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Old 07-17-2010, 09:40 AM   #16
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I have noticed that it seems you can run almost from half court with the ball I'm not a big fan kit basketball and did not know they changed it or do they let it slide to get better dunk shots out of players or something
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Old 07-17-2010, 10:53 AM   #17
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Great players make the other players around them better! Jordan was the best at it! Kobe has it too! Lebron made his Cleveland teammates better but not good enough 2 take it all! Of course he hasnt had another great player 2 go with him yet! This move 2 Miami is great 4 the NBA as long as LA and Miami make it 2 the finals. Cha Ching!
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Old 07-17-2010, 11:45 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by trey View Post
I have noticed that it seems you can run almost from half court with the ball I'm not a big fan kit basketball and did not know they changed it or do they let it slide to get better dunk shots out of players or something
Obviously you didn't read my post.

Originally Posted by luxury daphne View Post
It's not that the rule on traveling has changed, it's just more lax than it was in Jordan's time. Refs make mistakes, and the fast paced nature of the game makes it hard sometimes to catch traveling, even with all three refs watching. Like LeBron's 'crab dribble'. It's hard to tell if he was still gathering the ball when he stepped off on his pivot foot. Also, they have taken into account the individual player's size and cadence is a determining factor in when a player actually gathers the ball and when they step off. I've never seen a ref let a player take 12 steps; that would be ludicrous.
That rule has never changed

Quote from: http://espn.go.com/blog/truehoop/pos...-fiba-referees
"One outstanding issue is the NBA's choice to prioritize entertainment. That the referees have to carry out their job with extreme care and responsibility goes without saying, but they always have to bear in mind the importance of the show too. This can be appreciated in several instances: one is the traveling violation. In FIBA, officials do not hesitate to call this infraction, the NBA has, in a manner of speaking, a softer approach. This lenient attitude allows for minor infractions committed by the players, especially in spectacular plays. Seeing it from outside, one has the impression that at the beginning of each of the last seasons the officials strictly penalize every traveling violation, but as months go by, they start turning a blind eye on these kind of plays."
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Old 07-17-2010, 12:57 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by luxury daphne View Post
It's not that the rule on traveling has changed, it's just more lax than it was in Jordan's time. Refs make mistakes, and the fast paced nature of the game makes it hard sometimes to catch traveling, even with all three refs watching.... I've never seen a ref let a player take 12 steps; that would be ludicrous. As for hand checking, I think it made the game too easy, all the players move are their feet lol. I know it was meant to open up the flow of the game, but they should've left the restriction at the hand, and not the forearm.

Squeaker? Jordan would blow Kobe away, no matter what era. Combine his leap, his extended shooting range, and his ability to post up, Kobe's ass would be in SERIOUS trouble. Stop playin
As for stats...
12 was a slight exaggeration, but

The refs often let it go, even very blatant situations and not just for stars. Maggette isn't particularly a star and the ref was right there. I'm shocked he actually saw the foul.


As a self avowed Kobe hater, I have to defend Kobe on the stats though. They are a little overrated or at least need to be contextualized. Jordan statistically was helped by the fact he never had a dominant center. He had free run at the basket at any point which helped his shooting percentages. The ball was run through him all the time and he was the primary scorer. With Shaq clogging up the middle for 6 years, Kobe couldn't go into the middle as Jordan could. He was the secondary guy for at least the first 4 years as there was no one in the league on par with Shaq.

Secondly, Jordan did three years in college that Bryant didn't have. Regardless of ones opinion on high school straight to the nba, Jordan's college statistics are very similar to Kobe's first three years. The difference being that Jordan's 17.7 ppg per game in college don't count against his nba total, but Kobe's 14.4ppg in his first three years do.

Jordan would still win out in the current nba, but it would be close.
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Old 07-17-2010, 08:05 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
I *gulp* agree with bintex. Its about the rings...and maybe the Miami scene.

Lebron took 100 million dollars out of the Cleveland's owner's pocket. Good. And I hate Pat Riley.

BTW, the Rockets should get as much value out of Yao as possible.
They should, as much as they pay him. Speaking of the Rockets,while they may not be championship ready, they seem to have a couple of real gems on their team.
Kevin Martin http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/players/3843
Aaron Brooks http://www.nba.com/playerfile/aaron_brooks/index.html
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Old 07-17-2010, 09:41 PM   #21
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I hated when lebron started talking about himself in third person. You can't talk in third person until you win at least one championship.
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Old 07-17-2010, 10:38 PM   #22
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One true sign of narcissism.
"A Lebron James team is never desperate."- Lebron James
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Old 07-17-2010, 11:48 PM   #23
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Jeez, Jordan v Kobe comparisons. I'm old enough to have seen the greatest basketball player of all time..Wilt Chamberlain. Imagine a guy of Shaq's size and strength combined with Olajuwon's speed. Frickin' incredible. Any team he went to was an instant contender. He won a championship in Philly and the next year when he left they set the losing record that has yet to be broken. Led the league in scoring, rebounding, assists and if it would have been a stat at the time, blocks. And he never fouled out. One year played 48.5 minutes per game. The regulation game is 48 minutes.

As for the rules, I've lost respect for the NBA since that ref got busted shaving games. Sacramento Kings should be the NBA champs during the Webber/Christie days and Stern knows it. Magic Johnson was the biggest palmer in history of the game and the Stockton/Malone Jazz were the biggest floppers...just made the game unenjoyable.
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