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Old 07-13-2012, 10:06 PM   #16
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This same topic has been posted over and over and over again.... many of the same olde, inexperienced opinions are posted in reply, declaring how it's simply not possible... yadayadayada.*If some of those people who post absolutes, like "NO" , "never" , "all" , "always" actually knew the ignorance they expose when doing so.... they wouldn't be so eager to publically opine about something they know so little about , personally!

Can a longtime relationship co-exist within The Hobby?
Yes... it has been happening for a long time... it's happening now, as I type... and will continue to forever!

As Mssppislm said. . . "Every relationship is unique, [this] is definitely not for everybody." A successful, sexually open relationship is apparently something that very few people can really grasp and understand. . . I guess that is understandable!

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Old 07-13-2012, 10:43 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by MrGiz View Post
This same topic has been posted over and over and over again.... many of the same olde, inexperienced opinions are posted in reply, declaring how it's simply not possible... yadayadayada.*If some of those people who post absolutes, like "NO" , "never" , "all" , "always" actually knew the ignorance they expose when doing so.... they wouldn't be so eager to publically opine about something they know so little about , personally!

Can a longtime relationship co-exist within The Hobby?
Yes... it has been happening for a long time... it's happening now, as I type... and will continue to forever!

As Mssppislm said. . . "Every relationship is unique, [this] is definitely not for everybody." A successful, sexually open relationship is apparently something that very few people can really grasp and understand. . . I guess that is understandable!
I agree totally MrGiz!!
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:03 PM   #18
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Talking Thank you all for responding

Thank all of y'all, I'm naturally a very curious individual, so I'll be posting my Curious surveys. But as to a few comments made about "free" sex, I would hope that that is not a motivation, but I know it does enter some minds. However, I have never known of anything to be free. Quite frankly, the only reason I would ever want my provider to give a discount or free, would be the inherent ego boost that would come with it.
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Old 07-18-2012, 05:48 AM   #19
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Yes, all relationships are unique in nature even provider/client affairs.

Best to think of it like a song. There are some bad songs, ok songs and some really good songs, but even the greatest songs come to an end. Some leave you wanting more, some make you turn off the radio.
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Old 07-18-2012, 02:09 PM   #20
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I think if a client is secure with themselves and the relationship then yes it can work but if someone in that relationship has issues with security then no it wont work. I tried it but I'm a honest woman and he couldn't handle it. I wouldnt do it again unless I was sure that he could handle that I love my job.
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Old 07-18-2012, 02:56 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by mwebber View Post
Yes, all relationships are unique in nature even provider/client affairs.

Best to think of it like a song. There are some bad songs, ok songs and some really good songs, but even the greatest songs come to an end. Some leave you wanting more, some make you turn off the radio.
I love this!
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Old 07-19-2012, 03:56 PM   #22
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I have known several people in my life in and out of the hobby. And seems just as many non hobby relationships end in disaster as in hobby relationships. Imagine that. We are all people and sometimes we get lucky and find the true love of our life. Who really caers where that happens, in hobby or out of hobby? I know I do not. All I do know is when you find her, grab hold, cherish her, love her, and honor her no matter what. Open communication is the key to any healthy relationship, if my wife is not willing to suck dick, then I need to express my concerns and desires and if she loves me she will want me to be happy, that simple. If I am not into spankings but she insists on it, I have to love her enough to give her what it is she needs to be happy. We as humans tend to take for granted our partners and when that happens, well disaster usually follows. Does not matter whether or not in hobby or out o fhobby, just my .02.
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Old 07-22-2012, 04:39 PM   #23
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I suppose it could happen. I like how Webber put it. I couldn't do this if I was dating someone. It would just feel too wrong for me. Although like any other relationship, it would take some work. I'm in the starting stages of a civie relationship now. It's not official but it may be moving in that direction if she can get passed the fact I don't want to have kids. Time will tell. But I've had friends who's cive relationships did not workout so I don't see how meeting here would be any different in those terms.
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Old 07-22-2012, 08:13 PM   #24
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Can two people here date, fall in love and live happily ever after here, of course. I have been attracted to many ladies over the years that, if that is what I had wanted, I would have made a go at it.

But, if your some guy that knowingly lets his lady fuck other guys for money, your a pimp, plain and simple, no other definition applies.

You'll see a bunch come out and swear that they are not pimps or being pimped, rather they do it for the "open lifestyle", or my favorite, "I just really like the passion and the sex". The one question they can never answer is "why is money required then"? If you really get off on your wife or girlfriend leaving the house to go screw a guy and you are so secure you don't care, then post her up here for FREE, us guys we'll keep her so damn busy you'll stay in a constant state of arousal . But you will NEVER see that, because they are pimps and they like eating off the money their women earn.

