Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you mean liberal Jews like Alan Dershowitz? He is very liberal but in the classic sense. Which means he is in favor of torture to find the ticking bomb, he is in favor of the death penalty, he is in favor of the United States. You have forgot (or never knew) that there is a vast difference between a classic liberal and a neo-liberal/progressive/socialist. Today's classic liberal is very close to a modern conservative.
I have forgotten nothing, so thank you for the useless lecture on the difference between classical liberalism and current left wingers.
However, whenever you or some other right winges on this board criticize liberals, you never make that distinction yourselves, do you? Liberal always means socialist or progressive types. I used the word liberal the same way you do.
And regarding how close classical liberalism is to modern conservatives, do you care to define "modern conservative"? Because religious conservatives and former southern democrats who now call themselves have nothing to do with classical liberalism. Both groups are ruining true "small government" conservatism.
Which group do you fall into?
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Now you should have said that most Jews vote for democrats and that would be true. Then again, most black people vote for democrats even though the democratic party has pretty much destroyed the black family and degraded black culture.
What is the point of this paragraph? I don't see the distinction between voting Democratic and being liberals. I have known lots of Jews in my life. They are much more favorable towards big government and big social spending that your average libertarian or Republican. How is that not liberal?
Another point, Jewish Lawyer is going to Israel and they should know a bit more about Judism than someone who has never left Chicago. Kind of like comparing a typical Kenyan to Barack Obama. They may both come from the same roots but they are very different people.
The US has some huge demographic problem approaching like a freight train. Where are your solutions?
Really? The US has a huge demographic problem? And what might that be, pray tell? I wasn't aware we had one. Explain. Then maybe I can offer a solution to this problem you have identified.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you mean liberal Jews like Alan Dershowitz? He is very liberal but in the classic sense. Which means he is in favor of torture to find the ticking bomb, he is in favor of the death penalty, he is in favor of the United States.
Do you have any idea how heinous that remark is?
Classical liberals (and by implication modern conservatives/libertarians) are in favor of torture? Where do you get that from? Dick Cheney?
I am not in favor of torture because it does not work and the "ticking time bomb" situations are virtually non-existent. And, if you allow legally sanctioned torture then you give degenerates who work for the government legal cover to abuse people. And you will end up with more and more situations that are defined as "ticking time bomb" situations, so that torture becomes widespread. The next thing some idiot is claiming that he had to torture the brother of the girlfriend of bin Laden's driver because he thought the guy MIGHT have information about a terrorist plot that MIGHT involve a bomb.
That is the opposite of what small government conservatives should believe.
And I oppose the death penalty because it is the ultimate GOVERNMENT project. As such, it will be incompetently done. But its damage is irreversible. So, as a conservative I oppose it.