Originally Posted by tsmtogo
handloads can be fun. lol give some one a gun and say "becareful it has hot loads in it." then they say "what is (BOOM) HOLY SHIT!" lol. I never been one for the Glocks. I prefer to carry a S&W 40 tactical. Only 9mm I own is a Baretta because you can mod the hell out of them. Have Desert Eagle 44, Grizzly 45, 44 and 22 golden cup from when I use to do competition shooting. The dirty harry 44 mag lol. One of my all time favorites is the 357 revolver. Few shot guns and a ton of different riffles. My baby is the Barrett M107 but only get to shoot that once in a great while. It is tough to find ranges to shoot it.
I'm not a Glock fan either. I purchased them just for the purpose of stowing throughout my old property. Now that I no longer live on that land they occupy the door slots of one of my safes and rarely see the light of day. Great investment that was! My Magnum Research guns are an original Israeli in 50AE and a 1911. I think I have most major brands covered in 1911 (45) ranging from low-end RIA up through two Wilson's and one Nighthawk.
The Barrett M107 is a fine gun! The pride and joy of my long gun collection is my McMillan Tac-50 with Nightforce optics. As fun as the 50's are they do serve little purpose in this area. I try to make it out to some family's land in South Dakota once or twice a year to make sure I haven't lost my touch with my higher caliber rifles.
Good to know there are some fellow gun lovers on here!