Originally Posted by RedLeg505
This was my concern before I set up a doubles. I don't KNOW what I like specifically about two girls at once, because I've never done it. I'll know what I like when we are in the session and going for it, but I can't say ahead of time "I want this, and then that, and some of that other".
I gotcha. So, ya never had that fantasy? It's one of the most common among men, but I'm sure you have plenty of others, as many of us seem to...LOL. Mine are pretty vivid, but then again, I only know how and what I fantasize about, unless someone shares theirs and then I know theirs too...

BUT...that could be a whole other thread....Tell us Your fantasies, frequencies, etc....LOL
Sharing is Caring.....
EDIT: Disregard....I see you do fantasize about it. That's what I meant about sharing it.....
Have ya ever lived out a fantasy and been disappointed, I have....totally ruined a perfectly good fantasy I had for
years...damn it! LOL