okay everyone....I dont see any other providers writing in this post...and im sure they may chime in after my post...but everyone keeps wondering why we are dissapearing and why theyre are problems....this is why..I have been in every aspect of this and, not until now have I ever thought about completely stopping and just putting this all behind me...and its because of this drama there is no reason for drama...the fact a bunch of MEN are getting upset about a few posters that cant keep their unwanted comments to themselves is scary.....you guys being confident about this as well as us is what keeps this spinning....we should all be grown up enough here to realize that its called a mental ignore.... we don't need a button in a computer to ignore someone...just who cares...if someone says something " uncalled for" leave it at that and move on... my personal opinion is that every time something about other posters or like ill say again 'uncalled for" posts are added stop them....close them....no one can comment and start anymore problems....lets just all get along. This is fun lets keep it fun and leave it at that

....and not to mention boys....but have you ever received a text and it starts a conflict because we read into it the wrong way, and don't realize you cant see a persons emotions based on a phone....same concept...some people have a sarcastic personality and some are genuine you can never tell until an in person encounter takes place......please keep the pc guys....before we loose some more amazing providers...