In the ladies defense, psychologically, more often than not they actually do believe they are not being pimped out and that their "man" really loves them. That is the sign of a very smart pimp, they are under his complete mental and physical control with only the ability to deny, not rationalize.

Do yourself a favor, if you want to date, join Match.com. I promise it'll still cost you an arm and a leg to get laid
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Old 07-23-2012, 07:03 AM   #25
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That's a rather negative view of life.

Let me ask: since most doctors I know charge for their services, does that mean they can't also have a sincere desire to help people?

Since most teachers get paid, does that mean they can't also care for the future of children?

I think you confuse getting paid with being forced to do that work. If it isn't right for you, that's fine; I suspect it wouldn't work for me either. If a lady is being pushed to work when she would rather not, that's wrong.

But your generalization is wrong. There ARE some ladies who WANT to keep working and the guy doesn't want them to--and that's why the relationship did not go forward. How does that make the guy a pimp? It becomes a very tough decision. I respect that you would decide one way. I made the same choice you did, and that's why I did not marry her. But because of how I felt (feel) about her I assure you it was not an easy decision at all--I am not going to condemn a guy who chooses differently.
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Old 07-23-2012, 03:45 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by MrGiz View Post
This same topic has been posted over and over and over again.... many of the same olde, inexperienced opinions are posted in reply, declaring how it's simply not possible... yadayadayada.*If some of those people who post absolutes, like "NO" , "never" , "all" , "always" actually knew the ignorance they expose when doing so.... they wouldn't be so eager to publically opine about something they know so little about , personally!

Can a longtime relationship co-exist within The Hobby?
Yes... it has been happening for a long time... it's happening now, as I type... and will continue to forever!

As Mssppislm said. . . "Every relationship is unique, [this] is definitely not for everybody." A successful, sexually open relationship is apparently something that very few people can really grasp and understand. . . I guess that is understandable!

There are usually two types of response to these questions

"HELL YEAH IT CAN" from those who currently in such relationship


"RUN FOR YOUR LIFE DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" from those who had those relationships in the past.

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Old 07-23-2012, 04:49 PM   #27
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I have dated several dancers, and it is an unusual feeling to say the least. I have one that wants to get married. I have known her about 10 months, and I might be OK with her dancing because I know she doesn't offer anything, and she makes money because of her looks. LOL I have even seen her kick a guy who touched her onstage.
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Old 07-23-2012, 04:52 PM   #28
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Honestly as long as I am doing this I wouldn't attempt it. I have found myself trying a handful of times and it just don't work the longest lasted 2 months. The problem I found was trying to find enough time intimately with them aside from this to maintain a relationship, I would find myself worn out and just wanting to sleep or catching up on personal errands, they were ok with me doing this at first, but seen what a struggle it was for me to partake in the relationship. Then you have the other type of guy who thinks cause you do this as part of your income its ok for them to dip into a different hole when they want, and they still want to reap the benefit$ of your income cause its the only 1 paying for anything but yet use it against you (after saying they are fine with it).

I just figure as long as this is part of my life then no man can be, not to say some can make it work anything is possible and has been proven this is just my opinion from my own experiences and from my hectic schedule of failing at it.
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Old 07-23-2012, 05:15 PM   #29
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A friend of mine moved in with one of her clients, and they have been living together for 7 years. She still works, too. It is my dream to do the same thing.
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Old 07-23-2012, 05:40 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
That's a rather negative view of life.

Let me ask: since most doctors I know charge for their services, does that mean they can't also have a sincere desire to help people?

Since most teachers get paid, does that mean they can't also care for the future of children?

I think you confuse getting paid with being forced to do that work. If it isn't right for you, that's fine; I suspect it wouldn't work for me either. If a lady is being pushed to work when she would rather not, that's wrong.

But your generalization is wrong. There ARE some ladies who WANT to keep working and the guy doesn't want them to--and that's why the relationship did not go forward. How does that make the guy a pimp? It becomes a very tough decision. I respect that you would decide one way. I made the same choice you did, and that's why I did not marry her. But because of how I felt (feel) about her I assure you it was not an easy decision at all--I am not going to condemn a guy who chooses differently.
First, I never said a provider can't be a caring person, not sure where you got that. In fact, I believe the overwhelmingly majority of ladies are very sweet, caring individuals with all the capabilities to love and to be loved. The fact they charge someone for their services in no way whatsoever negates those qualities whether they are independent or not.
I wouldn't agree with you that I am wrong, rather we probably have differing opinions of what a loving relationship constitutes. To me, if you are in a relationship with someone that WANTS to fuck someone else despite your wishes and you stick around, you are a doormat, not a loved and respected partner.
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