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Old 10-06-2012, 02:08 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie View Post
I definitely agree Obama is the best choice. Capitalism is not working, unfortunately. It works for the small percentage of Americans who are very rich, but we need a government who works for all people, in an objective manner.
I thought communism had already been implemented and tried in several countries around the world. The have strong vibrant economies and all the people in those countries receive equal benefits from the government.

But I do like the admission that Obaminable wants to get rid of Capitalism. It has been a challenge for so many Obaminable supporters to come clean with his "plan for America." Now if he would only confess and be straight with the U.S. voters about his "plan for America" and let the U.S. voters know that he believes that Capitalism has not worked in this country and he wants to get rid of it.

And BT, I'm glad you are on board with the idea, too. A real stretch from McGain. That's what living in Austin can do for you, bud.
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Old 10-06-2012, 02:11 AM   #17
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You continue to spout nonsense, LL.

You still sucking cock?
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Old 10-06-2012, 02:22 AM   #18
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Is someone whimpering, or was that a sniffle I heard?
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Old 10-06-2012, 02:35 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Sorry Debbie but you said that Obama and his ilk will help all people in an objective manner...lets look at GE, Solyndra, Fisker, Klingman, SEIU, AFL-CIO, etc. Obama helps only those who help him and screw the rest (the other 99%). Google anyone of them and see how much they got paid. There is a reason why they call it crony capitalism.

As for the original post...fail. Romney attacked what the embassy said and it was an apology. He did not attack the administration. Of course in the long run the embassy is a spokesman for the administration. So your cut and paste writer had a key point wrong. Wrong enough to call fail on them.
Let's get serious about this. Romney refers to corporations as people. He sees no difference. I think there is a very real human difference. A man who thinks only of himself and his profits is not one who should be in charge.
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Old 10-06-2012, 03:25 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie View Post
A man who thinks only of himself and his profits is not one who should be in charge.
I agree. That's why Obaminable should go.

I've seen few Presidents who are as self-centered as Obaminable, and arrogant, too. Ever notice his pose and his strut.

Oh, and as for the "little people" ... that is who worries you isn't it?

"The unemployment rates for teenagers (23.7 percent), blacks (13.4 percent), and Hispanics (9.9 percent) were little changed."

The "teenagers, blacks, and Hispanics" will religiously re-vote for him, because ... "he's doing so much for us" ... blind, mindless consumers of the snake oil ... (and I am not saying for one second that "teenagers, blacks, and Hispanics" are "mindless" in the sense of lacking intelligence .. they are simply enthralled with the notion that a "minority" is in office and through some osmosis they will benefit from that presence ... they ignore the reality that they have not ... at all.

Ever wonder why you don't see a "Miracle Cure" booth at Mall?

You can find them at the flea markets.

"White man's money" got Obaminable into office the "teenagers, blacks, and Hispanics" will continue to vote for him inspite of their lack of improvement.
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Old 10-06-2012, 04:10 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie View Post
Romney refers to corporations as people. He sees no difference.
The lawyer from Harvard doesn't either, btw. Corporations are people.

stockholders, officers, directors, employees, consumers.

Why is Houston usually the last to slide downhill in recessions ...

.... and the 1st to come back?

etc., etc.

Why is business good here for providers?
etc., etc.

It certainly isn't from:
Social Security
Lone Star
Salvation Army
etc. etc.

Debbie, how many folks you see in a week who live on SS?
Or on SSI? or who have a Lone Star card?

I agree with BT ... "you go Deb"!

Incidentally, do you have an "SS" rate? Doctors do.
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Old 10-06-2012, 06:17 AM   #22
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A corporation cannot exist without people.

I am a minority owner of a small business that is a cirporation.
The corporation employs people including myself,m I eran a very modest salary.
In fact my salary is much less than my peers within the same industry.
IF I work hard and do my job AND the corporation makes a profit, I get a bonus based on my contribution and the overall profitab9ility of the company.
As a result there are times I work 7 days a week 12 or more hours a day.

The perception of the hourly employees that work outside of the offic is that we only work a few hours a day, play golf all of the time and in fgeneral do not do enough so they can make a higher wage. That is until we bring one or tow of them in to the office to take a position and they find out just how much work we each take on in order to keep all these people employed and earning a paycheck, and medical insurance,a nd a pension.
All of our workers that take initative and do more than the minimum required to stay employed are also rewarded if the company does well.

