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Old 06-24-2013, 05:12 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates View Post
for those who are wondering Zabrina does have reviews on TER
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Old 06-24-2013, 09:09 PM   #17
Zabrina Sarafina
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Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
What's your answer?
It's complicated

[QUOTE=Feisty Kat;1053227777]
Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina View Post

Do you get treated better, feel more noticed by men? Are men here just better than who you meet out there?
Certain type of men treating me well and talk to me nicely. I have not look at the real world relationship.

Do you enjoy the feeling of being needed, wanted, desired ...like you just don't get in the civvie world?
all the above!

Is there something lacking in your civvie life that this lifestyle helps fulfill?

Or has it just ...become a part of you, who you are, your identity, not something you can just leave

Can't leave at this moment in time. I'm alone and lonely sometime. It's a part of what I have to do but It is not my identity. It doesn't consume and my soul .I got plan for my future. I have been planning.
Did you mean to say you haven't looked at real world relationships? Why is that? You don't think you can find what you need out there? Maybe you need to keep trying if you really desire what you need

Glad to hear you don't treat it as an all consuming part of your life. I never felt that would be healthy for anyone, though some people may want to fake it

It's good have a vision, keep planning - and take slow steps ...you'll get there eventually

Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey View Post

Yes. It's naughty. It's socially unacceptable. It's scandalous. I like that.

I wouldn't say it identifies me. It's more like an extension of me, an option. I love my vanilla life and my work. This is how I spice it up. It's how I misbehave.
It's always been nice to hear from you..

Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
Not to rain on your parade, but has anyone ever reviewed you? You know I love you Zabrina but I'm starting to think this is all a big psychology project/book project.
Yes ...just wrapping things up now Sherlock. It has been a long journey. And I got as much out of it as I could. Unfortunately for further advanced research a site like eccie will no longer be useful, and I will be concentrating on just focused personal field work.

In other words. Take Care. Farewell!

It has been So much fun being here. I truly appreciate all the interaction and the exceedingly kind compliments
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Old 06-24-2013, 10:42 PM   #18
Karyn Lovely
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I have asked myself this question many times before. I do have a life and job outside of this life and it's pretty damn dependable. I don't live off of any of the revenue I generate from my dates. Why I do this is a simple question with a complex answer, all factors being interdependent upon themselves

1) I have a lot going on in my life right now (all good things) and I put my focus into my future. I have tried relationships and even some NSA's but I was just really annoyed with all of the "extras" that I was obliged to do just to get some sex. Bad sex at that. I wanted to find people who would treat me kindly and whose company I genuinely enjoyed being a part of, but when I want to be left alone, I don't want all of that company following me. I have generally learned that people have greater respect for the things they pay for, and this lifestyle is no exception. This hobby satisfies my sexual cravings but also my intimate and intellectual ones as well.

2) Although my schedule is very full, it is also very predictable, and thus, boring. I'm a 20something year old college student, I should be getting sloshed and laid by every guy I can find right? For some reason that's not the case with me. In my personal life I am very cautious, my lifestyle is pretty much dominated by routine and schedules, all very predictable. I'm quiet, go to class, work my job, pay my bills, repeat. In this life I can be the amazing outgoing woman brimming with confidence and oozing sexual energy. Every date is new and unpredictable and I love the feeling of not knowing what's going to happen next. I do enjoy the thrill.

3) I admit, I have a serious daddy complex. Ever since I could remember I have always been attracted to older gentlemen. I was one of those teens (I shamefully admit) who on the weekends would go to the mall dressed in tight clothes and short skirts so older men would look at me. I relished the wandering gazes...Basically easy and willing jailbait. Now, I appreciate the level of maturity, respect, and kindness that (usually) comes with an older gentlemen and it just chanced to happen that many many hobbyists are older gentlemen.

4) I love love love variety. I don't have just one type because how could I when I haven't experienced all that is out there? I love making connections with new people both sexually and mentally. And as time progresses, our connections become stronger and we more easily melt with one another. I have already made up my mind that I would never be a "kept" woman and only belong to one man for the rest of my life. I like different bodies and I want to try them all.

5) The sex is good lol. Great even. I have a high drive. I'm young and have needs just like everyone else and I have to say I've had some pretty hot sessions. Keeps me coming back for more...

6) My education isn't cheap and this is just a delayed benefit of this life, but in 2 years when the time comes for me to start paying back my loans and I'm in that position of just having graduated but with no job, the income that I make now from this will help me in the future. I'm planning on investing a bit of it as well.

7) Finally, I just love giving. Personality wise, I am definitely the pleaser type. When I see a date satisfied, it turns me on, makes me happy, makes me want to do it again. I enjoy exploring new kinks and sexual sides of me that I didn't know I possessed or craved even, and I get to do that through exploring others.

Jesus that was long, there's probably more to it but I'm tired of typing.
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Old 06-25-2013, 04:03 AM   #19
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[QUOTE=Zabrina Sarafina;1053235680]It's complicated

[QUOTE=Feisty Kat;1053227777]

Did you mean to say you haven't looked at real world relationships? Why is that? You don't think you can find what you need out there? Maybe you need to keep trying if you really desire what you need

My real world opportunity to find someone is always open. But to find someone who is truly GENUINE is very complex. I had joined dating site prior to eccie biz but I did not find someone I was hoping to find. I was married for a long time then divorced now for almost 15 yrs. It was a mentally controlling, dictated relationships. So, my experiences from that is my valuable lesson of who I choose to have a relationship next. I keep telling myself that I don't want to start something that I have to say goodbye or end it badly. Yes, it had happened and I don't like those feeling. So, I don't try to find someone at least not at this moment in time. As I still taking care of my family.

