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Old 06-18-2012, 03:25 PM   #16
Tiffani Jameson
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My ECCIE Reviews

Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
All I'm saying is that someone's board persona can be different than their true personality. Some people feel empowered to hide behind a board persona and say outlandish things. These are things that are completely out of line with their real personality. For example, someone may brag about this or that-- come across as very sociable or out-going. In fact this person is more quiet and reserved in person or in one to one communication. In the general sense, they put on a mask for the board community. While in 1 to 1 communication, they take their mask off b/c of the more intimate form of communication. Why? For several reasons. In a 1 on 1 situation, I think most people can sniff out the BS-- especially if there is a long history of communication. Additionally, 1 on 1 usually means their is some sort of relationship based on a certain level of trust/respect. Finally, in a one on one communication, there is much more intent for some type of interaction/give and take which most likely leads to some form a interpersonal transaction. That is what I meant about a truly pathological person. Usually, when two people are interpersonal with each other, they are true to their own personality. Only a pathological person would abuse an interpersonal transaction-- getting what he/she wants with no regard to the other person. Did I make myself clear? Hope so

As for myself, I try to be true to my real personality. There are times I might go over the top and use hyperbole while taking advantage of "hiding behind the keyboard". However, that is a rarity for me. I try to remain true to my personality. When it comes to real life personality and a personality on an escort board, I think we'd all agree that there has to be some type of muting our real life identity. While I try to remain true to my real personality in the forums, I'm also cognizant not to reveal too much information about myself. The more info one puts out, the easier it is for others with malicious intent to connect the dots. So, yeah, my forum/board persona is not necessarily the complete me, but underlying values are the same. Make sense?
Very clear, darling.
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Old 06-18-2012, 08:04 PM   #17
ICU 812
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I would welcom eanything that facilitates the Hobbyist/provider interaction. Our best tool is information on both sides of the H/P equation. The web is world-wide (and so the www) I see the "wave-of-the-future in new ways to access the information on the web.

The OP is on 20 hobby forums? Is there a way to consolodate or combine this rich resource to make the H/P connection easier while protecting both parties? Can there be a grand clearing house forum?

I am an e-idiot (and several other kinds as well) so maybe I'm just chasing Unicorns in the mist . . .
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Old 06-18-2012, 10:07 PM   #18
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The hobby by necessity requires handles and not real life names. So any thing you are told is subject to half truths and lies. The first provider I was with used my inexperience to garner my trust and take me to the cleaners. I have no idea when I will fully trust anyone in the hobby. I have been with a bunch of providers and several I think I can trust. Still never ever think you are dealing with a girlfriend. On ECCIE when you join a thread and you disscuss something you never know if the person is male or female a gentle client or a pimp. It is rumored that some have several handles and you or I will never know who they are. All in all ECCIE is about the only thing that we have. My big concern is trols that will barge into a thread just to stir up shit. There is also the ones that know you will never find out who they are and enjoy being a bully. In another hobby I am in we just ignore them in hopes they will go away.
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Old 06-19-2012, 03:16 AM   #19
Still Looking
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Originally Posted by alluringava View Post
I don't think they're on the decline, but then, it depends on which boards you're talking about. There definitely DOES seem to be a lack of spirited debate on certain boards, and just a lack of intelligent, thought-provoking posts on some of them, particularly my local board where I live. It's dominated by a few mean-spirited people and no one really posts there for my local city anymore. It's sad. So that's why I come here to Eccie and a few other boards where it IS well-moderated, but there's still lively conversation and good questions/conversations going on
And hot chicks, don't forget the hot chicks! LOL
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Old 06-19-2012, 04:56 AM   #20
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I do believe the board personas and real life can be different however the same person is typing behind the screen so no matter how much they claim it isn't them it is. The things being typed still come from their mind. What you do here is still a part of who you are.
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Old 06-19-2012, 06:19 AM   #21
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I love it when people expect real life "rules" to apply here...you people have no idea what the Interwebs is...so I'll say whatever the fuck I want...just sayin'...
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Old 06-19-2012, 06:36 AM   #22
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Hell most of the pictures are not a "true" representation of who that person might actually be. Why would what they say accurately protray who they really might be?
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