The only peole that are taking any risk in this are the owners who place their money on the line to fund the day to day operations until enough money comes in to cover what it cost. Some risk their personl assets in order to get loans to do this in order to have the opportunityto do well. For that, we pay taxes at a higher rate than most. If we leave the profit in the company it is taxed at a rate that is the highest in the workd and then if you take it out as a dividend it is taxed again.

The reality is that this is where the bulk of taxes that are paid to the federal government come from.
When a person like Romney invests money in a company and the company earns a profit, the only way to get that money out is to first have it taxxed as a coprate preofit and then taxed again as a dividend.
Some corporations are set up so that the oners pay the taxes at the individaul rate and little or no money is left in the corporation.

I have given a fairly brief discription of a system of capitalism.
Now please explain how a system of sociaqlism would be better if everybody is the same and there is no incentive to go above and beyond to be successful.
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Old 10-06-2012, 06:47 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
Now please explain how a system of sociaqlism would be better if everybody is the same and there is no incentive to go above and beyond to be successful.
It's not.

Unless one is too lazy to work or too whimpish to invest in their own business ...

...or they are in a "profession" that is "off the income tax grid" ......

.... and they are not paying for those who are too lazy to work or too whimpish to invest in their own business.

Oh, 2D, remember: You didn't create your own business. The government did!
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Old 10-06-2012, 07:30 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie View Post
I definitely agree Obama is the best choice. Capitalism is not working, unfortunately. It works for the small percentage of Americans who are very rich, but we need a government who works for all people, in an objective manner.
Debbie this is so cool.... So do i understand this correctly ? You see( 6 ) clients a day and just for the sake of math you net after expenses $1000.00, Dallas Rain has decided to only see ( 1 ) client a day ( she prefers yoga and tennis ) and sexy Sindy is now only seeing one client ( she has a young child she would prefer to spend time with ) so the FAIR thing to do is you donate the receipts from (2) of your clients to each of them, SO each of you get the same money... They will love it, you each get 333.33.... Now i understand your logic , your mind set... Works for me.... Maybe you can get them to help with condom expense...
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Old 10-06-2012, 08:26 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
So for this country to work for all people, not just the very rich what changes in Government would have to be implamented?
Rid it of Crony Capitalism.

Rid it of vast industrial military complex.

That would be a start.

Originally Posted by steamyromance View Post
Debbie this is so cool.... So do i understand this correctly ? You see( 6 ) clients a day and just for the sake of math you net after expenses $1000.00, Dallas Rain has decided to only see ( 1 ) client a day ( she prefers yoga and tennis ) and sexy Sindy is now only seeing one client ( she has a young child she would prefer to spend time with ) so the FAIR thing to do is you donate the receipts from (2) of your clients to each of them, SO each of you get the same money... They will love it, you each get 333.33.... Now i understand your logic , your mind set... Works for me.... Maybe you can get them to help with condom expense...
You're a asshole.

And problay a Gay Log Republician, Go fuck yourself. Get a dick extension. Goodbye.
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Old 10-06-2012, 10:47 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
More dribbling bullshit-blather from the pile of bullshit AKA Assup!
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Old 10-06-2012, 04:03 PM   #27
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Damn WTF, the dude makes a plausible example of how she thinks things should be and you call him an asshole.
Your liberal ways of resorting to name calling when somebody shows you the reality of your beliefs is leaking out.
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Old 10-06-2012, 05:12 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by steamyromance View Post
Debbie this is so cool.... So do i understand this correctly ? You see( 6 ) clients a day and just for the sake of math you net after expenses $1000.00, Dallas Rain has decided to only see ( 1 ) client a day ( she prefers yoga and tennis ) and sexy Sindy is now only seeing one client ( she has a young child she would prefer to spend time with ) so the FAIR thing to do is you donate the receipts from (2) of your clients to each of them, SO each of you get the same money... They will love it, you each get 333.33.... Now i understand your logic , your mind set... Works for me.... Maybe you can get them to help with condom expense...
Well said Brother. Thank you!
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Old 10-06-2012, 05:26 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
I am self employed, a small business. Why didn't I get a bail out?
Blaze, you come on down to Houston and visit. We like a independent contractor with a great mind and body. Hope to see you soon.

Fuck the Haters.
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Old 10-06-2012, 07:45 PM   #30
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The fact of the matter is, if my corporatin ceases to be, over three hundred people will lose their jobs. Sure some would find work, at another corporation and some may even go into business for them selves and start their own coprporation.
Some will work "off the books" and drop out of the "system" that pays taxes and maybe even collect unemployment at the same time.
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