Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Unlike you I will say it directly; Rance Preibus is an establishment republican that just wants to be elected. Once elected (his people and party) they will send the money to their friends and make motions about fixing problems. He and his clients (Boehner, McDonnell, Cantor) have nothing but distain for the people who got them their power. Instead of standing back and wondering why the Tea Party won't send money or show obvious support they (Preibus) continue to send out more copies of funding requests and disrepectful comments about patriots.
No implication. Rance Preibus only reflects the concerns of the conservative base when it advantages him (and party) or by accident.
Reminds me of a story of a man walking in the wilderness. He is passed by a man on a poorly horse. He asks the horseman for a ride since they are going the same way. In this way the walking man moves down the trail faster than on foot. At a parting of the ways the walking man starts to bad mouth the poor horse and his owner.
This seperates us from Ozombies. FUCH RP & TP, too.