Originally Posted by OLindsay
Providers response on this over on her review thread.
CmybutterflyRegistered Member*Join Date: Sep 4, 2013Location: TravelerPosts: 2My ECCIE Reviews*He said she said B******TI am sorry that this trash has been polluting the threads.**This is not how I wish to be perceived. I am not only concerned about the safety of my clients I am concerned about the safety of myself. #1 it is unsafe to have any kind interactions with out the use of a condom. This is not the conduct that I practice.I did have a meeting with the gentleman an I am sorry to say is was one of the more negative sessions to date of my short career. As we all know there are situations that do not all end well.*Thank you to the persons who brought this to my attention (growler) and several others. I am glad to know that this is still an industry that looks out for each other instead of one that jumps to conclusions.*Once again sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you all have a wonderful day.*****
Maybe you can move beyond ctrl-c and ctrl-v and be a mentor.
Kind of like Helen Keller did...