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Old 07-22-2010, 11:24 AM   #16
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I'm sorry, but the fact that the op's "non-review" states that he did not see her works against his credibility. He needs to speak up.
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Old 07-22-2010, 12:33 PM   #17
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Sorry to read about a another hassel by another member of this board...
What is wrong with people lately ?And yes again another.."i will ruin your buisness trash talk""
I rarely post,or comment much...But a lady is a lady..NO matter what her chosen profession is...And they are to be treated as such..
No exceptions to that rule...No is no..bottom line...
As to following the Herd..lol..Not me..I make my own choice's based on very few reviewers.
Just saying sorry to read about yet another..episode..

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Old 07-22-2010, 04:06 PM   #18
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The issues are as I see them;
1. He's a piece of shit
2. Don't pull this shit and try to use the board as your support
3. I've recently noticed an increase of new talent leaving as fast as they come. Granted, it's part of this world, but we have to try and prevent these guys from using us and running off potentially "good" providers!
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Old 07-22-2010, 04:07 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by CanDo01 View Post
Shouldn't this thread and his "review" be locked without further discussion until mods/admins get to the bottom of it?
What is it with all this run to the mods BS? If there was one community that wouldn't tolerate censorship, I'd think it would be this one. I'm gonna tell the mods on you. Geez...
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Old 07-22-2010, 04:14 PM   #20
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All posts have value...one way or another...
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Old 07-22-2010, 05:10 PM   #21
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Ashden, sorry this happened to you. people generally believe the first thing they read (to some degree) thus some comments to his vague review. this is why it was good to post your side of the story. now people at least are aware there are two sides. so your good reviews will probably prevail over this one if someone is thinking of seeing you. i notice his handle is showing 0 reviews. i have no idea what his p411 account shows so be careful with people with no or few reviews. there are some good guys here but there's always some bad apples lurking. good luck and stay safe.
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Old 07-22-2010, 06:15 PM   #22
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I hope you don't let this "bad apple" get the best of you. Plenty of us treat the ladies here with respect.

The good news is that you have other good reviews. A comment is posted in the "bad review" that points to this thread. This allows the gents here to make up their own minds on the issue.

Myself... your have earlier good prior reviews, and only one bad review, which seems a response to what he considered an upsell. I think either there was a real disconnect here in terms of communication, or he is a real bad apple.

There seemed to be some issues regarding price. I do run across instances more often than I should, where the lady's stated rate when I get to the appointment do not match what I saw online. This is often due to a website where the rates have not been updated. It might also help to state during your booking communications exactly what the total amount will be for the agreed upon time.

Again, this is not meant to "beat you up", as I don't know exactly what happened. But it does sound as if some level of mis-communication happened.

No matter what, if during the appointment you said, "STOP - You're hurting me!", the guy should immediately stop. I don't care if I was 3 seconds from orgasm, just those words alone would make it impossible for me to continue.

I wish you luck, and just wanted to let you know that treating women poorly is not a trait of the majority of posters on this board.
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Old 07-22-2010, 06:57 PM   #23
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If a hobbyist doesn't treat the ladies right you should post an alert in the ladies power room. Next time he may be worse. Take care.
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Old 07-22-2010, 08:44 PM   #24
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Ashden, i think you should publish dfw_blue's phone number here, if your complain is real, to let all providers know to avoid this guy.
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Old 07-22-2010, 08:52 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Bestman200600 View Post

If a hobbyist doesn't treat the ladies right you should post an alert in the ladies power room. Next time he may be worse. Take care.
No. First off, you aren't supposed to be doing that. Secondly, far too many people are taking one side over the other when they a) weren't there and b) don't have the other person giving their side.

If you read the two seperate stories, they are wildly different. We all have seen how accusations can be made but later turn out to be different than what really happened. It's not fair to anyone to crucify one person without all the facts.

