have an ounce of fact behind them, strictly pure opinion. Nothing based on FACT. Sort of what one would call "fake news". But I most certainly accept your opinion that Trump is wonderful POTUS, even if you can't tell anyone why.
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Old 08-06-2018, 09:33 AM   #340
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What are you going to do when this country rights itself, Ellen?

Run away?

Maybe as soon as November, when Texas feels the blue wave.
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Old 08-06-2018, 12:10 PM   #341
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
His actions thus far say that he has the interest of RICH Americans in mind.

Trumpcare would have destroyed health interests of the poor.

His merit-based immigration policy which will favor the rich immigrants over the poor.

"When the Trump administration says it wants “merit-based immigration” it’s not talking about admitting 1 million scientists and engineers, or even any additional immigrants with college degrees. In fact, in the past year, the Trump administration has not taken a single action to make it easier for U.S. employers to hire or retain high-skilled foreign nationals. No, “merit-based” is a code phrase for reducing legal immigration by up to 50% and eliminating almost all family immigration categories and the Diversity Visa lottery."

The tax reform package which definitely favors the rich.

BTW, even Melanie has come out in support of LeBron James. I keep telling you that there is absolutely NO upside to these ridiculous tweets from Trump. Only solid Trump supporters like you think they are helpful.
None of the immigrants that come across the Mexican border are poor. It's been a long time since a broke person could cross. Most come from Central America and start their journey with at least five thousand dollars and pay Mexican and Guatamalan police and cartels everywhere along the trip. Then when they finally get to the border, if they are still alive, they pay $1,500 for permission to cross.

Trump's policies are geared toward reducing the low wage immigrants taking American's jobs and driving down wages. His trade policy is geared to retaliating against the long standing trade barriers other countries have been practicing. It is true that farmers are being harmed but that's the way it should be. Because of all the restrictions and subsidies of other countries, as well as outsourcing by our own corporations, our manufacturing base has been depleted. We need to be assembling cars and computers and capital goods and not just farming. We have too many farmers and we should not be primarily a food exporting country. That's ridiculous.
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Old 08-06-2018, 02:11 PM   #342
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Fact: You said that Trump actions are just for the rich. I posted a link to counter that - the folks in the link ARE NOT RICH. You are wrong. That's the bottom line.

And watch "The View" for example - that should widen your world view on tolerance. Or any late night show for that matter.

I have said in the past and I'll say it one more time because you just don't get it. I do NOT agree with everything Trump says and does. But yes, I do support him. I also personally like him. I think he is doing a much better job then Hillary ever could.

This is pointless. We shall see in November and in 2020.

I NEVER said Trunp's actions were JUST for the rich. The tax reform gave every tax payer something extra in their paychecks. But the middle class, those making $75k or less, got something like a 1.6% increase in their paychecks. People making $250k got something like a 4.3% increase in their paychecks. Don't quote me on the exact numbers but you should get the point. The more money you make, the higher the percentage that your net income will go up with the tax breaks. Do you think that is fair?

I don't watch The View. I do watch both CNN and Fox News. I do watch Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert many nights. Yes, I think at times they focus too much on Trump but I don't think they lie about him. I keep saying that Trump gives people like Kimmel and Colbert so much ammunition with which to attack him. If Trump would stop with the tweets, stop making off-the-cuff remarks at rallies, and focus on running the country he would be much better off.

Whether or not Trump is better than Hillary would be is an unprovable point. I certainly did not like Clinton but I like Trump much less and he has lived up to my expectations.

Here is an interesting poll which is different than other presidential opinion poll since it asks questions about Trump's character rather than his job performance:

President Trump's Approval, Character Traits

American voters disapprove 55 - 40 percent of the job President Trump is doing, compared to a 52 - 43 percent disapproval rating in a June 20 Quinnipiac University National Poll and reversing a trend which showed Trump's net approval inching up.

The president gets negative grades on most character traits:

58 - 38 percent say he is not honest;
55 - 43 percent say he does not have good leadership skills;
55 - 43 percent say he does not care about average Americans;
62 - 34 percent say he is not level-headed;
63 - 32 percent say he is a strong person;
57 - 39 say he is intelligent;
60 - 37 percent say he does not share their values;
62 - 36 percent say he does not provide the U.S. with moral leadership.

I fully understand that you totally support Trump. Fine by me. I just like to provide supporting information as to why I find him to be far less than an ideal POTUS. The opinions in the poll match my opinion of Trump fairly well. He is intelligent, He is strong. And that is the end of the positives on his character. Not good.

