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Old 08-26-2013, 11:19 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by kitchenman View Post
Just read "The Fountainhead" and then "Atlas Shrugged"; that will answer your questions.

If not then you are a lost cause and should move back to CA.
If you get your political leanings from Atlas Shrugged then not only do you have the brain power of a five year old but you are atheist too. Are you an atheist kitchenman? Because that is what Ms Rand promoted.
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Old 08-27-2013, 04:26 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
If you get your political leanings from Atlas Shrugged then not only do you have the brain power of a five year old but you are atheist too. Are you an atheist kitchenman? Because that is what Ms Rand promoted.
Does it surprise you that they rely so much on a work of fiction?
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Old 08-27-2013, 09:57 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Does it surprise you that they rely so much on a work of fiction?
You mean "Dreams From My Father"?
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Old 08-27-2013, 11:13 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
Which is good since the Liberal Obama-lovers can't count past one.

What's your number WTF?
That must be why 3x4 is 11. The progressives are missing the one.

I keep forgetting so many people do not understand the concept of forcably taking someones shit is THEFT.

I was a hippie socialist until I grew up and earned my stuff.

Ps. Our insurance premiums from blue cross went up from 500 to 1300 a person. That's just so cool. Fuck you progressives for proving me right again. Can I please be wrong about one of these God awful theories.
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Old 08-27-2013, 11:44 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
That must be why 3x4 is 11. The progressives are missing the one.

I keep forgetting so many people do not understand the concept of forcably taking someones shit is THEFT.

I was a hippie socialist until I grew up and earned my stuff.

Ps. Our insurance premiums from blue cross went up from 500 to 1300 a person. That's just so cool. Fuck you progressives for proving me right again. Can I please be wrong about one of these God awful theories.
Only a five year old would believe that caca...btw adamn near all taxes are taken by force, that includes the taxes to fund wars that progressives are usually aganist. You sit on your hands and say nothing about those. Wonder why??????
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Old 08-27-2013, 11:45 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Does it surprise you that they rely so much on a work of fiction?
They love Atlas Shrugged. ..except the atheism part!
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Old 08-27-2013, 12:13 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
That must be why 3x4 is 11. The progressives are missing the one.

I keep forgetting so many people do not understand the concept of forcably taking someones shit is THEFT.

I was a hippie socialist until I grew up and earned my stuff.

Ps. Our insurance premiums from blue cross went up from 500 to 1300 a person. That's just so cool. Fuck you progressives for proving me right again. Can I please be wrong about one of these God awful theories.
No, you write the law too STEAL from other.
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Old 08-27-2013, 01:15 PM   #23
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I am very tired right now but I'll give it a try. First WTF and the laughing ass bunch, Atlas Shrugged is a work of fiction just like Animal Farm, 1984, Brave New World, and the Fountain Head. They are all taught, including Atlas Shrugged, at the university level in political science. Dr. Brecke of Park Unversity teaches that many political philosophers use fiction to present and promote their ideas. Rand, Orwell, and Huxley have all written "serious, academic" books. Only a shallow, ignorant fool would dismiss any of these books as just mere "fiction". So now we know where WTF stands.

Socialism: I could regale you with some serious academic babble but you said five year old. I must have been a pretty advanced five year old.

Socialism is a economic philosophy and not a political philosophy. That means it deals with money, jobs, business, and people. A man named Karl Marx wrote the most important book on communism and socialism. Marx said that mankind would naturally tend towards socialism and later communism but that is the problem. Marx said it would be a natural progression but it has never happened that way. Socialism had been forced on peoples at gun point and by deceit. Mean people who want to be leaders lie to get into office and slowly try to CHANGE the way that nations do things. Never in the history of the world has natural progression happened. Why?

In a socialist economy everyone owns everything and no one owns anything. Confused? Everyone has the same claim on property as anyone else has. What you have can be taken away to give to someone else (no ownership) and any person can have what you earned (universal ownership). The factory worker has the same claim on the profits of a company as the owner....Okay, there is no owner. That was done away with socialism. Okay, the manager then. That means the person who has to make some hard decision and see the future gets the same compensation (money) as the wrench monkey on the floor. Which gives us two problems with socialism; in all fairness you can't give someone a cell phone until everyone has a cell phone. Not just a cell phone but the same version. If everyone gets the same cell phone (TV, car, house, pet, clothing) then there is no need for innovation or improvement. The society stagnates and falls behind as did the Soviet Union. Nearly all innovation was stolen from capitalist countries like the US. Oops! Socialst countries don't invent anything new, there is no reason when everyone has the same thing, they steal their ideas. The second problem is human nature. You put a half a dozen people working on the same project and one is busting his or her ass to get it done, two are working like normal, and the other three are either coasting or sitting around bullshitting but they all get paid the same. How long before the one person gets tired of carrying the others who loaf? Not too long. They reduce their effort and production falls off. The manager tells the half dozen to pick it up. For a short time production picks up a little but the hardest worker has already lost faith. The good workers begin to have the same problem and production falls again. The manager shows up and has to use threats to get some more output because the managers butt is on the line as well. This brings us to force. That was only six people, imagine six million people.

Force is where it all falls apart. Some people just won't work and others who do work hard eventually quit (go on strike). What happens when a portion of the population won't participate in the great people's republic? Usually they go to jail or get shot. People don't want to go to jail or get shot so they hide what they're doing. The powers that be need to find this out so they start asking questions or pay people to give them information. Before you know it people are working by giving up their fellow citizens who don't want to work for the glorious system. It just gets worse from there. Let me know how it turns out in a few years.
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Old 08-27-2013, 03:14 PM   #24
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From what I gathered reading the link that I posted, in this country and others we have a mix of socialist and capitalistic economies. That there is a sort of balance between them. If there is too much of one or the other it becomes bad for the overall market economy. Anyway, I guess I am the only one that read the posters comments.. apparently some of th comments were from actual economic and polictical professors and graduates..etc. It was a good read and all the comments from the posters shows many still have a hard time grasping basic economics.
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Old 08-27-2013, 03:35 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
The single biggest problem with socialism, communism, or any other similar type of society is Human Nature will sooner or later take over.

People will get sick and tired of working to support someone who won't.
I hope so, because I would get tired of working for someone who got their job through affirmative action/diversity and couldn't be fired.
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Old 08-27-2013, 08:00 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp View Post
From what I gathered reading the link that I posted, in this country and others we have a mix of socialist and capitalistic economies..
Of course we do...our resident Tea Lights are not bright enough to understand what it was you posted. They still rely on Atlas Shrugged as their real world views!

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Old 08-27-2013, 08:02 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
I hope so, because I would get tired of working for someone who got their job through affirmative action/diversity and couldn't be fired.
Maybe one of those Asian chicks will hire you to clean their sheets....show them your green card first!

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Old 08-27-2013, 09:24 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Maybe one of those Asian chicks will hire you to clean their sheets....show them your green card first!

You are just scared of celestials
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Old 08-27-2013, 10:23 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Rand, Orwell, and Huxley have all written "serious, academic" books. Only a shallow, ignorant fool would dismiss any of these books as just mere "fiction". So now we know where WTF stands.

I stand with Rand on the atheism part.

Riddle me this JD, who would be doing the manual labor in Galt’s Gulch?
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Old 08-28-2013, 08:06 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
You mean "Dreams From My Father"?
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