Originally Posted by Lola Bunz
I guess this is how some of you get off by being assholes for no apparent reason.? I was in jail therefore could not pay my phone bill. My other bills are always and will always be paid first off. Second off I can work, model, hobby and do whatever I please since some of you want to be assholes! And some of you females don't have education who are talking all that shit! I'm not even 22 and have my business degree and going back for visual communication and sound engineering. Had scholarships and got asked to walk on for sports. So again why is all this hatred and drama like damn!? It was months ago and like the post clearly stated it was for two guys that were from bp in particular I never told anyone else to fuck off besides the idiots who were being drama filled assholes. Some of you really need to re evaluate yourselves. But I have no worries and my life has always been on a positive path. And if anyone ever wants to talk this shit in person instead of via the internet that day would be awesome for me lol. Well back to work I go and no disrespect to everyone who has been respectful to me. Like some of the people who have common sense tell me... "don't worry about these haters and no lifes on eccie sometimes they have nothing better to do..."
Can't wait to get back to houston and have a great time!!
Love, blessings to all. And to others who can't be helped may God be able to bless you!
Have a good week everyone!
I call BULLSHIT!!! Coming from Corporate America, and having an education, you wouldn't even get a phone interview if your resume looks anything like your posts!! Your grammar sucks, your punctuation is non existent, and you can not seem to conform a simple sentence!
Now, as I stated above.... meltdown (similar to early/mid April) should be promising, because I foresee you repeating history and NCNSing clients, thus having bad things said about you. This being said, I am forced to believe that in in your "Business Education" they forgot to teach you the basics in Business Etiquette and Constructive Criticism.
As for a lecture from you on re evaluating myself.... Bitch Please!!! GTFO!!!
Good luck on your visit to Houston