Going to use your ad as an example. Not picking on you but since you provided it.
Way too much info in your ad girl. And the important stuff is scattered through out the ad. Pics are nice but those are in your showcase. 1 or 2 is enough. Why post the same pics multiple times in your ad? Most of the pics are way too large. We want to see what you look like but dont really need to be that large.
The important info is in the smallest print in the ad using a font that does not have enough contrast and hard to find in the middle of all the pics. Dump most of the pics and place the contact, location info, specials info etc in the largest font in the ad. Put it all together at either the beginning or end of the ad, not in the middle.
I had to use my mouse scroll 5 times to get through your ad. That is 4 times too many.
Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
i always put all the correct info in my ads yet i still get texts and pm's asking me where i am located...
... and everyone knows my ads are long as hell lol. maybe thats why they arent reading it? so guys are offenders of this as well!
not to mention all my reviews have the same location except for my doubles reviews 