Glad to hear you don't treat it as an all consuming part of your life. I never felt that would be healthy for anyone, though some people may want to fake it

I don't spend all of my day taking appointments one after another. I'm also enjoy my hobbies Arts/Crafts. I like this income that I can count on taking care of my expenses and paying off my temporary debts. I'm living in a real world and doing the best that I could as for self. Some people don't realized that and never will. So, I don't think other should be the judge of what i do for a living. I always on my own and manage my own life. It's hard for me to be control by anyone.

It's good have a vision, keep planning - and take slow steps ...you'll get there eventually

Like I said. I've my own plan. But for now I'm just going to do what I have to do until I no longer need to do this.If someday a charming prince step off of his horse and sweep me off my feet and tell me not have to do this anymore and take care of me then that is the ultimate goal. But it's only in my dream.
oh wait! What prince? I was dreaming.
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Old 06-25-2013, 10:21 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina View Post
I guess the most popular story would be you entered the hobby for financial support, then later you got a civvie job/career, or you already had a job and you got into the hobby to supplement your income ...then there's the few who got in the hobby just for the thrills & adventure ...boost your intimate life, explore your sexuality, whatever ...and maybe it's more than just a few, as I am starting to see more & more women loving the power of it and 'owning' it

In any of the cases above, what keeps you hooked? In this lifestyle?

To me it's the thrill of meeting someone new, knowing that before you knock on the door they've been anticipating you all day. That guys worship my body and drown me in compliments and I don't have to pretend to be put off by it as if it was a civilian encounter. I love that my best client relationships are not just about being stuck in a bedroom- but that they strive to put a smile on my face in any way they possibly can. I know making me smile boosts their confidence and creates memories that they will look fondly on for years to come.

If you're not financially dependent, then why are you still here?

I never started escorting for financial needs, I started because I had always been curious about prostitutes in general since I was a young girl. When an opportunity presented itself to what it would be like I jumped at it. When I realized how easy it was and how much I enjoyed it I never looked back.

Do you just love the attention?
Hell yes!

Do you get treated better, feel more noticed by men? Are men here just better than who you meet out there?
I feel I get treated well by my clients because I am what they want and desire. They get my company as a reward to their diligence and determination. Plus guys my age are not as experienced or confident as a man who has been on this earth a few decades longer. Older guys know what they want and are not afraid to take a chance in getting it. They are comfortable with their sexuality and their role in life.

Do you enjoy the feeling of being needed, wanted, desired ...like you just don't get in the civvie world?
I get plenty of attention in the civvie world- but it is not always the attention I desire. That is another positive about being a sex worker, I pick the person I want attention from. Through screening and initial correspondence you get a feel for the person and determine whether you are compatible or not. If they are compatible the attention, affection, an sexual advances are very welcome. I prefer being hit on by my client rather than getting catcalls while walking down the street or guys trying lame pick up lines at the bar.

Is there something lacking in your civvie life that this lifestyle helps fulfill?
I don't think my life is lacking, being an escort just gives me that extra "umph" it's an escape from the monotony that civilian life brings sometimes. It's exciting to know you have a insatiable vixen as a dual personality and you can control when it does or doesn't come out.

Or has it just ...become a part of you, who you are, your identity, not something you can just leave?
I know when I do decide to leave the hobby it will be sad but I will be glad that I have made such awesome friends who have given me so many great memories. But I know that I won't be able to do it forever, but when the time comes for me to stop I will bow out gracefully.

Also Zabrina your threads are awesome and super insightful!
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Old 06-26-2013, 11:03 AM   #21
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Does health insurance factor into this discussion anywhere?

Will The Affordable Health Care Act influence anything in the Hobby world?

There has to be some part of the 1000+ pages of legalese that covers some euphism for PFP .

Tantric Therapy
Stress Reaeafe
Prostate Function Evaluation

I'm sure that there is something . . .it just depends on how you code it.
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Old 06-26-2013, 05:57 PM   #22
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Taint Therapy should be covered.
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Old 06-26-2013, 06:06 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Taint Therapy should be covered.
skręcone świece śmierdzą na wysokim niebie
Twisted candles stink to high heaven - so does taint!
Zabrina - I didn't want you to go - come back to Papa!!
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Old 06-26-2013, 10:03 PM   #24
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For me, being single is a big part of me being here. I could firmly say that if I found what I am looking for in my real life I wouldn't have a reason to be in the business. Like FK said it's really hard to find someone who is willing to court a woman and be genuinely interested in who she is. Everyone is seeking instant gratification. Or looking for the desperate, or is desperate.

I'm treated pretty well in my civilian life, but I'm not one for insecurities. I'm not looking for another daddy. I love being a Companion because I can be a woman. I can feel good about loving, feeling, and letting go without a second thought.
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Old 06-26-2013, 10:47 PM   #25
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Interesting thread
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Old 06-27-2013, 12:04 AM   #26
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My civi job is mentally and emotionally taxing. I deal with death and dying. So for me, the hobby brings balance to my life. The hobby for me is fun...I can laugh, hear happy stories, get an endorphin rush....the pay is just "icing on the cake".
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