Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment but rest assured, I damn sure wouldn't offer... playa!
I don't have an attitude, anyone who's ever come to see me could tell you that, it's just that I declared Open Season on bullshit in 2012 so now when I see it, I shoot that shit down.
It's not what you say when everyone is watching, it's what you say and do when NO ONE is watching (or at least you think they're not). Now if one had read what I read that you "allegedly" did when you thought no one was watching they would think you were... unbalanced. Severly unbalanced. That's putting it nicely since we're supposed to be kinder and gentler (fuck you Adabear LOL)! There's a big difference between talking shit on a hooker board and REAL WORLD DRAMA. You don't pay enough for that.
But by all means, please continue your sob story.