Originally Posted by KarynKumming
Has anyone had regular incall clients that didn't take the hint when it was time to leave? I mean someone who just wanted to hang around after their appointment for whatever reason. If so, how did you get rid of them without hurting their feelings?
I know what you mean. Since he is a such a great regular, I gave him a choice between a lowered rate or a generous amount of more time. He picked more time and we set the parameters. Well, he started to stay later and later than the agreed upon time. (I am loosey-goosey with my time, but there is a limit especially since I was so generous to begin with.)
I tried everything: go to the bathroom and return in a robe, yawn (evening appointments), starting to clean up, and talking about how I need to go to sleep. He just kept on hanging around. Finally, very nicely and firmly I told him that he needs to leave within a more reasonable time or he can schedule for a longer time and we could work out the price.
He now leaves within a reasonable time.