I'm not saying one or the other person lied. There are issues on both sides. It's best to wait and see what other evidence shows up before hanging someone.
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Old 07-22-2010, 09:38 PM   #26
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So sorry to hear what happened......If your remember, I was one of the first to see you when you got into town....we talked quite a bit about the type of guys you might meet in this area. You had already encountered a couple of guys at that time that set off your instinctive radar......you seem to have a very keen sense of who might be a problem....and yes, every now and then, a jerk is going to slip in . Keep using and trusting your "radar",,, use Eccie as a tool, read the guys previous posts and reviews to get a sense of them.......and if it dont seem right...it aint....you have every human right to say no and have it mean no....You are far to smart and sweet of a girl to have this happen to you.....most of the guys on Eccie are gentlemen and would have never pushed it....be careful and keep you head high.....I dont want to see you run away because of the assholes out there,.......
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Old 07-22-2010, 10:42 PM   #27
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Default OK Guys.. my response

First of all... asden.... i will apologize to you again for being a little rough w the DT, and i did ease off... and even apologized during the session.... 2nd.... u are getting two guys nixed up into one... i am DrFeelGood1... not DFW Blue... DFW Blue was the guy that wrote a negative review on you...not me...When u complained to Gina on p411 the next day.. i was shocked and insulted... and this was what i txt you... EXACTLY::::: "OMG.. Did you seriously file a complaint about me on p411? I will not low to your standards... I'm not going to backlash on you on p411 or Eccie... i could easily do that... but i wont..." thoses are the exact words i txt to ashden Wens morning... word for word... I have it saved on my phone to prove it..... there is no statement from me threatening to ruin her reputation whatsoever..... I have proof on my phone... does she... nope... thats lie #1......When i read the review by dfw blue, i simply could not resist to make a simple comment " she went bipolar on me.. nuff said"... perhaps it was a mistake because it led to this bogus barrage of lies about our session.. making me look like a RAPIST? PLEEEEASE.... be careful hun... that is a serious alleghation...... our session was actually good... despite her BS and Lies... i would give her an ok for most guys actually.... but all these lies.... here we go... The DT part... she could do very well... i eased off once she complained , and even apologized later in the session... flip her over to do greek? no.... i asked first, she said ok... but needed to go to her car to get lube... came back w no lube... she said her freind took it... so i said is it still ok for greek? she said yes.. was she crying at all during our session? hell no... did she ever say the word "NO" during the entire session.. hell no.... she took it like a champ actually... i was the one that was huffing and puffing.... when we finished.. i gave many compliments about her reviews, we chi chat for another 15 minutes about the hobbying business.. i give her my pointers to her... i gave her the donation... she DID NOT UPSELL ME.... maybe dfw Blue... but not me... i then handwrote directions to get her home.... does that sound like she ran out on me? OMG..... i feel very insulted... but i am a forgiving guy... I RARELY write neg reviews, even though i experenced my share... now... after alll this.... do i think she is a good session to reccommend to most... believe or not... yes..... but..... is she a major LIAR about or session?....saying no.. stop... flipping over to greek... crying during the session.. running out of house.... all fabrication.... Bottom line.... is she a good session ? yes for most... did she go way overboard w her story? yes... insulting to me and very disturbing... peace ashden... top providers in dallas will vouche for me.... HotMeagan, Delanie, Madison May, Audrina rose, Laylonie, Bently stars, princess ashley... list goes on
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Old 07-22-2010, 10:50 PM   #28
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lets leave this done and over with... i have a good reputation on eccie... i have my facts straight... i have proof on my phone txt... i have the references...... you are a newbie..... nice.. but still lots to learn.... should have talked to me before reporting to p411... dont know what you was thinking... but lets call truce before it gets out of hand... which it already has.....
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Old 07-22-2010, 10:55 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by ashden View Post
i have been rapped before twice in my life and it just felt like it was happening all over again!!

whatever you say...
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Old 07-22-2010, 11:05 PM   #30
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see randy... see how her story changes? she said she did not claim that it was a rape... but compared it to her experences of being raped by 2 guys in past..... read carefully.... i am not trying to ruin you ashden... i am allowed to DEFEND myself w facts..... ive got them..... please dont make up anymore BS... close this thread........ the evidence i think in most peoples mind is in my favor.... end of story.... keep working... but no more lies.... and tell your client that u are upset if anything bothers u... face to face.... avaods all this BS.......
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