Kandy asked...
So why all the hype on making your cock bigger?"
somewhat similar to why some women want to get implants.
if the cock is really small or the breasts are really small, i can see wanting a larger size - for image, confidence, well being, etc.
but, as frank zappa sung, "anything larger than a mouthful is wasted!!"
to me, BIG BOOBS and BIG COCKS are distractions from everything else we have. they say "look here, forget all that other stuff, just look here!"
at least a guy can use his cock for oral, genital, or anal pleasures.
big breasts are limited in what they can do.
at least, that's how i look at things.
Originally Posted by Texas_Seeker
It's an ego thing, IMO. We're taught from bloody puberty on that your penis size is directly proportional to your potency, to your manliness. The bigger you are the better you are in sex, in life, in masculinity.
Utter BS, I know, but still.
i keep reading that line, but none of the guys i know well [family, friends] have said any of that. i sure didnt learn it.
what i heard was - do good, get educated, learn about people, be nice.
and most women i've asked said they really really dont want a 9" or 10" or 12" cock. [see The SOPHIE's post in the other thread]
a cock can only take you so far.
and it can also take you over the cliff - bill clinton, elliot spitzer, the secret service agents & military guys in colombia, etc.