As you say, in a few short months we'll find out how popular he is among ALL voters.
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Old 08-06-2018, 02:33 PM   #343
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Originally Posted by pussycat View Post
None of the immigrants that come across the Mexican border are poor. It's been a long time since a broke person could cross. Most come from Central America and start their journey with at least five thousand dollars and pay Mexican and Guatamalan police and cartels everywhere along the trip. Then when they finally get to the border, if they are still alive, they pay $1,500 for permission to cross.

Trump's policies are geared toward reducing the low wage immigrants taking American's jobs and driving down wages. His trade policy is geared to retaliating against the long standing trade barriers other countries have been practicing. It is true that farmers are being harmed but that's the way it should be. Because of all the restrictions and subsidies of other countries, as well as outsourcing by our own corporations, our manufacturing base has been depleted. We need to be assembling cars and computers and capital goods and not just farming. We have too many farmers and we should not be primarily a food exporting country. That's ridiculous.
What is the source of your information on the amount of money the immigrants supposedly have? I have never read or heard anything supporting those claims you made.

Your comments on farming and manufacturing are absurd.

Top U.S. goods exports

Here's a breakdown of the biggest U.S. export industries in 2017, according to the U.S. Commerce Department.

Food, beverage and feed: $133 billion. Soybeans were the number one product in this category, with sales of $22 billion, followed by meat and poultry at $18 billion.

Crude oil, fuel and other petroleum products: $109 billion. This is one of the fastest growing areas of US exports, up 37% in just the last year.

Civilian aircraft and aircraft engines: $99 billion. This is what makes Boeing (BA) the nation's largest single exporter.

Auto parts, engines and car tires: $86 billion. Many of these are shipped to assembly plants owned by both US and foreign automakers in Mexico and Canada. It's one of the reasons losing NAFTA would be so hard for the auto industry.
Industrial machines: $57 billion.

Passenger cars: $53 billion. American auto plants supply much of North and South America with cars, and also ship to other markets as well. BMW's largest plant is in South Carolina, where it builds all of its X series SUVs. Last year it exported nearly three-quarters of the 371,000 cars it built there, making it the biggest car exporter in the United States.

These are the service industries that bring in the most money:

Travel and transportation: $236 billion.

Finance and insurance: $76 billion.

Sales from intellectual property: $49 billion. This includes software, movies and television shows.

So we export $133 billion MAXIMUM in goods that could be classified as agricultural. Soybeans $33 billion.

We export $455 billion in non-agricultural goods. And we export $361 billion in services.

So that's $816 billion in non-agricultural exports, $133 billion in agricultural exports.

So far Trump has made many promises and done a lot of talking about making trade fairer to the U.S. From everything I've seen, he is finding it much harder to implement than anticipated. China, in general, doesn't give a damn what Donald Trump wants. Will NAFTA be renegotiated in the favor of U.S. interests? Yet to be seen. The state of Texas is being hit hard by tariffs imposed by China on soybeans. Not good.
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Old 08-06-2018, 03:04 PM   #344
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I hate to nik pic but what does this first sentence say?

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
His actions thus far say that he has the interest of RICH Americans in mind.

Trumpcare would have destroyed health interests of the poor.

His merit-based immigration policy which will favor the rich immigrants over the poor.

"When the Trump administration says it wants “merit-based immigration” it’s not talking about admitting 1 million scientists and engineers, or even any additional immigrants with college degrees. In fact, in the past year, the Trump administration has not taken a single action to make it easier for U.S. employers to hire or retain high-skilled foreign nationals. No, “merit-based” is a code phrase for reducing legal immigration by up to 50% and eliminating almost all family immigration categories and the Diversity Visa lottery."

The tax reform package which definitely favors the rich.

BTW, even Melanie has come out in support of LeBron James. I keep telling you that there is absolutely NO upside to these ridiculous tweets from Trump. Only solid Trump supporters like you think they are helpful.
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Old 08-06-2018, 05:08 PM   #345
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You are working real hard to avoid every point being made -- all of which refute your positions.

Apparently you want us to believe that Twitler actually cares about the uneducated rednecks who voted for him in 2016 and continue to cling to his vision of a "Great White Country."

Sorry. He has NEVER given a shit about the people in your oft-mentioned photo. His actions over his lifetime have borne that out.

Is this your vision of America, Ellen?

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